

Hay algo fascinante con los delantales que me encantan, no se muy bien que es pero me atrapan en la sencillez de su belleza. Desde hace tiempo llevo pensando en hacer uno de estos con pechera y por fin despues de buscar mucho he encontrado la tela correcta; ¡viva IKEA! y sus impresiones en algodón de indianas propias de finales del XVIII. 


The Aztec Illustrations are part of a larger proyect I’m working on, I’ts a comprehensive Illustrated list of the Aztec pantheon. I want to provide visual representation and easy acces to Aztec mythology, because, let’s be honest, it’s really weird, obscure (and hard to research), and besides some of the popular Aztec Gods most of them lack real representation. If you google most of them you wont even get much to give you an idea of what it’s all about.

I have a list of 79 Aztec deities, all with basic descriptions, area and influence and notes, but my first milestone is to get a core set of 32 deities done, all the illustrations I’ve uploaded on the blog so far are part of that core, however I’ll work on lesser deities from time to time as well.

Anyway, I presented this proyect for FONCA, which is a government program to support artistic proyects here in Mexico, the results are in next month, but in the meanwhile I’ll be working on a couple of interesting lesser Gods that are not part of the core 32 set.

If you follow me for the Gods please stick around and give me feedback I apreciate it, and if you followe me for the rest of the art, don’t worry I’ll keep on drawing other stuff as well :)

Thank you for reading

-Cangrejo out-


DiamondTale, A sido un proyecto original cual e estado guardando porque lamentablemente no lo e podido elaborar por múltiples cambios de la historia, Pero por mi cumpleaños e decidido confirmar el proyecto y que se esta realizando✨

Lamentablemente aun no tengo fecha exacta de entrega, Pero si de que ya tengo avances de este proyecto, Como la elaboración y la portada del capitulo numero 1 llamado ¨Broken Dreams¨ Nombre del capitulo en elaboración

La portada y las primeras 3 paginas, Aunque no terminadas se realizaran una ves que termine y desde hay empezara la historia de DiamondTale✨

DiamondTale, It has been an original project which I have been saving because unfortunately I have not been able to elaborate it due to multiple changes in the story, But for my birthday I decided to confirm the project and that is still in progress✨

Unfortunately I still do not have an exact date on its release, but I do already have progress on this project, such as the story and cover of chapter number 1 called ¨Broken Dreams¨ Name of the chapter under development

The cover and the first 3 pages, Although not finished, they will be made, once it ends from there the story of DiamondTale will begin.

-Unfortunately this comic will come out in Spanish the first parts, But I am willing to release a translated version-
