#public health nyc


Health equity means making sure there are conditions for optimal health and well-being for all people. Equity recognizes that people need different things to lead full, healthy lives.

Health equity is achieved when no one is kept from reaching their highest level of health because of social position, social identities or where they live.

A person’s health (or overall quality of life) should NOT depend on:
Income level
Sexual orientation

TheCOVID-19 public health emergency has made many New Yorkers’ lives more stressful. Increased stress can change your drug and alcohol use routines, which may increase your risk of overdose. 

Here are some ways to practice safer drug and alcohol use:

Practice Mindful Drinking

  • Keep track of when and how much you drink
  • Eat food and drink non-alcoholic beverages
  • Avoid mixing drugs and alcohol
  • Participate in activities that do not center around alcohol

Practice Safer Drug Use and Prevent Overdose

  • Avoid using alone
  • Start with less and use slowly
  • Avoid mixing drugs
  • Do not share drug use supplies, such as syringes or pipes
  • Always have naloxone, also known as Narcan, nearby in case of an overdose
  • Changes to the type of drugs you use and how much you use can affect your tolerance and increase the risk of overdose
  • Be aware of fentanyl, a powerful opioid found in the drug supply that increases your risk of overdose

Learn more about how to reduce risk and prevent overdose.
