#prenancy fluff


Fandom: Ikemen Revolution

Pairing: Luka x MC

Rating: SFW - Fluff ft. Pregnant MC

Prompt: “Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.” 

WC: 858

Requested by: Anonymous

Written by:@Chayaangel767

I hum happily as I pull the dry dishcloths from the clotheslines, happy that Ray and Sirius were sweet enough to lower the clotheslines slightly so my tiny frame can reach them. I carefully pull and fold the dishtowels and dishcloths from the line. The warm late afternoon sun beat down on me and I know that I can’t spend too much longer outside in the heat without everyone being up in arms. Sure enough, it doesn’t take long for me to hear footsteps behind me. 

“Good afternoon Little Lady, need any help?” I turn my head at the deep baritone and smile at the Queen of Spades who is walking by with his watering can. 

“ Hey, Sirius, which plants are you watering today?” I ask him as I pull the last of the dishcloths from the line, folding it and adding it to my pile. 

“ The sunflowers and Azaleas near Chutneys pen,” Sirius answers me and I nod. 

“ Need any help?” I offer him as I lift the basket to my waist and he shakes his head. 

“ You should go in Little Lady, and take a rest, it’s hot out. Make sure you drink lots of water.” He warns me as he walks it home back towards the door. 

“ I’m pregnant Sirius, I’m not sick. A little bit of time outside isn’t going to kill me.” I snort at the older man and I see him look down at me. 

“ No but you get tired easily and I don’t want you overworking yourself. I think I saw Luka making popsicles earlier, you should go see if they are ready.” Sirius gives me a wave as he heads over to the sunflowers and I shake my head before heading inside to the kitchen. There is no Luka in the kitchen and I frown slightly, he was usually making dinner by now. I shrug and start putting away the dishcloths and wash the dishes left in the sink. I gently rub my stomach, feeling my back start to ache. I rested against the counter and noticed Luka left his notebook open to a page, it was what was for dinner tonight. I check it and feel myself start to get excited, it’s chicken alfredo tonight with a white alfredo sauce. There is also a salad planned and fruit salad with whipped topping for dessert.

I squeal softly and I start humming to myself, pulling out some of the ingredients we would need for the alfredo and start making the sauce trying to ignore the pain in my back and the slight exhaustion. I am tidying up one of the counters when I hear footsteps and arms wrap around me taking the cloth from my hand. 

“Hey Luka,” I greeted my fiancé, kissing him on the cheek. I rest my head against his chest and breath deep. 

“Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen,”  Luka tells me before keeping his arms around me he leads me away from the kitchen counter and over to the office which is thankfully empty.

“I love you too, but I’m fine. I want to help with dinner” I huff a little and try to escape from Luka’s grasp, but he keeps his arms firmly around me. 

“Sirius came to me and told me you were working too hard and you need to rest. “ Luka scolds me and I pout a little, starting to protest. Luka kisses me and shakes his head, blocking the way back to the kitchen. 

“Luka I feel fine, all I’ve done today is the laundry and dishes, a little more work isn’t going to kill me. Let me help please,” I try to talk him into letting me help but Luka stays firm. I sigh, feeling the exhaustion start to kick in and sink into the sofa he leads me to. 

“You guys know I won’t break if I work a little right?” I still argue, first Sirius won’t let me help him the garden and now Luka won’t let me cook. I cross my arm and look angrily down. Luka sits on the couch next to me, cupping my cheek. 

 “ Remember when we first met and you kept working way too hard?” Luka asks softly, holding my gaze with concerned amber eyes. 

“ Yeah?” I tilt my head in confusion and Luka drops his hand down to my stomach, gently rubbing it. 

“ Right now you are working yourself hard, you have one job right now and that’s tending to our little one, everything else isn’t important, let us take care of you. It’s only a few more weeks Darling.” I sigh and lean against him, letting him have better access to my stomach and enjoying the feeling of him rubbing it. I the baby kick a little and smile up at Luka happily.

“See even our baby agrees that you need more rest” He presses a kiss to my head and I roll my eyes still enjoying the little massage.  

“ Alright, I’ll stay out of the kitchen until I have our baby,” I promise, nuzzling his cheek and kissing him before falling fast asleep. 
