#predator imagines


Ya’Skur x Reader

Warning: SMUT, Minors DO NOT interract. 

Summary:Somehow, you were always at the wrong place at the wrong time. And what seemed to be your demise, turned into your future.

A/N:Once again, this is a Yautja I made up, hope you like it, enjoy. 

A Yautja was a different kind of being.

Although that was rather obvious just by the fact that they were literal aliens, you did notice similarities between them and humans. Sometimes they were small little things that you noticed and other times they were very obvious.

You, a humble little human, who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

You got captured by a Yautja when you accidentally walked right into their fighting grounds.

They took you to their planet as a hostage in a cage, they of course didn’t see you as a worthy opponent, but they did enjoy the fact that you ran away often and they had to chase you back to their home.

You were terrified, you didn’t know what to do. It was about the third time when you ran away and they brought you back that you realized just how bad this truly was.

You thought they might kill you if you don’t have any purpose.

So, running and then having them bring you back was one way of keeping yourself alive. But what kind of a life this truly was?

You lived in a cage. You ate whatever they gave you and all you could do is watch them, trying to understand them.

One day you saw them starting to prepare something. Like someone important was coming. They even washed you and gave you some form of clothing, but you remained in your cage.

And sure enough, someone important arrived. In a huge fancy ship, wearing bones and a different armour. They were bowing to him.

They respected him. You assumed he was some form of a leader. And then it all clicked.

They will give you to him. You could already see him wearing your spine as a belt after he killed you. You sat back in your cage and just watched.

They all ate and after, it was your time to shine. They tied your hands and brought you to the leader. They made you kneel in front of him as they talked. Then he leaned forward, taking a good look at you, your eyes met his but you knew better that to stare.

You were taken away that day, he took you with him. But you weren’t surprised. What surprised you is instead of killing or putting you in a cage, he just locked you into his home. A huge structure with a garden. The entire house was filled with different bones, some you recognized but most, you didn’t. He had servants, not many, and you barely saw them, but he did. And he spent a lot of time with you.

He made you wear a collar, it was made out of bones and leather.

He basically put a leash on you whenever he felt like it, he took you on walks like you were his dog.

And you were, to a certain extent.

Then, as time passed, the leash disappeared. But your collar of bones remained.

You could go with him outside his property, watched the others as they lived their lives. And that is how you began to see the similarities.

The women and children had very similar roles as humans back in the ancient times. They were respected, yes. Men were the hunters, collectors and providers. Everyone had their own role. Every one of them without a doubt.

Some went hunting for food, some went hunting for fun, some remained with the clan to keep them safe, some trained the others. It was like a perfect society.

You felt truly privileged to see all this. They were incredibly smart and advanced, but their core values were the same to humans.

They respected their families and did everything in their power to keep them safe.

You even saw their courting techniques. Instead of flowers and dates, males proved their worth in combat.

Their children were loved by their parents. You assumed men wouldn’t even care, but they sure did. They cherished their little ones.

One day, you were sitting in the gardens, enjoying the sun on your skin when you saw him get closer, you remember his name is Ya’skur. He come over and placed a small skull in your hands, a skull similar to a cat’s.

You smiled. “Next time, keep the kitten alive. Why are you giving me this?” you asked as you saw him getting closer and sitting down next to you.

Then you realized, he was courting.

Sadly no one wrote a book titled “What to do When a Yautja is Courting You” so you were on your own.

You were so unsure but Ya’skur was a true leader and he wasn’t afraid to lead you as well. He made you lose the collar, but you still kept it in your room. Also, you were given a proper and big room, which you were surprised to see, was actually his.

Yautja were similar to humans.

Ya’skur was similar to a human male.

He was possessive, protective and horny.

All he needed is your permission and he made sure you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day. Even if you were rather scared when you realized for the first time that he wanted to have sex with you, you would be lying if you said that there wasn’t something about the way it also intrigued you.

Yautja were similar to humans.

Ya’skur was similar to a human male, even his anatomy. He didn’t have balls like a man does, but he does have a dick. A long, thick cock that made you wet even just by the sight of it. You tried to remind yourself that this was a literal alien species, he could easily kill you with one movement, but your mind wasn’t focusing on those facts.

Your mind was filled with the pleasure he gave you. He did claw you a couple times, leaving cuts and bruises, but you knew that just like you, he also needed to learn.

And learning you both did.

You learned that he was so dominant, he didn’t even give you the chance not even once to be on top. You learned that he was in the mood any time and anywhere. You learned that he was not afraid from others seeing him, but he never let anyone see you. Shielding and protecting you was his priority.

And you weren’t sure why. Was it love? Could they fall in love? And more importantly, were you in love? Or were you just doing it to keep yourself alive?

He also learned, he learned that you were very sensitive and easy to break. One time he wanted to know where your limit is and he was shocked to see how fragile you were compared to him. But he learned and he knows what he is allowed to do.

You were his female. You slept in the same bed as him, you always laid your head on his chest, listening to his weird heart beat, that somehow overtime calmed you more and more.

One day, you were around in the gardens, at your usual place while Ya’skur was out hunting on a different planet.

You then heard a noise behind you in the bushes.

Then the noise turned into a small clicking noise, just like Ya’skur was doing every time he spoke. And soon enough, you found a little one, crying in the bushes, he was covered by leaves, left there to die. You looked around to see if maybe this was all a trap, but no one was there.

You dusted him off and you soon noticed why he was left out there in the wild. He was missing his two top mendibles. You assumed his parents didn’t like that he was born deformed so they left him to die.

His cries clenched your heart. Poor little guy.

“It’s okay.” You said as you pulled him close to your chest and walked back to your home. “Let’s get you something to eat.”

Thankfully you had a female in the house who usually looked after the food so she showed you what to feed the little one.

You often watched as he slept. You thought Yautja didn’t throw away their children. They weren’t like Spartans, they were a very accepting species who gave a chance to every member no matter how small or big they were.

Sure, Aidi might have had parents who thought differently. But no one ever looked for him. After finding him, you went out every day to the same spot to see if his parents would come, but no one came or looked for him.

A week passed, and you weren’t sure still why you wanted to keep him so badly. The female in the kitchen did help you a lot, even helped you pick a name.

Aidi. You decided, and hoped it didn’t mean something wrong.

Aidi adored you, like any baby would their mother. He liked to grab your clothes and not let go for hours, making you carry him with you wherever you went. You assumed this could be because he was alone in the woods, who knows how long.

But you swore to keep him safe and raise him as your own, even if Ya’skur wouldn’t like the idea. But you needed to wait and see once he was home.

Aidi and you bonded every day. To the point where you didn’t even put him down for a second. He was a very clingy baby. He liked to sleep on your chest. He liked whenever you fed him and lulled him to sleep after. He was clingy but quiet.

You liked to have him in the same bed with you. Made you less lonely while Ya’skur was out hunting who knows what.

Once again, you were sleeping in your comfortable fur bed with Aidi by your side, his little clawed hand holding yours when you heard a noise. The familiar footsteps soon reached the bedroom but you didn’t move, you knew who it was the unmistakable noise of bones on his body making a noise as he moved, you didn’t need to open your eyes to see him.

All you did was move your son closer to you so the adult Yautja could lay down, but he didn’t he seemed to have stopped as he reached the bed.

He knew you were not able to get pregnant from him. He knew that. But then why did you have a little one in your bed?

You opened your eyes to see him standing there, you moved to grab him, you were too tired, and you pulled him.

“Sleep.” You simply said. And he recognized that word before. But instead of moving he pointed at the baby. “I found him.” You simply said, a little more awake now. “I decided to keep him.”

You could tell that Ya’skur was not sure as he hesitated for a moment. You feared he would reject Aidi and you would have to leave him.

“Please.” You said as a last attempt and you didn’t know why you were begging. To have him accept your decision or not to hurt the little one?


In the end, he laid down with you, grabbing Aidi from your hands as he placed him on his other side while he pulled you close as well.

At that moment, you knew he accepted him, or at least he will try to. So, you pulled your blanket furs up and fell right back to sleep.

Excited for a future with your son and husband. You found a family in the most unexpected place.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs​​​​




Ya'jaur x Reader

Words: 2200

Warnings: Smut, predator x human relationship, alien pregnancy. If you don’t like these, please don’t proceed, also minors DO NOT interact!

Summary: Every clan leader Yautja was an extremely powerful one. They had to lead the clan, show the way to grow and rule. Some used that power and respect to do horrible things, others never broke the code.

A/N: The above picture is NOT mine! Full credit goes to the owner, it just inspired me to write and create Ya'jaur as a character!

Ya'jaur was a great leader, he brought in new traditions during his long life. Even long before you knew about them, he had already been a leader.

And just as other yautja, he kept trophies. Skulls of their enemies. But Ya'jaur was different, he kept a trophy no other yautja ever, he kept you.

He kept you alive, at the time you thought it was to punish you, took you years to realize why he kept you.

Ya'jaur was big, scary, spikey and rough. Every time he was in the same room as you, you could swear he could kill you in a simple motion if he wanted to.

But he never did.

During your first week, or what you assumed to be a week, you tried to escape, run and leave, but you were never able to. It always ended up with him dragging you back to his home. Often with minor injuries due to the traps around the clan’s home.

And once you realized there was no use in running, you just wanted him to kill you. Finish your suffering and just kill you. But no matter how much you tried, how angry you made him, he never once hurt you.

What he usually did when he wanted to teach you a lesson, you wouldn’t see him for days. Well, days on that planet were confusing. But you didn’t see him for longer periods of time. And again, at that time you didn’t even know that was a form of punishment.

The first thing you realized, finally something you understood was when three of them came in, made you wear this crazy leather and bone necklace-like thing and brought you outside.

As you looked around, you quickly realized what this was. It was a wedding.

All members of the clan gathered, everyone just looking at you and Ya'jaur.

You didn’t understand their language, but the signs were clean.

You were about to get married to Ya'jaur.

But you knew better than to run. So, all you did was stand there and behaved. You wondered what this meant. Why did he marry you, did he choose you? You wondered if now you had some kind of authority, wouldn’t they be angry that a primitive being like you is the one chosen by their leader?

And why did everyone look so happy? Well, as happy as their mandibles and face structures allowed.

By the end of the day, you were the clan leader’s wife. 

Years passed.

But you never aged.

You weren’t sure if it was the climate or the food they gave you.

But you just stopped ageing.

Your husband, mate Ya'jaur and you lived what you assumed a normal yautja life.

You slowly learned a couple of words, you knew his name, you knew that he understood you a little as well.

And he was no longer rough.

Ya'jaur took good care of you. Always make sure you were comfortable before he did anything. Let that be sleeping in the same bed, eating or even sex.

Sex for them was almost the same. He dominated you every time, never allowing you to take the lead. But he knew your limits. He knew how to push your boundaries and please you. It made you think if he had done some research or not.

After the many years you spent with the yautja, you learned a lot about their culture. And you knew you never wanted to go back to Earth. You were happy there.

With your mate, Ya'jaur.

You were the clan leader’s wife, which meant almost nothing. You were there just to be pretty and put on the leather-bone collars or dresses they made for you. It was their way of showing their loyalty, giving the leader’s mate gifts and seeing her wear them filled the yautja with great pride.

Took you a long time but you realized just how much you cared for them.

But most importantly you cared for Ya'jaur. Every time he left for a hunt, he would come to you, say his goodbye and you knew it meant he might not come back. But he always did. Every single time.

Yes, there were times when he came back with injuries, minor or major, you were always by his side.

Over the years, you learned to love this creature. Even if you couldn’t give him an heir, you two cared deeply for each other.

One day, you sat around the fire with everyone, they were chatting, you assumed sharing stories of their hunts, you understood words like, prey, run and hide.

You watched as the young ones played around behind them.

Then a female came over to you, you forgot her name but you have seen her. Her belly was huge, you knew she was about to give birth, and she did. She came over and handed you his youngest one.

This was almost like a ritual to them. They needed your approval to accept the newest addition. You, unfortunately, made the mistake of not understanding it before and you lost a little one. You never forgive yourself for that.

So, when she handed you her little one, you took the chance and watched it. Small mandibles, at least the younger versions didn’t look as angry as the grow-ups, they were cute if you were honest. It started reaching out to you, you smiled and nodded at her. Giving your approval for a strong new member. She nodded and took her child back.

These interactions were normal. But lately, they made you realize what you cannot have or give.

You didn’t know that Ya'jaur watched you closely during this interaction.

Every night you slept by his side. He liked to keep you close. You knew in his eyes you were a weak human, but there was something about the way he held you.

It made you feel a kind of safety you knew no one could ever provide for you. You started running your hands, up and down his side, finding his scars. From many, you healed him or rather helped him heal.

Ya'jaur healed very quickly, his species did too.

After the event at the fire, everyone headed back to their homes. You did too, following your mate as he walked in front of you.

You looked up at the sky, seeing the other planets and the four moons.

How can you call this place home?

Easy, because he was here.

Once you were back, you took a quick bath before joining him in bed, he was laying there, looking at the ceiling, as if he was in deep thought. You knew him by now, even if you didn’t understand what he was saying, you knew his behaviour.

“Something’s troubling you.” You said. He moved his head, looking at you, eyes boring into you. You undid your robe, opening it to reveal your naked body. “Do you want to?” you asked and he moved, but instead of pulling you to the bed as he usually did, he closed your robe back up and laid back on the bed, pulling you to his chest to sleep.

This never happened before. He was always down for a good time. Something must trouble him very badly. You wanted to help, but you didn’t understand him, all you could do was let him hold you.

The next day, your mate took you to the healer yautja. You have seen him before when you got sick. They talked for a long amount of time, you didn’t understand a single word. They both kept on looking at you and talking more.

Then Ya'jaur looked at you, and he looked, hopeful? Happy? For someone who cannot express themselves much, his eyes were a dead giveaway.

“What?” you asked but then the healer came back with a syringe in hand. “Umm.” You pulled away. “Why?” you tried to keep your communication to the minimum so Ya'jaur would understand. He then said one word. One that you understood perfectly and the best translation of that word is,


You looked at him shocked.

“What?” Just as the healer was about to give you the shot, you pulled away. “I don’t want it! Just because I looked at the little one? What is that anyway?”

“Strong. For baby.” He said. Oh.

“Oh.” Then you just let it happen. Ya'jaur hoped to get you strong so he can get you pregnant? So you could carry his child?

You couldn’t say no to that. Even if you had your doubts.

Ya'jaur did not hesitate. Getting right to the point as if it was his mission to get you pregnant.

It was strange because he never behaved like this, he never went to the healer to give you something so you could carry a young one.

You didn’t complain though, you would be a liar if you said you didn’t think about it. Getting pregnant was something you really wanted to, you wanted to be a mother, you were just not sure how.

And now here he was.

Ramming into you like an animal in heat, pounding you to the max, filling you and making sure his seed took.

And it did. Really soon it did.

You were pregnant in a short time. You expected this pregnancy to be a strange one. Carrying something in your womb that was half-alien, might be a danger. Ya'jaur took you to the healers often. And as your belly grew, so did his protectiveness.

He didn’t let anyone close to you, he didn’t leave for hunts.

Which was a bit strange since from what you saw yautja didn’t really behave differently around their pregnant females. Males had different roles during and after pregnancy. Their role was mainly nothing. But there was your mate, caring for you, bathing with you, carrying you, bringing you food that you liked.

You feared giving birth. You didn’t know what might happen. Could a baby half yautja half-human survive? Could you survive?

Often late at night you laid in your bed and just feared these things, even when he joined you, one clawed hand on your belly, other holding you close, not even that helped to ease your mind.

But you should have known better than to believe your mate wouldn’t do something, anything to help you and ease your mind.

What he did was amazing, the day you went into labour, it was as if he knew that was happening. He didn’t leave your side.

And with their advanced medicine, you were in pain, yes, but not nearly as much as you should have.

And you gave birth.

To others, humans, this was a monster, but to you, your son. Who looked just like his father. Your little warrior.

Later that day, you were brought to the baths. You enjoyed the hot springs very much. From what you assumed, this was a place they all brought their new-borns. You smiled as you walked around in the warm water holding your son.

You talked to him, although he was barely even born. The warm water did help a lot with your abdominal pain.

“I love you more than anything. More than anyone I ever have. You mean the world to me. I’d die before I let anyone lay a single finger on you.” He had your eyes as he looked at you, you just noticed, it made you tear up a little. “You know Little One, you’ll need a name. A name worthy of a special little thing like you.”

“Ah'kei” you heard behind you. This is when you noticed your mate joined you in the water. “Name, Ah'kei”

“Ah'kei” you repeated and you actually liked it. “Perfect.”

You felt Ya'jaur move his arms around you as he pulled you close to himself in the water. You were at ease. Complete bliss. Happiness.

How you went from a trophy to a wife and now a mother it was beyond you.

Your memory hid all the horrible things, only remembering the good. You spent a long time here and you plan on staying a lot longer.

You had a family now, a son and your mate. A completely different life.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​




Wolf x Reader

Warnings: Mention of Smut 

Words: 1580

Summary:You never fit in, not in school, not at work. You were sure something was wrong with you. When you moved to Colorado, you hoped things would change, and to a degree they did, but as you grew up, you were still not fitting in. You didn’t know what to do, until one evening when all hell broke loose. 

Every time he arrived home from a hunt he was never sure what to expect.

After all, he forced you to go with him.

You were his. His mate and so, he intended to keep you safe. His clan took you in, but you never felt welcomed. How could you? You were so different after all.

You didn’t know anything about them. You didn’t speak their language, you didn’t know their culture.

But then, how did you get there?

You lived in a small village with your family. You lived a quiet life, you never spoke when you didn’t have to, you tried to avoid people as best as you could.

You never understood why couldn’t they just leave you alone, you didn’t want to go to parties, meetings, dates. You didn’t want to be social. You didn’t want a boyfriend or girlfriend. They always held parties, but you never went, you knew it was all for show, they didn’t like each other, you heard them talking about behind their backs.

You hated them.

Then you heard stories, people starting to disappear or die in brutal and gruesome ways.

The little calm town was shaken. People ran away, hoping to find a place to live peacefully once again.

Then you saw them.

Like parasites. Black things. Multiple of them.

But there was this other thing, it walked on two legs, had armour on and made a clicking sound. It was hunting those things, that was clear.

Then you heard about the bomb they wanted to drop.

But you didn’t run. Why would you? To restart your pathetic life? No, you decided you’ll go out and at least kill one of those things before this whole town is dust.

And you did, you killed two. Two smaller ones but still, two.

They had acidic blood, that you quickly learned when one sprayed a car and the car almost fully dissolve.

Then you arrived at the industrial site in hopes to kill more, but you walked into a scene you shouldn’t have.

It was the hunter and one of those black aliens, but this one was different. It was bigger and somehow it looked like the hunter in a way.

You took a deep breath before you started firing the gun you found by a dead cop.

It was like it didn’t even hurt the huge thing, as it started to attack you but the hunter stopped it  from getting you.

The two of you killed the thing before the bobs dropped and he gave you a ride before your inevitable death.

You studied this hunter.

One of his mandibles missing, and his head scared, he looked like someone who has been splashed with acid. You assumed from those creatures.

But instead of taking you to another city, he took you with himself, back to his home.

And you have been living there, for who knows how long.

You quickly learned that the Predator who saved you was going to keep you. At first you thought you will be his pet, or slave. But no, you were surprised whenever he treated you with respect.

He often went on hunts, whenever his machine beeped you knew he would leave.

Whenever he was injured, his spirit never broke.

He only stayed in bed a day before he returned to his usual things like training.

You wished he would have stayed low a bit more. To fully recover, but you suspect his species did heal a lot quicker.

He was so different form you.

And yes, you knew it was a guy or rather a man. He often made you take baths with him. You have seen it.

Now, when someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, the mate of an alien species was not the first thing that came to your mind.

But you weren’t complaining.

He took good care of you. Fed you food you liked, kept you warm at nights and never hurt you.

You never left the comfort of his home. Ever. You knew better than to go out on a planet you didn’t know. You only looked at the others from the place he usually put his ship at.

You never intervened, stayed low and quiet. Only spoke to him but you had your doubts he understood. What he understands was your body language. He read that amazingly. He knew what you needed and when. He knew before you did when you were hungry, tired.

For being such a brutal hunter, he was really kind to you.

He always held you close, he didn’t like when you were further from him, he liked to touch your skin, you assumed because it was so soft compared to his kind.

Strangely, you were never afraid of him, not back on Earth not here. He never gave you a reason to.

Yes, being on an alien planet was scary, but there was something about him something that calmed you, made you feel safe and secure.

Like you were in the warmest, calmest place.

And you loved it.

You loved him.

It took you a long time to realize, at first you were weirded out by it. Thinking how could you love an alien? How? And why?

And soon, your answer to that question became Why not? How could you not?

He was better to you than the entire human race ever.

Not even your own parents made you feel this… loved.

How could you be in love with a being you didn’t even understand?

You understood his behaviour. It took you time, but you learned everything about him. You learned his schedule, what he liked and what he didn’t.

You learned that there were certain Predators he preferred to spend time with. There was one he hid you from. Every time the other male came over, your mate made sure you were in a different room.

He didn’t hide you from others though. You were free to roam.

You learned that although they were smarter than humans, they were also really simple. At least your mate was.

You named him Wolf, since he preferred to be alone and away from the others, a lone wolf.

Your lone wolf.

You also learned how his kind took women by their side. There were couples, if you can call them that, who only had physical relationship and then there were the mates. Couples who stayed together and had offsprings.

You weren’t even sure if your DNA was compatible with his. But you would have gotten pregnant right?

You did have sex with him before.

Many times.

Especially after his hunts.

It was like a price for him. Arriving home with a new head, skulls and other things. He often gave you small gifts, you assumed they were to prove that he was a worthy male.

You always smiled and accepted his gifts, they were usually necklaces made of bones. Bones of who knows what.

But they were a sign of his affection.

Who would think a brutal creature could be affectionate? Well, affectionate in his own way.

You liked his gifts, it always made you realize that it was something he made, not bought.

One late evening you laid in bed. Their seasons were different but you got used to them. What you called winter was only a month or so, but it was usually extremely cold. You have seen a couple of them freeze to death. Thankfully, you had big warm furs to keep you warm and comfortable.

The only thing you were missing was Wolf.

Besides him missing you were completely fine. He went out earlier that day, wearing a big coat, you assumed for meat, since your stack was lacking a bit.

But he was yet to arrive back and you missed him.

Sure, he was often gone for days, weeks even, but the cold made you realize just how much you were relying on him.

You fell asleep and only woke up when you were cold, you noticed the fur moved off of you in your sleep, so you adjusted yourself on the bed and just as you were about to fall asleep again, you heard the familiar noise of a door opening and closing, clicking sounds erupted the place and you slowly sat up to see Wolf entering with meat in his hands, he put those into the cooling machine.

“Welcome back,” you said as you pulled the fur further up on your chest to keep you warm. He only clicked before he took off his armour and joined you in bed.

He pulled you close before the usual comfortable silence took over.

“I missed you.” You told him. You were never fully sure if he understood you or not, sometimes you were confident he did, but other times you were sure he had no clue.

It was strange.

But just as you said that he pulled you closer, you put your head on his chest and your arm over his stomach.

He was a lot bigger than you, during these times you were glad. He was warm, inviting and kind.

You soon fell asleep.

This was your life now, a mate to a yautja.

A/N:I’m only testing the waters with this one. Let me know if you liked it and I’ll post some more, I already have one in the making for Scar.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​


