#psych major


Why is it always psych majors who feel the need to do the neurotypical equivalent of mansplaining about autism to me?

@neurotypical psych majors: you know nothing. Literally, you don’t even know what you don’t know. I do not need you explaining autism to me, I do not need you explaining implicit social rules or facial/tone signals to me, I do not need you to explain to me why the joke I just made didn’t come across as funny. Maybe YOU should work on understanding autistic communication, social rules, and humor? We do in fact have those things btw. Look up the double empathy problem. Y’all neurotypicals are just as shitty at understanding us as we are at understanding you. Probably more so because most autistic people I know actively study NT behavior from the age of like. Eight fucking years old. How long have you studied autism for? Like a 3 week unit on developmental disabilities in your Intro to Human Development class?

To help you understand, I have made a helpful diagram based on the Dunning-Kruger Effect graph:

Seriously, if I have ONE MORE neurotypical psych major start NTsplaining autism to me, I will personally show up at your college and deliver an eight hour lecture on how little you know about autism and why you should shut up about it and listen to the people who actually know what we’re talking about
