#prince caspian x reader


Marry For Love - Prince Caspian

Pairing: Merman!Caspian x Reader

Request:Hi I have a weird request : merman Prince Caspian x human reader? it’s fine if you don’t want to do it - anon

Warnings: fluff, slight bit of angst

Words: 1145

A/N: Sorry about the radio silence guys, I’m back now, I hope you guys enjoy this one and please let me know what you think! Thank you for the request, anon, I love you all! xxx

There was a deafening silence in the Throne Room as you awaited another one of your suitors, if truth be told, this particular suitor had been back and forth between the palace for a number of weeks now. Every time you rejected the proposal, the prince would shower you with lavish gifts, he was determined to get you but you would never say yes. You would never let Prince Erik to rule beside you as King.

You glanced over at your Captain of the Guards – who had been like a father to you since your own had died – and you wished that you hadn’t. He was looking straight at you and you could tell that from beneath his thick beard that his chin was trembling, you could tell that he was trying not to laugh. You felt your own lips quiver and you smothered a laugh of your own with a cough.

“Your Majesty,” the Captain started and it was a miracle that he was able to keep his voice steady, “maybe we should,” he was interrupted by the two doors slamming open and Erik came striding in but you heard the distinct noise of chains rattling.

“Queen, Y/N, the Queen of my dreams,” he smirked and it should have made him look more handsome but it only served to unnerve you.

“Prince Erik, what can I do for you this time?”

“You cannot reject me this time, my love, not when you see what I’ve brought you as a gift,” he reached behind him and dragged something forward.

The whole room gasped and every man looked like he wanted to kill Erik, it was the most beautiful being that you’d ever seen, a fairy with shimmering wings and curling silver hair that reached the floor. You were angry with Erik; how could anyone be so cruel?

“Come here,” you reached out to the fairy and she obediently walked towards you with fear on her face, you smiled gently and removed her chains, your anger rising when you saw the red marks on her wrists, “did he hurt you?” when the fairy shook her head, you wrapped your arms around her and glared at the Prince, “the capture of Narnian’s is illegal! And, you think that I’d ever marry you?! I will never marry you!”

Erik gave you such a cold look that you actually felt the temperature drop a little, “you can’t do this!”

“Arrest him!” your guards immediately jumped to attention and clapped him in iron, “hmm, I’ve changed my mind, let him go,” the guards obeyed your orders at once, but they still stood at attention and you slowly walked toward him, craning your head back to look up at him, “I am the Queen of this land, don’t presume to tell me what I can and can’t do,” you glanced back at your Captain, “throw him in the dungeons.”

Later on that day, you were on the beach, walking beside the rolling waves that were calm and quiet as a whisper, “I heard from a little fairy that the Queen of Narnia is the kindest woman in all the land,” you heard laughter in the warm silken voice.

You grinned as you looked down into the sea and saw the beautiful merman smirking up at you, his silver scales glittering in the sunlight. You smiled and sat down on the warm sand, “is she okay, Caspian?”

Caspian nodded and smiled, “she’s fine.”

You felt so ashamed that something so horrible had happened in your land, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Y/N.” he sighed and pulled himself out of the water to sit next to you, “you’re not going to marry him are you?” he asked, staring down at the golden sand.

“Of course not! I’m not going to marry any of them. How could I when you’re the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen?” you turned his chin so he looked at you.

Caspian smiled as he leaned into your touch and he gazed at you with sparkling brown eyes. He cupped your cheek and leaned over so he could kiss you. He was so gentle with you, like you were made of glass. Was he afraid you’d fall apart?

“I love you, Caspian,” you whispered, leaning your forehead against his.

Caspian smiled as he combed gentle fingers through your hair, “I love you too.”

You bit your lip as you pressed a lingering kiss to his lips, “marry me Caspian,” Caspian scoffed with a little laugh as he gave you a disbelieving look, “I’m serious,” you sighed.

Caspian gave you a wan smile, “I can’t Y/N, you need to marry someone of royal blood, I’m not even human.”

“I don’t care about any of that, Caspian,” you felt a horrible pain in your chest as he shook his head.

“I can’t Y/N.”

You stayed on the beach with Caspian until it grew dark and you headed back to the palace and retired to your quarters with a heavy heart. If you couldn’t marry Caspian, then you wouldn’t marry anyone.

A couple of weeks later, you were throwing the annual afternoon party in the gardens where the subjects and royalty could mix, it was something that your mother had started when she was Queen. The weather was beautiful as was the soft music that played but you could hardly appreciate it, you hadn’t seen Caspian since you had asked him to marry you, you didn’t regret asking him but you were so angry with yourself that you had ruined things.

“Your Majesty?” you heard a familiar soft voice coming from the water and you turned to look at the river that ran through the gardens. There he was, Caspian, he looked so beautiful and he looked almost bashful as he smiled at you, the entire party went silent as you walked over to him, kneeling at the river bank.

“Caspian,” you smiled as you reached out and touched his cheek.

“I’m sorry for disappearing, Y/N but I had something to plan,” he smiled and you nodded at him for him to continue, “I love you, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, anyway that I can,” he held out the flat of his palm and you saw the most beautiful silver ring with a pink pearl encased in the centre, “will you marry me?”

You smiled at him before you glanced over your shoulder to look at your people who were all looking at you with so much love and support and you looked back at Caspian who looked slightly nervous, your heart soared as you took the ring out of his hand and slipped it onto your finger.

“Yes, I will marry you, I love you so much,” you grinned as you kissed him beneath the blazing sun.

Y/N - Your Name

Word Count - 780

Warnings? - Nope

Requested? - Yes by anon :)

Notes - This was playing at work and it got stuck in my head but I thought it was perfect for him.

I’ve been waiting for you

To come around and tell me the truth
‘Bout everything that you’re going through
My girl you’ve got nothing to lose

Cold nights and the Sunday mornings
On your way and out of the grey

I’ve got time, I’ve got love
Got confidence you’ll rise above
Give me a minute to hold my girl
Give me a minute to hold my girl

 Cair Paravel had never been busier. Everybody was getting ready for Caspian to set sail on the Dawn Treader on his sail for the lost lords. Yet amongst the hustle and bustle of the castle and town I sit silently in the gardens staring at the vast body of water that will be holding Caspian for the coming months.

A clear of someone’s throat pulls me out of my own little world and I turn to see the man himself. Caspian. “Are you sure you can’t take me with you my love?”

Crowded town or silent bed
Pick a place to rest your head
Give me a minute to hold my girl
Give me a minute to hold my girl

I’ve been dreaming 'bout us
Working hard and saving it up
We’ll go and see the man on the moon
My girl we’ve got nothing to lose

“I’m sure Y/N, anyways I’m sure you’ll be fine in my place whilst I’m gone. After all we have been married for over a year now and you shouldn’t be embarking on this journey in your state darling,” Caspian explains as he sits alongside me and simultaneously wraps one arm around me whilst the other rests on my growing stomach and I rest my head on his shoulder.

“I guess, but you’ve never been this long away from me before and when you come back, you’ll have a son.” I say solemnly.

“I think you mean daughter,”

“No, I mean son. Whilst you have them kingly instincts, I have motherly instincts and I am telling you that this child, our child is a boy.” I say with a smile on my features.

“Okay, sure Y/N.” Caspian reluctantly says so and I smirk and keep my eyes on him as his gaze wandered to the sea. We stay like this for most of the day and when Caspian was ultimately called away, he responded to them with “give me a minute to hold my girl,” of which he did and then he was gone.

Waving him off knowing he won’t be back for the longest time yet was heart wrenching, but I still did and afterwards I continued the royal duties. All the way up to actually giving birth I only worked, after all it helped the time go quick enough to not be stuck solemnly waiting for Caspian.

But then came the birth. Once my waters broke I instantly notified my handmaiden but it didn’t feel right, not without Caspian, but I knew I had to do it. The hours merged yet felt so long all at the same time but it was all worth it. After a gruelling 18 hours I was holding my son in my arms who had his fathers features indefinitely and a smile is all that can form on my face as I hold my little prince in my arms.

Eventually he is taken from my arms to be cleansed and nursed whilst I have to clean myself. Yet all that is on my mind is Caspian and how far he is from home which makes my stomach churn and a tear roll down my cheek. But I cannot dwell on it, I cannot afford that luxury, not with the circumstances of being a monarch and now a mother.

Holding baby Peter in my arms in his nursery he gurgles with happiness and is holding onto a lock of my hair which causes a laugh to emit from me and I set him down before a voice breaks the silence. “Well I see you were right after all my love,” I turn to see the man himself.

“I told you, I’m always right,” I say with a laugh and launch myself into his arms where he holds me.

“And who’s this?” Caspian asks leaving me and picking up Peter.

“That is Prince Peter Lucian,” I explain with pride.

“It’s perfect,” Caspian utters “just like you.”

Crowded town or silent bed
Pick a place to rest your head and
Give me a minute to hold my girl
Give me a minute to hold my girl

I’ve got time, I’ve got love
Got confidence you’ll rise above
Give me a minute to hold my girl
Give me a minute to hold my girl
