

Hi guys, I know its been a while but because of the virus I’ve got more time on my hands and decided to take on a requested story. The Prologue as usual is free and the following chapters you can access from my patreonfrom as little as $1 (and all the other stories I’ve done over the years).

This is going to be quite a long series based on a character called Lexie who discovers she likes the feeling of having an accident and being little again. I hope you’ll enjoy the cute regression she takes over the upcoming chapters and remember if you ever want to request a story its only $5 per chapter on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/female_omorashi7) with a free prologue. Hope you enjoy!

Prologue “Discovery”

“Wake up Lexie!”

“Wh…what” replied a sleeping teenager

“Its 12:30, I’ve been to the shops and back and you haven’t even manged to get up” Lexie’s mom continued from the doorway. Her mom was of average height and she had her wavy brown her in a messy bun that gave you the feeling of a caring mom who loved her kids to the bones. “I know you’re on your summer holidays but that doesn’t mean you can just laze around all day, now get up” she exclaimed playfully. “I also got your favourite magazine as well if that’ll give you some incentive” She said as she placed her a magazine on Lexie’s desk by the door before going downstairs.

Lexie grudgingly pulled herself out of her bed and started to get changed, she was 5”3 and had a nice body to say the least, her arse often attracted stares and she wasn’t lacking in the chest area but that didn’t really bother Lexie, she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend or anything as it was too much responsibility and besides it was summer, she wanted to let loose and be herself. Her own bubbly self, she thought as she got changed into some pink and white striped panties, blue jeans and a red crop top. She drank a cup of water on her bedside table and decided to read her magazine before getting breakfast, or lunch she thought guiltily.

Sitting down on her comfy desk chair she started to read through her magazine, it was one she loved looking at since she was young, and was a fashion magazine for girls in there late teens wanting look cute and playful but also, you know, respectable for their age. She had been always looking forward to being able to finally buy and wear these clothes when she was little and now, she was 19 it seemed almost perfect. Most of her wardrobe came from this clothing company “Big girls can be cute too” and the other stuff were her rather, well revealing clothes for her parties.

A particularly nice outfit had caught her eyes, a girl around her age wearing some short jeans shorts, long socks and a yellow top with her hair in coupled pigtails. Lexie always like clothes that showed her playful side, but she was always conscious that she needed to look mature, she wouldn’t want her teachers to think ill of her. She also knew that the girls in these magazines were always unrealistically pretty which made the clothes look better but she honestly didn’t care at this point, it was just a bit of fun.

She turned the next page to find the undergarment section of the magazine, Lexie usually skipped through this part as there was nothing you couldn’t get at regular shop and it wasn’t as if they were showing nice bras and thongs. She turned the page and found a feature article on some other kind of panties. She had never heard of them before and spend a minute looking and reading over the double page spread. They were called “pull-ups” apparently and were lightly padded panties for teens who still had bedwetting problems or if you were accident prone.

This seemed slightly odd to Lexie as she hadn’t wet the bed since she was 7 and never had an accident of any kind, never mind being “prone” to them. It wasn’t exactly a big market Lexie doubted and wondered why they bothered putting it in this magazine, until she realised that it was a sponsored advert which made more sense too her. She kept reading though as, if she was honest the design of cute flowers and princesses seemed rather cool, however at closer look it became obvious the “light padding” was more just a thin diaper that you could slip on and off. It would be cute for little toddlers training but a bit too diaper like for Lexie, she was 19 after all. She supressed a small giggle when it said that 3 out of 5 16-20-year olds still have daytime accidents, which was obviously a lie but made Lexie smile at the idea teenagers wearing them. I suppose it would look cute and you wouldn’t have to go to the bathroom, Lexie thought before she burst out laughing.

“What you laughing at?”

Lexie turned still giggling to find her 16-year-old younger sister at the door. Her actual name was Becky, but she would refuse to respond to that name because it sounded too “middle aged”. Her younger sister was quite like Lexie although she had blonde hair and had a more “popular” personality and wanted to grow up quicker rather than enjoy childhood like Lexie.

“Just my magazine” Lexie said composing herself

“You mean the fashion one” Becks said looking quizzically at why that would make her sister laugh

“What yeh, its just well there’s this really weird sponsor in the middle of it and it made me laugh thinking about it” Lexie explained

“oh, what it is on” Becks asked curiously

“Well err” Lexie started to laugh again but composed herself in time to say, “Basically like half diapers for teens like us, in case we wet ourselves or something” Lexie finished still giggling a bit

“You mean pull-ups” Becks replied clearly unimpressed with the idea

“Err, yeah I think that’s what they’re called, hang on how do you know” Lexie asked as she stopped laughing now

“One of my mates wears them occasionally” Becks said innocently

Lexie started laughing again. She couldn’t explain what made it so funny apart from the idea that teenagers still have accident and have to wear diapers

“Stop laughing, its not funny,” Becks said a bit hurt at her sister’s reaction

“I’m sorry its just… sorry. Why does she wear them anyway” Lexie said calming down

“Well, eer sometime she wees in her sleep” Even Becky began giggling once she said this which set Lexie of again

“What are you two giggling at!” Lexie’s mom shouted from downstairs

“Nothing” the both shouted in union while still giggling a bit

“They do look quite cute though I suppose” Lexie said in between breaths

“They are to be fair but you can tell there not normal panties” Becks replied

“omg you’ve get to tell me who wears them” Lexie begged still laughing

“No, I don’t want you terrorizing my friends whenever they come over and anyway, she only wears the occasionally when she has to sleepover somewhere” Becks said calming herself, “You coming to breakfast then”

“Yeh I’ll come right down” Lexie said composing herself as her sister left the room. She glanced at the page again and folded the corner of the page as she decided she did like the patterns at the front, and they looked fun.

To be continued…

For more chapters in the future: https://www.patreon.com/female_omorashi7
