#premenstrual dysphoric disorder


Someone asked us:

What’s the difference between PMS and PMDD? My gyno said to me that I have PMDD, but is that just…PMS in a different flavor? Is it worse?

That’s a great question. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that causes depression, anxiety, and other physical and mental health symptoms leading up to your period. PMDD symptoms can be so extreme that your daily life — like work, school, or your relationships — is difficult to manage. Other symptoms of PMDD include panic attacks, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. Regular PMS symptoms are less intense and don’t usually disrupt your daily life.

PMDD symptoms may go away once your period starts, or a day or two after. And while there’s no single treatment for PMDD, your doctor or nurse can talk with you about your options. Treatment may include antidepressants, hormonal birth control, over-the-counter pain medicine (like ibuprofen or aspirin), along with diet changes and getting regular exercise.

-Attia at Planned Parenthood
