



from: ya girl pb <3

notes: i hope you enjoy this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it! sorry about the abrupt ending–consider it a “to be continued” ;)

To Live a Life That’s Free

For all the time he spends working to keep criminals off the streets, Ryousuke feels like the only person he’s ever really imprisoned is himself.

It’s a dramatic way to think about things, for sure, but he does a plenty lot of thinking about things that aren’t so ironic these days and if he doesn’t entertain the extremities of his mind every now and then he worries he’ll lose his sense of humor. (That’s a joke: as if he’d ever lose that sharp-tongued core to his personality.)

In all seriousness, though, working for the government doesn’t exactly promote what he considers a healthy amount of self discovery. Sure, he was hired for his particular skill set. Ryousuke knows he can offer things few others can, and he can stomach even more than any of them, he’s sure. He and his team have seen the worst of what humanity has to offer and he’s seldom so much as flinched. But he didn’t join Japan’s Asset Force to stagnate, and he didn’t work this hard just to put away serial criminals, rewarding a job as that is.

Then his skull cracks back against a brick wall, and he’s forced to resign himself to the fact that for now, he’s just going to have to settle.

Keep reading

to: @public-benchesfrom: @swwyzhappy kuraryous pb/public benches!!! hope you enjoy this lil mockup p


happy kuraryous pb/public benches!!! hope you enjoy this lil mockup pacrim au dj cover i drew… it was a lotta fun hehe ^__^

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