#prince ben




Hope this makes it easier for anyone who wants to check out my writing. Last Updated: 03/09/22



Absence Makes the Heart Grow Jealous (Charlotte x Henry)

*Part 1

*Part 2

*Part 3


Fall In Fake Love With Me (Charlotte x Henry)

*Part 1

*Part 2

*Part 3

*Part 4

You Can Never Run Fast Enough (Charlotte x Henry)

*Part 1

*Part 2

One Shots

*Patch Me Up (Charlotte x Henry)

*I Don’t Like Charlotte (Charlotte x Henry)

*Undercover With Danger (Charlotte x Henry)

*Perception Is Reality (Charlotte x Henry)

*You Will Never Understand My Everything (Charlotte x Henry)

*Tell Me It’s Okay To Fail (Charlotte x Henry)

*The Truth Is The Scariest Part (Charlotte x Henry)

*Don’t Dress Up As My Enemy (Charlotte x Henry)

*If You Love Me, Let Me Sleep (Charlotte x Henry)


*Respect My Gangsta (Charlotte Internal Monologue)

*Covering My Love For You (Jennifer x Khalil)

*Did You Forget Who’s In Charge? (Ben x Uma)

*You Feed My Soul (Amie x Elias)

Dialogue Prompt List

These prompts are always open. (Charlotte x Henry) (Jennifer x Khalil) (Ben x Uma) (Amie x Elias) (Other Pairs by Request)

WIP Folder Tag Game

I was tagged by my bestie Nesha @blackfemmecharacterdependency and I figured I would participate for once. Also, I be trying to get people to send me asks and they never do. Maybe this time will be different.

RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a snippet of it or tell you something about it! 

1. You Can Never Run Fast Enough (Henry Danger - Charlotte x Henry)

2. Fall In Fake Love With Me (Henry Danger - Charlotte x Henry)

3. Untitled Buma Oneshot (Disney’s Descendants - Uma x Prince Ben)
