#punishment strapping

You can tell that she knows how to swing that strap powerfully.

You can tell that she knows how to swing that strap powerfully.

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A good punishment strap will blister and bruise a backside nicely, while teaching a bad behind a goo

A good punishment strap will blister and bruise a backside nicely, while teaching a bad behind a good lesson.

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Strong arms and a heavy leather strap will have him in line quickly.

Strong arms and a heavy leather strap will have him in line quickly.

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A heavy punishment strap will leave an impression for a while if you’re swinging like she is.

A heavy punishment strap will leave an impression for a while if you’re swinging like she is.

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If you have a friend that’s open minded…spanking from both sides is twice as effective!

If you have a friend that’s open minded…spanking from both sides is twice as effective!

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Her tone and muscular arm can give quite the strapping!

Her tone and muscular arm can give quite the strapping!

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The sting of a good heavy punishment strap will have him thinking twice about crossing you again.

The sting of a good heavy punishment strap will have him thinking twice about crossing you again.

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Some days he just needs a hug. On the butt. With a strap.Some days he just needs a hug. On the butt. With a strap.

Some days he just needs a hug. On the butt. With a strap.

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A dense, heavy punishment strap should be in every wife’s arsenal.

A dense, heavy punishment strap should be in every wife’s arsenal.

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Consistent and harsh spankings are very important when teaching your man a lesson.

Consistent and harsh spankings are very important when teaching your man a lesson.

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Chores not done correctly, have consequences.

Chores not done correctly, have consequences.

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Don’t forget the upper back of the legs when teaching him a lesson.

Don’t forget the upper back of the legs when teaching him a lesson.

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REAL punishment, gets REAL results.

REAL punishment, gets REAL results.

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The punishment strapping is about to commence.

The punishment strapping is about to commence.

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Backhand with the leather punishment strap.

Backhand with the leather punishment strap.

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That backside is about to look a lot different after she starts swinging that punishment strap.

That backside is about to look a lot different after she starts swinging that punishment strap.

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