


My last thought on this mess

For those thinking that those at Game Grumps knew for a while, hence the removing of their ProJared videos, and not saying anything was uncalled for … you have to realise that all this was probably known months ago privately between all involved before the Jared statement came out. I don’t believe they were hiding the truth from anybody who needed to know. The removal was probably a reaction to Ross finding out what had happened from Heidi. This is all speculation, but it’s more logical than them keeping it from Heidi. Why would they? More importantly, why would they let her know in open communication for all to read? It’s not our business.

I honestly don’t understand how you can all think they distanced themselves from him for THIS and not for the fan nudes situation.
It’s way more likely that that started to become a problem and they decided to cut ties on the channel and while finding out more about the nudes exchange thing with the fans, Heidi found about the cheating stuff and then she snapped. Way more likely to disassociate themselves due to fan-related scandal than marital problems…

YouTube Dancing With the Stars Mashup?

Call me crazy, but this idea came to me in the car today: What if a bunch of YouTubers competed in this type of contest


It could be a YouTube Red exclusive. It’d have to be for the high production value it would need. Viewers, contestants, and non participating YouTubers could donate $1.00+ towards the team/couple of their choice. Whoever raises the most money wins! This could work with or without judges.

Reblog & comment if you think it’s a good idea and something you’d watch the shit out of.

Update: I’ve been made aware that this premise already happened in the form of “Dance Showdown”. However, I’m still in support of another shot at this.
