#publishing advice


Vanity vs. Hybrid

Depending on what you’ve heard in the past, these words either inspire hope or fear. That’s why I’m here to break down what they mean in the #publishing industry and shed some light on the stigma behind both. #vanity #hybrid #indieauthors #writing

Depending on what you’ve heard in the past, these words either inspire hope or fear. That’s why I’m here to break down what they mean in the publishing industry and shed some light on the stigma behind both.

Let’s start off with the word that started it all. The dread. The frustration. The tears. The vanity publisher.

Most definitions that have spawned from this term all agree that vanity…

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Don’t Sleep on Indie Publishers

Nothing feels better than holding a finished manuscript in your hand other than seeing it on a bookshelf. And I’m here to tell you there are alternatives to traditional publishing you may want to check out. #writingcommunity #indiepublishing #books

Nothing feels better than holding a finished manuscript in your hand…or on your computer. You feel accomplished, like your life has purpose, and then you remember that no one will ever see your hard work unless it’s published. You try the traditional route or even query agents trying to convince them why your book is so special. You spend hours tirelessly scouring the internet for tips on how to…

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