#president shinra

Another batch for the FFVII minor arcana. Personally very fond of this month’s additions!Just thirteAnother batch for the FFVII minor arcana. Personally very fond of this month’s additions!Just thirteAnother batch for the FFVII minor arcana. Personally very fond of this month’s additions!Just thirteAnother batch for the FFVII minor arcana. Personally very fond of this month’s additions!Just thirteAnother batch for the FFVII minor arcana. Personally very fond of this month’s additions!Just thirteAnother batch for the FFVII minor arcana. Personally very fond of this month’s additions!Just thirteAnother batch for the FFVII minor arcana. Personally very fond of this month’s additions!Just thirte

Another batch for the FFVII minor arcana.Personally very fond of this month’s additions!

Just thirteen cards left, and thanks to the good folks over on Patreonwe’re still on track for an April-May release date. If you’d like to help as well, and get access to WIPs, card explanations, prints, and more, please consider joining us over there.

Previously:FF playing cards|FFVII playing cards|FFXV Tarots|FFVII Tarots|FFXV Playing cards


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somebody gotta take care of Sephiroth
