

Oh hey there!  You favourite inconsistent introvert on tumblr is back for her yearly much anticipated post.

This past week was ‘happiness week’ at work.  One of the  first events organized by the company was a discussion about personality types, where we were split in several small groups to discuss this theme. Lovely – great start.

This got me thinking about personality test.  It has been years since I took the online personality test and decided to re-take it.  I was quite surprised to see ISFP-T on my results screen.  Until now, I have always considered myself to be an INFJ-T, based on a previous result from years ago.

From what I can gather, I am an Adventurer.

I change during the course of a day. I wake and I’m one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I’m somebody else.

Accurate.  Very accurate.  
I literally feel like I change as soon as I step out of the house, my car, work etc…

Strengths: Charming, Sensitive to Others, Imaginative, Passionate, Curious, Artistic.

Weaknesses: Fiercely Independent, Unpredictable, Easily Stressed, Overly Competitive, Fluctuating Self-Esteem.

On. Point. 

I have decided to skip over the friendships, relationships, parenthood results – which I would be happy to go over and elaborate on another time (I can probably dedicate another post or two - in a year’s time? - about this.

When it comes to workplace, the workplace,

the position that feels most unnatural to Adventurers is management. They are not a domineering personality type, and take no joy in exerting control over others, planning long-term goals, or disciplining unsatisfactory behavior.

I have been working in a managerial role for the past year.  
Building a team from scratch, providing ongoing training, setting goals, delegating work… it has not been plain sailing and has been overly stressful at times.  

This being said, I am  grateful that I was given this opportunity as it has taught me A LOT.

Conclusion: Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder, or learning to plan ahead, Adventurers need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.

I will leave it at that, as it once again scarily on point.

I would LOVE to hear from you!  
What is your personality type and do feel like it is truly in line with who you are?
(You can take the personality test from - https://www.16personalities.com/)
