#protect minors


BDSM: being part of the community, before you’re 18,and why you should wait.

Hello, I am 21 and I’m married to my Sir, he will be 23 this year.

I’ve been “into” BDSM since I was 13/14 years old, I just thought I was weird, until I looked into choking and being spanked and such, to achieve sexual gratification when i was 14.

As a teen i was kinda the oddball, and my family didn’t understand, my mom said “its just a faze” and my friends just thought I was weird….when I turned 16 I started looking online for BDSM dominates, and how to be a submissive, i found plenty of “Doms” but they were all fake, *and pervs ages 21+ willing to sext a 16 year old.. Yet another reason I dont condone minors in BDSM*

I eventually came across my first real domme *female dominate* but she was also an adult, we did nothing sexual, and at 16 I was emotional and too inexperienced to handle an actual BDSM relationship *yet ANOTHER reason minors shouldn’t participate.*

At 16 almost 17, i met my now Sir, he just turned 18 the month before, it was on a website called omegle, its slogan is “omegle, talk to strangers!” He moved in with me in August of 2014, I was still a minor, I can only JUST recently legally participate in BDSM, and I urge any minor interested…please wait,,wait until you’re 18, its for the safety of you,,and your play partner.
