#probs not


I love coming home after spending 10 hrs in the car to everyone just being mad at me on my wholeass birthday


Ok now hear me out - Blushi, an MCC Rising player, has just joined the event (same case with last mcc with jojosolos). Iskall has reentered the waitlist around the same time.

Iskall this MCC? Yes this is copium.






One advantage of not really having a strong sense of gender identity is that you’re very [shrug emoji] about how people gender you. Sometimes people call me by she/her pronouns and sometimes they go with he/him pronouns and on the internet people often default to they/them, and neither option is entirely right but also, fuck if I know what would be right, and I don’t particularly care. Therefore I’m perfectly happy to outsource my gender identity to the people around me who actually need to figure out which box to put me in. I don’t need to talk about myself in third person, so really my pronouns sound like a you problem.

My pronouns are I/me and the rest is for someone else to deal with because I have better things to do.

Very fond of macrolabels, like “queer”, that provide zero extra information. Is it genderqueer? Is it romantic/sexual orientation queer? Is it queer as in “none of your fucking business what’s in my pants and what I do with it and with whom”?

This is actually probably the first time I’ve ever read something that accurately describes my relationship with gender–ie, ‘my gender is me and my pronouns are a you problem’–so thank you for that!

#you cannot gender me in a way that matters
