#professional writer


1. Got a small royalty payment from one of my publishers2. Connected with a PR person for an article i’m writing3. Organized my planner for the week4. Connected with some sources5. Followed up with an editor6. Got positive responses from an editor 7. Rough outlined/sketched out an article8. Rough outlined another article due next week9. Made a video for my patrons10. Connected with a source for an article11. Finished my second revision of my (hopefully) forthcoming novel Rooftop Kennel Club12. Got some revisions back on one article13. Read a book14. Email with editors15. Panicked about some upcoming deadlines and sources being late16. Emailed with my editor about proofs and last minute edits on a feature magazine story17. Revised an article based on edits from an editor18. Kicked Out made a Book Riot list of books about homelessness19. Article just ran at AKC about conservation dogs20. Drafted a section to include in an article based on some conversations with editors21. Connected with my publisher around design ideas for my activity book22. Invoiced for an article!23. Connected with sources for an article24. Reviewed  trick dog titles25. It’s an amazing feeling when people like the stories you write about them and their work!26. Pitched a new(to me) editor/publication27. Did a voice over on a video for my Patrons28. Drafted an article29. Pitched a story30. Found out scheduling information about an interview that I did for a literary publication 31. Reworked an article32. Organized materials for an article 33. Outlined an article34. Drafted another article35. New article of mine ran at AKC36. Eeemmmaill37. Revised an article38. Pitched a magazine editor39. Got a fast and positive response with outreaching a new publication40. Pitched 5 stories 41. Wrote an article42. Made a video for my patrons43. Reworked an article 44. Final edits on an article45. Submitted an article to my editor46. Pitched a newspaper story 47. Pitched a magazine story48. Sold an essay off of a pitch49. Planned my March writing schedule for a new in progress novel50. Pitched a story51. An interview with me talking about writing and publishing was published on Narratively 52. Made a video for my patrons53. Got some positive responses to some pitches I sent 54. Had a new article get published by AKC55. Edited an article56. Submitted an article 57. Edited an article and added an introduction 58. Worked on reading some research and making notes for an ongoing book project 59. Kept updated on my daily doodles60. Design conversations with my publisher61. Patreon stuffs62. Read a second book63. Scheduling with a writing coaching client
