#prob delete later


currently using tumblr on the pc in like literal years and im wondering why i stopped. i like the format so much more

if I started posting/reblogging gifs that aren’t necessarily stimmy but are things I’m interested in would y’all mind?

.:Genshin Impact - New Event!:.

{To The Stars Once More!} The new event in Genshin, if anyone wanna play here is my invite code!GC8MWNKCHN

Or ya can just click here!: Link to Event~

Plus if anyone plays feel free to add me! My UID: 700364524

Love the contrast between people i follow on my personal priv ig account watching Kenobi and well the rest of the world

So there’s this critic who’s always complaining about technical stuff and holes in the plot like “why did Obi-Wan destroyed the laser bars at that stop and then ran in the other direction with Leia what was the point????”

Or “why didn’t he ignite the lightsaber when Vader attacked him but did it ten seconds later to see in the dark?????”

Or “why did he call Leia by her name???”

And “why was Vader faster with him with that huge noisy armor on????”

Sir. SIR. Please. I could not care less about these things. I’m here to see a man who aged twenty years faster than he was supposed to because his friend went batshit crazy and made it everyones problem.

Besides, it’s not like Star Wars has never been goofy i mean have you seen those two old men fighting in ANH? The troopers always missing? Like, that’s Star Wars for you, let’s not act like it’s always been a masterpiece of writing lmao who cares about logic and accuracy

Obi-Wan is desperate and still in shock because in the span of two days his whole world collapsed AGAIN and you expect him to be the witty smart sassy Jedi he used to be ten years ago?? He keeps saying he’s not like that anymore let the man be jesus

wanting to do advanced bondage ‍♀️ the various joints in my body that never healed properly and dislocate for fun
