#pterrible dinosaurs




good evening I am going to make some scribbly lines, just as soon as I finish eatign this griled chees e samwidge.

Alrighty here they are, here are the some lines I drew.

Unrelated, but. if you ever take a suit to get altered and go “oooh I positively NEED it by this specific date” could you please actually come and pick it up by that date?? We only have so much room in the racks in the backroom. So so so so so so very many people do not come and pick things up on the day they said they needed them by, and I do not understand it.

Also please note that “it will be ready after 4pm” means that it will be ready in the part of the day that is later than 4 pm, and not the part of the day that is before 4 pm. One would think this is a simple thing to grasp.



grape flavoured dinosaur probably. with grapes.

#my only complaint is that ‘grape flavoured’ implies one might eat this little buddy #and I would prefer to give them a little terrarium with fun things for them to do and a comfy place to rest

you can just pull the grapes off and eat those and they’ll grow back like a gecko tail.
actually, that sounds mean and I would not want to either :(


minimum effort dinosaur
