



When Will saw Blue approaching, he had braced himself for the worst. Despite having spent the past couple of years changing and reforming himself, he knew that there were some things one couldn’t expect forgiveness for. In fact, he fully expected her to rightfully lash out at him, and he would have deserved it.

However, when she mentioned a spa day, he was taken by surprise.

“…are you serious?”


“Do I look like someone that would joke about a spa day? Quite insulting…” She huffed her cheeks and bit her inner cheek to stop from saying anything more. “I’ll give you 10 seconds to make up your mind before I make it up for you.”


maskedthief: “The kiss of death maybe,” she stated blankly before cracking a smile, “plus hate is such a strong word, and ages the face…. is that why you wear your eye mask still?”

“The mask has become part of the aesthetic; I can assure you that my face hasn’t aged.” Though there were bags under his eyes from nights of not sleeping.

“You can say what’cha want but until I see it my mind will run rampant.”


Blue had this terrible habit, if one could even call it that, of not forgiving and holding grudges. Her past molded her but didn’t define her - so why was it so hard to give those in her past the benefit of the doubt that maybe they can change to. 

Just be nice, Blue. she kept repeating to herself. No need to be mean… again.


“Say, Will, wanna do a spa day? I’m sure it’d fix the dark circles I’m imaging you have , ya’know, since you always cover your eyes.”



“No, but it’s odd for you to propose such an offer to me.” He had been certain that Blue hated him, as well as Karen, and he would have fully understood and respected that.

Well, he wasn’t wrong. She’ll never forget what they did to her back in Ilex Forest but she’s working on the forgive. But, her patiences was growing thin and begging is never something she’d succumb to. 

“Okay, fine, be that way. Offer rescinded.”



“Whaaa- I never said no!” He was simply surprised and needed a moment to mull it over, and to play right into her hands as per usual. 

“I’ll go, so there’s no need to take the offer back.”

Like a switch, Blue’s standoffish behavior changed into a smug smile. I’ll make this one exception. I’m usually a woman that follows through with my threats, as you would know.”

“Now, let’s get going. Time is not doing you any favors.” Turning her heel, she started to lead the way out. “I do hope we can gossip about things today.”


“You’re absolutelyhilarious.”

“I was worried you wouldn’t understand that it was a joke ♥ It was pretty obvious but -” she shrugs, “-you shouldn’t assume things, ya’know.”


“Must be nice to be rich

I wonder if he’d give me money for that chocolate fountain I’ve been eying?” Especially since Lance was a tight wad when it came to money.

“At least you’re rich in personality.” She snickered, unable to contain her quip.


Downcast eyes stare blankly at her toes. The slits of the mask didn’t allow for much visibility but she fears the repercussions of what could happen to her if she forgo wearing it. Her knowledge of what happened to her is slim. She knows of a bird snatching her and taking her somewhere. She knows of the person they call the masked man. She knows there are others, just like her, but older from what she can tell.

She isn’t interested in engaging with the others in the room. All she craves is the comfort of her own bed and with people she knew. Her fingers intertwine absently as she lifts her head and looks at the pairs of children with their pokemon. Everyone seems unapproachable to the young girl. She cannot see their faces but they way that they carry themselves frightened her. How long have they been here? she asks herself. They all seem more at peace than herself. 

Her breath heightens as she inhales sharply at the sight of a smaller bird, Natu, making its way towards her. With a shrill scream,Blue slums against the corner of the wall, sitting in it with her legs pulled in, hands on her ears and buries her face in her thighs. “G-go away birdy…” she pleads, trying to stay strong but the terror in her voice is overpowering.


“Ya’know Will?” Blue rested her chin in the palm of her hand, “I’ve always been curious about how you managed to worm your way into the elite four.”
