

I shall only partake in this
crazy sport I love, because I love it.
And I will quit when I quit loving it.
I am a representative of this sport.
As such, I will do my part to take
the “ass” out of ambassador.
No matter how goofy
somebody looks, I
shall not mock.
But I will mock myself. Often.
I will show respect to everyone
I see with a wave or smile or nod.
Maybe even all three.
If it’s not returned, I will
not shake my head.
Because I do not know
what’s going on in theirs.
I will be inclusive.
Even of the exclusive.
I will encourage the beginner,
the professional, and everyone
in between.
I will place joy above performance,
use my fingers for peace, not profanity,
and I will focus on the scenery more
than the scene.
I will not be stupid. I understand that cars
are bigger and faster.
But I also know that cars
are not my enemy. Just as I know that I am
not theirs.
Whatever my jersey or bib
may say, I know we’re all on the
same team.
And when I’m suffering the most,
I will remember that this is
not life or death.
Even if it is my life.
