#pregnant pred

A commission for ph0220. It’s another Prednant Judy story! Yay! This one takes place right aft

A commission for ph0220. It’s another Prednant Judy story! Yay! This one takes place right after “Indulging Aftermath,” and I mean rightafter.

Loose Ends

“Alright, here we go. One… two… three!

Judy braced her hand against the door and pushed hard with the foot she had managed to get up onto the lip of metal. Nick had his arms wrapped around her belly, and Finnick was perched underneath it, and between the three of them, they were able to heave Judy’s huge gut into the back of Finnick’s van.

Judy, of course, followed with it, almost stumbling, but Nick was right alongside her, helping her keep her balance. Nick took her hand and helped lower her into a sitting position.

“There,” Finnick said, clapping his hands together in a swiping motion. “Now you get all settled, and I’ll have you home in a jiff.”

“Thanks again for this, Finnick,” Nick said. “I owe you one.”

“Hey, just don’t eat me and we’re good.”

Judy answered that with a grin. “Just so long as you don’t tell anyone about this.”

Finnick looked at her for a good couple of seconds before looking back to Nick. “Has anyone told you that your girlfriend is scary?” Then he shut the back door and starting making his way back to the front of the van so he could climb up into the driver’s seat.

Judy looked across the van at Nick, who had also sat down cross-legged on the bed of the vehicle. “Was this all really necessary?” She asked. “I mean, we had to tell Finnick about…”

“We can trust Finnick,” Nick said. “And yeah. I know our place is only a block away, but it’s still better if we minimize the chances of anyone seeing you… you know… like this.”

“Y-yeah.” Judy couldn’t argue. Her stomach was absolutely enormous, and it continued to writhe and kick. The occasional muffled sob or plea could be heard from inside, though Judy couldn’t make out any words.

“So… what happened?” Nick asked. “I mean, I’ve never seen you eat anything bigger than a mouse! I was really surprised when you called to tell me that you had eaten a bunny.

Judy sighed. “I… I don’t know. I saw this bunny on the train – the same one I told you about before? The one that first made me start having the cravings?”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“And the kits just… wanted her,” Judy continued, “and she gave me her seat and started talking to me. Then she asked if she could walk me home, and I led her into the alley and…”

“And you pounced.” Nick said, a small smirk on his face.

“Uh-huh. I don’t know what came over me, but before I knew it I was cramming her down my throat. It was… it was easier than I expected,” Judy admitted. “I mean, it wasn’t easy, I actually got stuck on her hips for a bit, but it didn’t take that long before she was in my stomach.”

“And?” Nick gestured with one hand. “How do you feel?”

“Bloated. Like I ate way too much. But also…” Judy felt her cheeks flush. “I… I feel great. And I feel terrible. I ate a bunny, Nick! I can’t believe it! She was struggling and screaming, and I still shoved her down my throat. I’m the predator my parents warned me and my sisters about.” She swallowed hard. “Are you mad?”

“Mad?” Nick moved forward, rolling onto his hands and knees. He leaned over Judy’s massive belly, bracing himself against it with one hand, as he brought his muzzles to hers in a kiss. “I’m proud of you, carrots. This is impressive. I’ve never heard of a bunny eating another bunny. Of course if anyone could do it, it’d be you. Besides…” He gives her belly a squeeze with his paw, eliciting a round of squirms. “I mentioned on the phone, but… this is kind of hot.”

Judy’s face flushed even brighter, but before she could answer, Finnick growled from the front seat. “Alright, you two lovebirds, if you’re gonna act gross wait until you get home. Speaking of which, we’re here.” The van slowed to a stop in front of Nick and Judy’s apartment.

Maneuvering into the apartment building was tricky, but doable. Nick scouted ahead first, and they used a blanked to cover Judy’s stomach – someone who didn’t look too hard might think the pair were carrying something between them other than a huge bunny gut. They managed to make their way into the building and back to their place without being noticed.

“I can’t believe that worked,” Judy said as she settled onto the couch, happy to finally have somewhere soft to sit. The front door of the apartment opened directly into the “living room” area, so at least it wasn’t a long walk.

Nick finished thanking Finnick again before shutting the door. “The trick is to pretend nothing’s wrong. Confidence is the key. No one will look twice at you if you’re not acting shifty.”

“Well, I suppose you would be the expert,” Judy said.

Nick laughed, then raised an eyebrow. “You sure you’re okay? Like, physically. Nothing broken?”

Judy shook her head. “Yeah. I mean, yes, I’m okay. Everything seems to have stretched fine. Like I said, I feel really bloated, maybe a bit gassy, but nothing feels painful or wrong.”

“That’s great,” Nick said, letting out a sigh of relief. “Because the last thing I want is…”

Knock knock knock.

Judy watched Nick nearly jump out of his fur at the sound.

“Wh-who do you think that is?” Judy asked.

Nick took a deep breath. “Probably just a solicitor. Just… stay there, okay?” He straightened his shirt and went back to the door.

Nick turned the knob and opened the door just a crack, making sure to position himself in front of it so whoever was on the other side could see in. “Can I help you?”

“Um, hi.” The voice on the other side of the door surprised Judy – it was high-pitched and female, and seemed vaguely familiar.

“Look, we’re not buying Bunny Scout cookies,” Nick said. “If you could…”

“No! Um, no, it’s not that. It’s just…” A small moment of hesitation. “It’s just, I was here in the city to meet my sister, and I swear I saw her walk into an alley with another bunny.”

Judy’s heart skipped a beat. They’d been seen after all!

“I assumed she just walked through and was on the other side, but when I went around the building she wasn’t there. So I went back to the alley and I saw this van leaving, and I, um, kind of followed you. I saw you and that other bunny come in here.”

Judy swore. What the hell were the going to do now!? How could they possibly talk their way out of this!?

“Y-you’re those cops, right? The famous ones? Did you see where she went?” The voice asked.

Judy heard Nick sigh, and she could see his tail swish back and forth. “Actually, miss, we’ve got your sister right in here. Would you mind coming in?”

What? Why was Nick inviting her in!?

Nick stepped aside to let their guest into the apartment, and Nick shut the door behind her – and locked it.

Oh. That was why.

The bunny looks very similar to the one currently squirming in Judy’s stomach. Not exactly the same – she was a little more petite, and a bit more busty. If Judy had to guess, she probably was from the next litter younger.

The bunny had a smile on her face as she walked into the room – until her eyes fell on Judy. “W-wha…?”

Nick came up behind the bunny and pushed her.

She stumbled forward in surprise, right into Judy. She caught herself on Judy’s stomach, then looked down at the shifting orb beneath her hands, heard the muffled cries from inside. Her eyes widened in horror.

“Oh… it… it can’t be…!”

Her weight pressing against Judy’s belly had shifted something. She felt a rumble start deep in her body before moving up towards her throat.

The bunny looked up at Judy’s face, their noses just inches apart, right as it happened.


The belch was loud, long, and messy. The bunny wrinkled her nose, tears forming in her as she squinted against the hot breath washing over her. She cringed backwards – and bumped right into Nick’s abdomen, now bare, as he had slipped off his shirt and tossed it aside.

Nick’s hands came down on the surprised bunny’s shoulders.

“Nice one, Carrots,” he said. “Now, just give me a second to tie up this loose end.”

“L-Loose end!?” The bunny swallowed hard. “Y-you can’t m-mean that… mmmph! Mmmrmpph!”

Judy watched as the bunny’s paws were lifted into the air and her head disappeared into Nick’s throat. The bunny screamed and squirmed, but she couldn’t stop the larger, stronger fox from gobbling her up, pushing her small figure into his mouth and throat, his teeth handlng her body on the way down. Soon her kicking legs were vanishing into his mouth, and then she was gone, nothing but a bulge in the fox’s midsection.

Nick licked his lips, then turned and sat down heavily next to Judy on the couch.

“Urp! Excuse me,” he said, patting his chest with a fist.

Judy realized she was blushing again. With him sitting next to her like this, their two bunny-filled bellies were pressing against each other, and she could feel the squirms from his pressing against her own.

“Don’t worry,” Nick said. “I’m sure we’re good now. If anyone else had seen, they would have gotten here by now, too.”

“Y-yeah,” Judy responded, still staring at Nick’s gut. “I’m, um, sorry you had to do that.”

“Don’t be!” Nick said, grinning. “If anything, I’m kind of happy I got to be part of the moment. Our first bunny meal together!” He looked over their two stomachs. “Ha, and I think yours is bigger, Carrots. Of course you’d outdo me even at…”

Nick trailed off as he brought his gaze up to meet hers and saw her blushing face.

Judy stared at the pair of bellies. She could feel the bunny she had eaten squirm and kick and fight. She could hear the muffled screams from both of them – and occasionally make out a plea for help or mercy.

“Our ‘first’ bunny meal together,” Judy whispered, her cheeks flushing even brighter. “And, um… maybe not our last?”

Nick grinned broadly. He scooted even closer, their hips touching, their bellies grinding against each other.

“Not even close,” Nick said, as he pulled her into a kiss.
Post link
(A commission for Lopernicus, starring his character Samantha in my The Den setting!) Samantha was h

(A commission for Lopernicus, starring his character Samantha in my The Den setting!)

Samantha was having second thoughts.

It wasn’t that the wolverine wasn’t hungry. On the contrary, she was starving. And delicious-looking prey were everywhere: at the bar, on the dance floor, chatting in the booths and on the balconies. Samantha still wasn’t sure how the club attracted them all, but whatever marketing strategy they employed for these nights, it worked. A veritable feast was laid out before her, and very soon she would be able to just reach out and take it.

The problem was that they were all too damn nice.

A female squirrel had held the door for her when she arrived. A male rabbit had helped her into her current seat at the bar. Both staff and guests kept stopping to ask if she needed anything, which she would politely wave off. And even those who hadn’t directly helped her seemed to just be having a good time, blissfully unaware of what was coming. Sure, Samantha knew that it was going to happen whether she participated or not, but did she really want to participate?

She felt a kick in her lower abdomen.

Samantha sighed and leaned back against the bar. She idly stroked the fingers of one hand across the fabric of her overalls, and the round belly beneath them. “Sorry, sweetie,” she whispered. “I know you’re craving prey, but I’m not sure if this is the right venue for me.” With her free hand, she took a sip of her drink. Time was tight, but she still had a few minutes. She could slip out, figure out something else to satisfy her cravings. She just had to get out before…


Samantha froze. The sound had come from just beside her. It was an annoyed sound, a disapproving one, a forced sigh of feigned disbelief combined with the clucking of a tongue. It was loud enough that it was clearly meant to be heard. Samantha turned to look at its source.

The female weasel had sat down on the stool next to Samantha, in spite of the fact that there were plenty of open seats elsewhere. She wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt emblazoned with the word “BOSS”. She wore the fur on her head long, at least in the front, with a shorter, styled tuft in the back. She was looking at Samantha with an exasperated expression.

“Um, I’m sorry,” Samantha said, forcing a smile. “Is… is there a problem?”

The weasel clucked her tongue again. “Are you really drinking while you’re pregnant?”

Samantha stiffened. She looked down at her glass. “No, this is…”

“Don’t lie to me!” The weasel raised her voice slightly. “I just saw you! That’s horribly unhealthy! Don’t you care about your unborn baby!?”

Samantha felt her cheeks starting to heat up. She clenched her fist. “Excuse me, but I care very much about…”

“Well you certainly aren’t showing it. They’re going to end up being born autistic or something.”

Samantha narrowed her eyes, her brow furrowing. “Maybe you should mind your own business. I’m only having a…”

“It doesn’t matter if you ‘only have one!’ It’s still unhealthy! How stupid can you be!? This is what’s wrong with this generation. You’re all terrible parents.”

Samantha gave the weasel an appraising look. She was a smaller species – if they were both standing, the top of her head would probably be about level with Samantha’s chest. “You look the same age as me,” Samantha said. “Do you even havekids?”

But the weasel had turned from Samantha and was looking down the bar. “Hey! Excuse me!”

Her call was answered by a petite rabbit with numerous piercings in her ear. “Yes? Can I help you?”

“Did you serve this woman!?” The weasel demanded, pointing at Samantha.

The rabbit looked up at Samantha. “Yeeeessss,” she said, speaking slowly. “But why do you care if…?”

“How irresponsible! Didn’t you see that she’s pregnant!? Don’t you know that you shouldn’t serve alcohol to expectant mothers!?”

The rabbit’s eyes were wide with surprise. “Are you being serious right now? Ma'am, I’m going to need you to calm down, or I will have to ask you to leave.”

“Of course I’m being serious! How dare you! She shouldn’t even have been served here! If you don’t kick her out right now, I’ll call the police! I’ll sue this establishment!” The weasel crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking smug.

The rabbit looked up at Samantha. Then at the weasel. Then back at Samantha. Then, rather than responding to the weasel’s threat, she leaned forward on the bar, looking up at the large wolverine.

“So here’s the deal,” the rabbit explained, her voice calm. “I could call a bouncer over and have her kicked out, if you want.”

“What!?ME!?” The weasel sounded aghast.

“But,” the rabbit continued, glancing down at her watch, “the doors are closing in, like… two minutes. Something tells me that if I don’t kick her out, this is the kind of problem that’ll… resolve itself. So what’ll it be? Do you want me to deal with this?”

Samantha looked at the weasel again. The smaller female looked livid. Then she glanced up towards the doors of the club.

She felt her stomach rumble.

“You know what? You’ve got a lot of customers tonight,” Samantha said, setting her drink down on the bar. “Don’t trouble yourself with this.”

The rabbit smiled. “Can do.” Then she turned to go help another club-goer who was trying to flag her down.

“Hey! Wait a second!” The weasel leaned over the bar. “You can’t just…!”

Then, without warning, the music stopped. A murmur of confusion washed over the crowd – or at least the prey in the crowd. There was a loud ka-chunk from the direction of the main entrance.

“Alright!” A female voice came over the club’s speakers. “Feast Night has officially started! Good luck and have a nice meal, everyone!”

The weasel looked confused. “Huh? What the hell is 'Feast Night?’”

Then she let out a yelp as Samantha grabbed the weasel by the collar, bunching up the fabric of her shirt with both hands as she yanked the smaller female forward. The small weasel lost her balance, throwing her hands forward to brace herself against Samantha’s belly, the tips of their muzzles now close together.

“You’re about to find out,” Samantha said. “And it’s a Shirley Temple, by the way.”

Then she opened her mouth wide. Her maw gaped in front of the weasel’s face, her hot breath washing over her nose.

“W-wait!” The weasel shouted, her eyes going wide as she stared into that waiting abyss. “You can’t…!”

Samantha chomped forward. In one easy bite, her mouth entirely engulfed the weasel’s head.

The weasel started to squirm, trying to punch and kick at Samantha. Muffled shouts rung inside the wolverine’s head, insisting that she let her go right now or she was going to talk to a manager.

Samantha wrinkled her nose. The weasel tasted of hairspray and too much perfume. But her stomach rumbled again, so she shifted her grip, grabbing the weasel by the upper arms so she could pin those arms to her sides. Then she widened her jaw and chomped forward again. Her throat bulged out, and her jaws engulfed the weasel’s shoulders, the tip of her lower jaw coming to rest between the “O” and the “S” on the weasel’s shirt.

Much better. Samantha didn’t exactly love the taste of fabric, but it was better than hairspray.

Gulp. Homph. Glk.

Over the course of the next minute or two, Samantha forced the weasel deeper and deeper into her gullet. Her throat bulged with the slender, wiggling mass as she swallowed the weasel’s chest, then stomach. She took a moment to undo the button on the weasel’s jeans, then started sliding them down her legs as she forced her prey’s hips into her muzzle, creating the dual benefit of not having to eat the denim, and also making it much harder for the weasel to kick.

Glp. Gluck.

She tilted her head back, creating a straighter shot down her throat as she swallowed up the weasel’s squirming legs and thrashing tail. She pulled the jeans the rest of the way off, letting them fall to the club floor. Another swallow, and the weasel’s toes vanished into the wolverine’s mouth, followed by the tip of her tail. Then…


The squirming mass slid the rest of the way down Samantha’s body, settling in her gut. Her already large belly grew even bigger and quite a bit squirmier as the weasel settled into her new home. The fabric of her overalls stretched out to accomodate it, the straps pulling at their buttons.

“Wow, nicely done!”

Samantha glanced over to see the rabbit bartender, having apparently come back this direction to watch the weasel’s final moments.

Hrp. Thanks,” Samantha said, wiping some excess drool from her mouth with her arm. “Not exactly the tastiest meal I’ve had, but certainly a satisfying one.” She let one hand run across her belly, feeling the frantic, desperate squirming of the weasel, and then, lower, a kick from her baby, still safe and sound. “Would you believe that I’m still hungry? These cravings can be something else.”

The rabbit grinned. “Well, it looks like an opportunity for dessert is heading your way,” she said, pointing out towards the dance floor.

Curious, Samantha turned to look in that direction.

The music had started again, but the club had, as expected, descended into chaos. Knowing that they now had a captive audience, preds were stalking prey left and right, and more than a few of them already had bulging guts, just like Samantha. Prey were trying to huddle into groups, hide in corners, or make for the doors. These might not have been bad strategies in other venues, but here, with the doors locked and few places to hide, they were sitting ducks.

So it was a little surprising to Samantha to see a trio of rabbits making their way towards her. It looked like they had been hiding in one of the booths, but had decided to brave the more open part of the club to reach the bar.

All three were very petite, even shorter than the weasel had been – normal for rabbits – but they had curvy figures that indicated they weren’t children that had snuck in on a whim. In fact, they looked like they were likely just barely old enough to get into a club like this. Though they had different fur patterns – one had solid cream-colored fur, another had similar colors but with white spots, and the last was white with black over her eyes and ears – but they were similar enough of feature and build that Samantha assumed they were sisters, likely from the same litter. They wore matching outfits, tops with one off-the-shoulder sleeve and skinny jeans, as well as matching nervous expressions.

The trio huddled close as they approached Samantha, holding onto each other’s shirt hems or sleeves. The cream-colored one looked up at the large wolvering, her eyes lingering on her squirming belly. “Um, m-miss? Could we talk to you for a minute?”

Samantha smiled. She wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but these three were cute. “Yes, Sugar?”

The cream rabbit’s ears flushed, and she looked away for a moment, trying to find her words, before looking up to meet Samantha’s eyes again. “Um, we were in that booth over there and we saw you e-eat that weasel,” she said. “And then… I think… did we just hear you say that you’re still hungry?”

“Yes, you heard right,” Samantha said, her mouth watering. Was this going where she was hoping it was going?

“Well, um… we were wondering if… if maybe you had room for… I mean, there are three of us…”

Samantha grinned, but did her best to keep her composure. “Are you asking if I’ll eat you?”

The rabbit lets out a nervous squeak, but nods.

“You want to be eaten?” This time it was the bartender rabbit, sounding surprised, leaning forward over the bar to look at the trio.

“It’s not quite that,” the black-and-white rabbit said. “It’s just… we kind of figured out what’s going on here, we think, and we’re not gonna get out of here except inside someone’s fur, are we?”

The bartender rabbit shrugged. “Yeah, that’s a pretty good guess.”

“So we thought that, if it’s going to happen either way… at least… at least we could ch-choose…”

Samantha ran her tongue across her lips. “Oh, aren’t you three the sweetest things! And you chose me? I’m flattered!” She slid off of the stool, taking a moment to use the bar to steady herself before reaching out to place a hand on the cream-colored rabbit’s shoulder. “Why don’t we get back to that booth for a little privacy?”

All three rabbits blushed deeply, but they allowed Samantha to shepherd them in the direction of the booth.

The wolverine glanced over her shoulder at the bartender rabbit. The piercing-laden bunny just grinned at her, and mouthed the words “Have fun.”

Samantha grinned as she pushed the rabbits into the booth.

The booths at the club were circular, with high backs and just one entrance. As a result, you couldn’t really see into the booths except at that entrance, resulting in a feeling that you were slightly isolated from the rest of the club.

The three bunnies crowded into the booth together, and Samantha sat down in the middle of them, with one on her right and two on her left. She placed both hands on her belly, the writhing weasel still making muffled pleas for mercy. “Now, are you ladies sure about this? Once you’re in here, there’s no going back.”

The cream-colored rabbit swallowed hard. “I mean, no, we’re really not? But we all talked about it and we decided we wanted it to be you.”

“You’resuper hot,” the rabbit with the white spots blurted out. Then she clapped her hand over her mouth, and all three rabbits blushed.

Samantha chuckled. “Aww, thank you! Well, go ahead and get your clothes off.”

“H-huh?” The black-and-white rabbit gasped, and all three of them opened their eyes wide.

“Well, I don’t want to eat more fabric than I have to,” Samantha said. “Speaking of which, let me make some room for you all. It’s gonna be a little tough fitting all three of you, but I’m going to do my best, okay?”

Samantha then unhooked the buttons holding up her overalls. She needed both hands for each one, and when the second button came unhooked, the top of the overalls flopped open, letting her squirming belly spill out into her lap. Then she hooked the bottom of her shirt and started to pull it up, lifting it over her head to reveal a black bra. “This thing’s almost certainly going to tear if I leave it on.”

The three bunnies looked embarrassed, but, emboldened by Samantha’s example, they start to strip. After a few minute or two of pulling off shirts and shimmying out of jeans, the floor of the booth was littered with clothes, leaving each of the small rabbits wearing just their undergarments. They looked hesitant to strip further than that, and Samantha waved her hand to indicate to stop.

“That’s fine. Those will all come up easily enough later, with your fur and other indigestibles.”

All three of the rabbits’ ears drooped, their cheeks flushing. They were all still sitting – the booth wasn’t quite big enough for everyone to stand – but they’ve spread out a bit during the process of removing their clothes.

Samantha looked them over. The black-and-white rabbit, sitting on Samantha’s immediate left, turned out to have a rather interesting fur pattern: black from the waist down with a stripe of tan at the border, giving the impression that she was still wearing pants even though she had already stripped.

“Alright,” Samantha said. “You first.”

The black-and-white rabbit let out a small “eep.” “M-me? We’re starting already?”

“I don’t know what else we’d be waiting for,” Samantha said. She patted the empty spot on the seat between them. “I don’t want some other pred to stick their head in here and decide to take you for themselves. Put your feet up here.”

The rabbit nodded nervously, then turned in her seat, placing her feet up on the cushion.

Samantha took the rabbits ankles to lift both feet to her mouth. She opened wide and slid them inside.

The rabbit squirmed. “Th-that tickles!”

Samantha responded by swallowing. The rabbit’s feet bulged out her throat.

The black-and-white rabbit’s eyes widened. “O-oh gods, this is really happening, isn’t it?”

Samantha swallowed again, pulling in more of the rabbit’s legs.

It didn’t actually take very long. The rabbit was significantly smaller than the weasel, and easier to squeeze down the wolverine’s throat. Her hips posed a slight barrier, but Samantha was able to pop them into her mouth easily enough.

As the rabbit’s cotton tail vanished, her sisters sidled closer, watching with a combination of trepidation and fascination.

“W-what does it feel like?” The white spotted rabbit asked.

The black-and-white rabbit was hanging partially upside-down now, her head resting on the seat cushion, her body from the waist down wedged in the wolverine’s gullet. She looked up at her sister. “It’s… it’s really warm, and I can feel her throat p-pulling me down,” she said. “I… o-oh…”

She trailed off as Samantha took her hands by the wrist and pulled them into her mouth. Then she swallowed again, pinning the rabbit’s arms to her sides. A few more swallows, and she pulled the rabbit’s arms and abdomen into her mouth. There was another short delay at the rabbit’s chest, but she squeezed that in against her palate. Soon the rabbit’s vision was framed by teeth.

“O-oh gods, this… this is it, isn’t it?” She stammered.

Her sisters leaned in close, watching with wide eyes and bated breath.

Samantha closed her jaws around the rabbit’s face, only her long, floppy black ears hanging out of her mouth. She slurped those up as well.


And she sent the rabbit to join the weasel in her already cramped stomach.

Samantha let out a satisfied sigh, giving her gut a squeeze with one hand. “Mmph. One down.”

Both of the remaining bunnies swallowed hard, both of their gazes locked on Samantha’s belly. “J-just like that… and she’s just gone,” the cream-colored rabbit said.

“Not entirely. Not yet,” Samantha said. “Heck, with a meal this big, you three’ll have at least a few days together in there.” She turned to the rabbit with the white spots. “How about you next?”

The rabbit let out a squeak as Samantha took her by the wrist and pulled her into her lap, facing her. The rabbit blushed as she found her torso pressed against Samantha’s large, squirming stomach, her nose just inches from the wolverine’s. Samantha reached up, placing a hand on the back of the rabbit’s head.

“Now, what was it you said?” Samantha mused. “You thought I was 'hot?’”

The rabbit’s cheeks flushed even hotter. “I… I didn’t… I just meant…!”

But she was cut off as Samantha kissed her.

For a moment, she froze, the wolverine’s muzzle pressed to hers.

Samantha searched forward with her tongue, and she felt the rabbit relax in her arms. Her lips parted, and the larger female pushed her tongue into the rabbit’s mouth.

A minute or two passed as the two locked muzzles, Samantha exploring the surfaces of the rabbit’s small mouth. The rabbit’s body was pressed against the wolverine’s writhing gut, and her sister stared close by, her eyes wide, unable to tear herself away from the sight.

Then, the kiss deepened, and deepened further, as Samantha’s muzzle started to slide over the rabbit’s head.

The booth once again filled with wet, organic sounds as Samantha swallowed her third prey of the evening. The spotted rabbit started to squirm, but couldn’t really fight the pull of Samantha’s gullet as it claimed her small body. She gulped down the rabbit’s chest, then hips, and soon her kicking legs were sliding into the wolverine’s mouth. Samantha’s teeth closed, sealing the second rabbit into her gut with its other two residents.

“Nnnf.” Samantha made a combined sound of satisfaction and slight discomfort. Her gut was absolutely enormous. It writhed and squirmed, the shapes of a paw, or shoulder, or muzzle rising in one place or another, only to sink back beneath the river of fur. “Full.”

“I-if you’re out of s-space,” the remaining rabbit said, “w-we can just call it there. I could always t-try to hide out in the booth until…”

Samantha reached out, placing a hand gently on the cream-colored rabbit’s shoulder. “Feeling nervous, sweetie?”

The rabbit jumped at the touch. She nodded slowly.

“C'mere. Let’s cuddle for a minute.”

Samantha slide her hand down the rabbit’s side, hooking her fingers around her far hip and pulling the smaller female in. The rabbit let out a small “eep,” but let herself be tugged into Samantha’s side, the pair sitting hip-to-hip.

Samantha’s belly was so big at this point, it spilled partially out of her lap, touching the remaining rabbit’s thigh.

The rabbit reached up with one hand, then hesitated. “Can I?”

“Please, it’d be my pleasure.”

The rabbit, her cheeks flushed, placed her palm on the furry mass. The writhing inside the bulging gut had started to slow down as the occupants got settled into more comfortable positions. The rabbit ran her fingers across Samantha’s fur, feeling the uneven shapes and curves beneath it. Her fingers found a soft spot, which elicited a new flurry of squirms, which in turn caused the bunny to blush.

“They’re… they’re really in there, huh.” The rabbit said. It was less a question than a statement of fact.

“Yep,” Samantha said. “Getting all cozy in my tummy. They were delicious, by the way.” She ran her tongue across her lips. “So nice and soft… and so much tastier than that weasel was.”

The rabbit looked a little embarrassed to hear this. “Um, th-thank you.”

Samantha nodded. “Now, I’m going to be honest – I’m pretty stuffed, but I think I can fit you in, too. And I’m not particularly inclined to let you go.”

The rabbit swallowed nervously.

“But if you’re having second thoughts, maybe we can figure something out. We could try to hide you in here, but if a bigger pred than me peeks in and decides they want to take you, I may not be able to do anything about it. It would be risky.”

The rabbit continued sliding her fingers back and forth across Samantha’s belly. “And my sisters?”

“No offense, but they’re – hrp – mine now. No way I’m letting them back out. If you do make it through the night, you’ll be going home alone.”

The rabbit’s large ears drooped. She looked down at her own knees, which were currently squeezed together. She wiggled her hips, squirming in place while she thinks. “Thank you… for being honest with me. I appreciate it.”

“No problem, Sugar. Have you made a decision, then?”

The rabbit nodded, still staring at her knees. “I… I don’t want to go home without my sisters. And I definitely don’t want to end up in some other pred’s gut without them. I’ll… I’ll stay with you. Inyou.”

Samantha leaned down to give the rabbit a quick peck on the cheek. “Is there anything I can do to help make this easier? To help you calm down?”

The rabbit jumped at the feeling of the wolverine’s muzzle on her cheek. She looked up at Samantha, and her cheeks flushed an even deeper color. “W-well, um… with my sister a m-minute ago, before you ate her… the t-two of you… um…”

Samantha’s lips curled into a wide grin. “You want to pick up where she left off?”

The rabbit looked too embarrassed to speak. Instead she closed her eyes, clenched her fists, and nodded.

“I can do that,” Samantha said. Then she moved. Rather than pull the rabbit onto her lap, like she did with her sister, Samantha did the opposite: she lifted her knee, rolling herself over onto the small rabbit, straddling her tiny body. Her massive gut filled the tiny rabbit’s lap, pinning her to the seat. She used a finger to lift the surprised lapine’s chin, then brought her head down, tilting it to one side as she pressed the tips of their muzzles together.

If an onlooker were to have looked into the booth, they would have barely been able to see the bunny. They would have mostly seen the wolverine’s back and hips, her squirming belly spilling out to the sides, and the small rabbit’s paws hanging out from between the wolverine’s legs as they straddled her. And over the next few minutes, our theoretical watcher would have heard the wet noises of saliva being exchanged as the pair of females locked muzzles. The wolverine was taking her time, exploring her prey’s flavor, letting the moment of intimacy drown out everything else.

And then, when the rabbit was relaxed enough, the onlooker would have heard those wet noises become louder, the sounds of wet gulps and swallows. Glk. Glp. Glk. They would have seen the rabbits toes slide up, vanishing behind the wolverine’s body as her back flexed, her head bobbing up and down. Then those toes would have appeared again, just for a moment, as the wolverine threw her head back, wiggling for just a moment before they disappeared into her jaws.


The large, furry bulge in Samantha’s throat slid down, disappearing beneath her collarbone. Her stomach swelled even further.

Samantha moaned and gasped, bracing herself against the seat in front of her with both hands while she tried to catch her breath. When was the last time she let herself go this overboard? Her stomach strained to contain its squirming meals, which were kicking up into a new frenzy as the final rabbit settled in, trying to readjust themselves. She felt a rumbling, something coming up her throat.


Blushing, Samantha covered her mouth with one hand. “Excuse me,” she said, to no one in particular.

She rolled herself back over into a normal sitting position, her stomach sloshing with the movement. She was happy for the privacy of the booth while she waited for her stomach to settle. Not that she was in any hurry to leave. She felt uncomfortably bloated, but there was a satisfying edge to it. She basked in the sensations of her four prey figuring out how to fit their bodies together in her cramped stomach. Beneath that, she could feel her baby kick, still safe and cozy behind the thick walls of her womb.

Samantha ran her tongue across her teeth, tasting the lingering flavors of her large meal. Her craving was finally satisfied.

She would have to visit this club again next time she had one.

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Judy had been practicing. She had started small, with food items that were even smaller than that mo

Judy had been practicing.

She had started small, with food items that were even smaller than that mouse had been: things like grapes or olives. She would snack on them while watching movies, then pop them in her mouth and swallow them down without chewing.

She graduated from that to eggs, usually hard-boiled. That was a little bit harder, but the slick nature and round shape of the eggs made them easier to squeeze down her throat.

She hadn’t actually eaten another living animal since that mouse that Nick had brought her. But after seeing him eat a rabbit in front of her, she couldn’t get the thought out of her mind. The cravings had come back, insistent and nagging. Part of her wanted to ask Nick to bring her another mouse, but she rejected that idea: while she wanted to understand where Nick was coming from, she wasn’t a predator.

Even if her kits apparently were.

So she made do by swallowing other eggs and grapes, sometimes indulging herself by pretending it was another mouse, imagining it squirming down her throat. That had worked for a while, but the nagging eventually came back. Maybe, she had thought, she needed to go with something a little larger.

The first time she swallowed an entire carrot, she thought that maybe she had overdone it. Nick didn’t know about this, of course, but she had her phone nearby, with a text ready to send, telling Nick to call emergency services and have them come to her place in case this all went awry. And for a moment, she thought it was going to come to that, as the thick carrot had stuck in her throat, making a bulge she could feel on her neck. But then she had managed to force it down, and had felt it plop into her belly.

Of course, the sky was the limit after that. Apparently her lips and throat could stretch pretty significantly. Once she could swallow carrots easily enough, she began moving up, swallow entire oranges, then grapefruits. And just the other day, she had actually managed to stretch her mouth around an entire watermelon, one almost bigger than her. It had settled heavily in her gut, making her feel bloated and heavy. It had caused her belly to bulge out visibly, even with the pregnancy.

Why was she doing this? She wasn’t sure anymore. She told herself that it was to help combat the cravings, but did she really need to swallow something that big? What was she fantasizing about eating?

Maybe she just needed to get some fresh air. She was cooped up all day while Nick was at work, and by the time he got home, he was often too tired to take her out anywhere. She knew that he didn’t like her going out alone in her state, but damn it, he was just going to have to deal with it.

So that was how she found herself on the train. She had put on that stupid “multiplying” shirt (she might think it was dumb, but Nick loved the thing) and had visited a grocery store to pick up some of her favorite soda. Now she was on her way back home. The fresh air had actually been quite nice, and now she could tell Nick that, see, it wasn’t such a big deal for her to run out alone, after all. She just had this train ride and then a short walk back to her apartment.

“Excuse me, Ma'am?”

The voice shook Judy from her reverie. She turned to look at the source of the voice – and froze.

It was that brown bunny she had seen on the train before. The one that had triggered all the cravings in the first place.

She was sitting in a seat nearby to where Judy was standing, wearing an outfit very similar to the one she had seen her in before, with a tank top and jean shorts. She was slender of figure, and looked quite a bit younger than Judy – still an adult, but probably still in school. She was currently pulling her headphones out of her ears.

“Ma'am, please, take my seat,” she said, hopping to her feet. “You shouldn’t be standing.”

Judy took in a sharp breath, her mouth closed, her nostrils flaring. The cravings, which had been a dull burning, suddenly flared up into a raging inferno. Judy felt her stomach rumble, and her mouth was watering.


Judy shook her head, then swallowed her excess saliva. What the hell was she thinking?

“Sorry, just a little distracted, I guess,” Judy said, moving to the now-open seat and sitting down. She had to admit, she really did appreciate the opportunity to get off her feet.

“No problem.” The brown bunny moved to the space where Judy had just been standing, gripping the same rail to maintain her balance on the moving train. “So, I’m Taylor. What’s your name?”

“Um, Judy.”

“Nice to meet you. I’ve seen you on the train a few times.”

Judy forced a laugh. “Heh, y-yeah, I’m probably pretty easy to spot right now, huh? I’ve actually noticed you once or twice, too.”

Damn it, why was this happening? Why did this delicious-looking bunny have to show up wanting a conversation right now?

“Aww, really? I’m flattered,” Taylor said. “I figured that I’m just another bunny, wouldn’t stand out that much.”

“Well, that might be true somewhere like Bunnyburrow,” Judy said, trying to keep her focus on the conversation. “But you don’t see a lot of rabbits this close to city center. What brings you out here?”

“School,” Taylor responded. “I’m going to the university here, and I wanted to live close enough that I wouldn’t have a long commute. I miss the family sometimes, but it’s also kind of freeing to be away from them for the first time. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I do,” Judy said. “I love my family, but they can be stifling. I don’t think you would get lost in the crowd so easily, though. You’re pretty cute.”

Taylor blushed and tapped one foot. “Aww, thank you!”

The train started to slow, and Taylor had to adjust her feet to keep from falling. It stopped, and the doors snapped open.

“Well, this is my stop,” Judy said, climbing to her feet. Thank goodness. Taylor seemed nice – in fact, in any other circumstances, Judy would probably have been disappointed she couldn’t talk to her more – but Judy needed to get away from her. The kits were practically demanding this bunny, and Judy had no way to explain to them that it just wasn’t going to happen. “It was nice talking to you!”

“Oh! This is my stop, too!” Taylor said, grinning widely. She took Judy’s arm and helped her down the steps off the train. “Hey, maybe I could walk you home! I could help you carry that.” She pointed at the bag holding Judy’s soda.

Oh, sweet cheese and crackers, this was bad.

She should just say no. She should just say no. It wasn’t that far to her apartment; she could easily make it herself. She shouldn’t spend any more time with this intoxicatingly delicious bunny than she had to.

And yet, when she opened her mouth, the sound that came out was not “no,” but instead: “Sure.”

Taylor smiled, reaching out and taking the plastic bag with the soda bottle from Judy. “Okay! Which way?”

“Um, this way,” Judy said. She walked out of the train station with Taylor walking along beside her, the younger rabbit practically skipping as she did her good deed for the day.

As they walked, Judy couldn’t help but start to fantasize. Would Judy even be physically capable of doing it? Taylor was only a little bit shorter than her, but she was significantly more slender (especially now, with the pregnancy.) And that watermelon that Judy had swallowed had been pretty big.

Judy could overpower Taylor, too, if it came to that. She hadn’t been letting her physical abilities atrophy during the pregnancy. She had been exercising as best she could, and Taylor didn’t look particularly strong.

Judy was fairly certain that, if she wanted to, she could actually eat this bunny.

Of course, the follow-up question to that was “should she?” And obviously the answer was: “no, of course she shouldn’t!” She was talking about devouring another member of her own species, here! They lived in Zootopia: this was supposed to be a better place, a more civilized place! Animals didn’t just eat random animals, especially ones who were as kind and helpful as this bunny!

But part of her started thinking back to the story that Nick had told her. How he had devoured the young bunny alive, felt her squirm and kick in his stomach. What would Nick think if she did the same? What would his response be if she told him that she had actually eaten another rabbit herself? Would he be horrified? Impressed? Would that shared experience bring them even closer?

Plus, there was the issue of her kits. Given that they seemed to keen on Judy catching this bunny for them, it seemed likely that they were going to be predators, too. Shouldn’t she have at least some experience with being a predator herself? Otherwise, how could she relate to the kits once they were born? How would she raise them? She couldn’t just rely on Nick for everything.

No, this was all foolish. It was impossible, anyway. She shouldn’t do it. She wouldn’t do it. It was wrong, it was stupid, it was unnatural, it was risky.

And yet…

“Um, turn here,” Judy said, indicating a small side street.

“Sure thing!” Taylor responded, happily turning the corner.

Judy followed Taylor into a fairly long, narrow alley that stretched out between two of the apartment buildings. It was rather dingy, being too narrow for vehicles to pass, and there weren’t any windows on the sides of the buildings. The light from the street could only penetrate so far from the edges of the building, too, making it rather dark.

Taylor had made it about a third of the way down the alley before she realized where she was. She started to turn around to face Judy. “Um, Ma'am, are you sure this is the right… ah!”

Judy heaved herself bodily into Taylor, pushing the slender bunny back and pinning her between Judy’s large belly and the brick wall. She slammed both paws into the wall on either side of Taylor’s head. The plastic bag with the bottle of soda fell to the ground with a clunk.

“M-Ma'am?” Taylor’s eyes were wide with fear and confusion. “What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry,” Judy said. “But I can’t stand it any more. I have to feed my kits.”

“What do you… mmmph!”

Judy leaned forward, her belly and chest still pinning Taylor to the wall, and opened her mouth wide. In a smooth, practiced motion, she slid her lips around the bunny’s entire head, pushing her tall ears backwards.

Judy let out a soft “mmmm.” She could feel the fur of Taylor’s chin on her tongue, feel the bunny starting to squirm and try to pull herself backwards. Judy brought her paws down and gripped Taylor’s arms just below the shoulders, holding her in place.

Of course, the head had been easy. Getting the rest of her down would be a different story. Would she actually be able to do this? Too late to turn back now: she was going to find out, one way or the other.

Judy gripped Taylor hard, pushing her in and swallowing. She felt her throat bulge out as the bunny’s head entered it, and her lips wrapped around her shoulders.

Taylor was really struggling now, and Judy could hear her screaming, but her throat was muffling most of the noise. The bunny was, understandably, not happy. But as Judy had predicted, she couldn’t overpower the older, more experienced rabbit. She wasn’t going anywhere but down.

At least, Judy hoped she was going down. Swallowing a live, furry, wiggling bunny was entirely a different matter than a smooth watermelon. And she needed to do this quickly, too: the alley was fairly secluded, but all that needed to happen to make this all fall apart was for another prey – or, perhaps worse, a predator – to look down the alley at just the right angle.

So she shoved and swallowed and gulped, using her hands to force Taylor in deeper while pushing her own head down. The rabbit’s slender chest slid into Judy’s gullet fairly easily, but then she reached what she knew would be the real challenge: Taylor’s hips, easily the widest part of her.

Judy unbuttoned Taylor’s jean shorts and slid them off – they’d be likely to get caught on her teeth, so leaving them on would be tempting fate. Then she lifted her meal’s kicking legs up, grasping her by the ankles and positioning her bottom against the wall. Judy braced herself, then pushed her muzzle forward, using the wall as leverage to try to shove Taylor’s hips inside.

At first, Judy seemed to be stuck. Her lips hurt as they strained to open wide enough. But then, suddenly, Judy slid forward, and her nose bumped the brick wall. Taylor’s hips and fluffy tail popped into Judy’s mouth, and the bulge in her gullet moved down further, starting to disappear behind her chest and swollen belly.

Judy’s jaw ached, and she was fairly certain she had split her lip, but she still felt a twinge of relief. She had done it! With the largest obstacle passed, victory was assured. Judy braced herself against the wall with one hand, bringing the other hand up to her throat as she started to slurp Taylor’s kicking legs down. She could feel the bulge moving as Taylor wiggled, gravity now helping to pull her down faster. Judy’s lips slid over her thighs, then her knees, then her calves. Finally, she used her hand to push the large, wiggling toes past her teeth. She tilted her head back, and with one final, huge swallow, felt the massive weight in her gullet shift downward, settling in her gut.

Judy dropped to her knees, partially supported by her belly. With both the litter and a full-sized bunny inside her, she was absolutely enormous. Her belly was bigger than she was, and she could see clear imprints of Taylor’s feet, hands, or face as she struggled and fought within, muffled screams and shouts penetrating the layers of fur and flesh. Her skin felt tight as a drum, but thankfully didn’t seem to be at risk of breaking, still managing to stretch with each push and kick from her prey.

She had done it! She had actually eaten a whole bunny!

Judy assumed she would probably feel guilty about this later, but right now, for whatever reason, she just felt extremely satisfied. Maybe the kits were happy with her offering; maybe this would finally quell that craving.

Or maybe, after she’d had a week or so to digest this bunny, she was going to need to have Nick bring her another one.

The thought was perverse, crude, but it made Judy smile. She ran her paws over her squirming gut, basking in the sensation of the frenzied movement within. After a few minutes, Judy was sure that the struggling would die down, and her apartment was just around the corner. She would be able to drag herself the rest of the way home, and if anyone saw her, she could probably still pass for pregnant – albeit verypregnant.

The only potential problem would be if someone else came down the alley right now, before her meal had a chance to settle – but honestly, the odds were in Judy’s favor. After all, no one had come down the alley so far.

Judy felt a bubbly sensation start to move up her throat, and she opened her mouth and let out a small belch. She giggled, covering her mouth. She couldn’t wait to see Nick tonight and see what he thought about the new Judy.

Another prednant Judy story. She finally does it!

Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.
If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee!
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