#punz x you


{!/ }

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Warnings;Drinking, {consent is still sought out}, sloppy make out, mentions of vaginal/cock sex, cursing, AFAB, female anatomy used, Punz’s real name used

This was a request, so I hope it finds you well, Anon! This definitely took a bit longer just because I’m working again, but I hope you all enjoy the new NSFW work! <3

Until Next Time ~ JJ


Tonight was all about you. Well, you and your YouTube channel.

You had finally reached 20 million after about a month of teetering into the number, and the boys weren’t about to let that go so easily.

“Guys, seriously, this is too much-” the boys celebrating with you were quick to shush you. Sapnap, Punz, Karl, and Charlie were adamant about you celebrating this achievement, Dream would’ve come out, however, he was still waiting for his face reveal to happen; though he congratulated you.

“Y/N, come on, this is a huge milestone,” Karl grinned as everyone chimed in. “Besides, when’s the last time you got to go out and just have fun?”

“Well, I guess with the pandemic-”

“Exactly, so,” Sapnap butted in, wrapping his arms around yours and Karls’ necks. “Let’s get our party onnn~”

This led you to now, bodies moving against one another to the thrumming beat. Drinks spilled, spit, and thrown around your small group - you sat snug next to Charlie and Karl, laughing at Sapnap and Luke as they tried to arm wrestle one another, knocking into the table and causing their drinks to tussle around.

“You’re gonna spill your-” Charlie tried to speak, only to be interrupted by the sound of breaking glass. “Drinks.” He groaned, rubbing his eyes with a tired smile.

“Luke! Sap! You boys are going to give Charlie a heart attack,” you giggled as Luke turned towards you, a dopey smile on his lips. He looked towards you as Sap rolled his eyes, grabbing Luke’s drink and sipping from it.

“Oh, come on, it’s fun!”

“Y/N, come sit by me,” Luke smirked as you arched a brow, scooting closer and jumping as he slung one of his arms over your shoulders, dragging you into his lap. You could feel your pulse rise as heat slithered up your throat, dusting your cheeks as he maneuvered his face to rest against your shoulder.

The others looked at your pair with shock covering their features. Sapnap was fighting back laughter, Karl sat in shock at how Luke was comfortably resting against your jugular, Charlie was smirking. They all knew about the crushes you held for one another, so this..? This is something that they’ll never let Luke live down, especially since it’s the first move he’s attempted with you. You couldn’t help but feel your heart about to explode in your chest when you felt Luke’s lips press soft kisses against your thundering pulse, moving up towards your ear and pressing gentle kisses beneath your lobe, sighing. “Y’know, you’re the prettiest pet I’ve ever seen,” he mumbled against your heated skin, causing you to shiver. “So pretty, so warm,” his voice trailed as his hand slithered around your waist, holding you against his chest while his blunt nails dragged across your upper thigh. “Fucking hot.”

“Luke, dude,” Sapnap caught his attention, sliding a glass of water towards you two. “You may wanna drink this before you do something you’d regret.” Luke frowned at the glass, turning away from it and snuggling his face further into your nape, littering kisses down your neck and across your shoulder.

“Don’t want it.”

“Luke, drink some of it, please,” your voice slightly shook as you cleared your throat, grabbing the glass and pushing Luke’s head away from your neck, holding it to his lips as he hummed, taking large drinks as you grinned, moving it away when his head found its’ spot back on your shoulder. Karl was quick to pull out his phone, taking pictures as you rolled your eyes, yet you couldn’t keep the smile at bay.

Ever since you met Luke, your crush for him had grown, but who were you to try and tie him down when he had so many choices of women to date. They were always chasing for his attention, fighting for a chance to date and gain bragging rights about having gone to bed with Luke.. Whoever got to lay next to him would never shut up.

“Alright, who’s taking him home?” Karl looked between the others. Charlie and Sapnap averted their eyes, turning away or looking down into their drinks. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, moving from the booth as Luke whined, following after you.

“I can take him with me-”

“Are you sure? Drunk Luke can be.. A handful.” Sapnap chuckled, having Luke lean against him as you nodded, moving to Luke’s other side and pressing yourself into his side with a small smile. “I think I can handle him.”


“Okay, Luke, I need you to step up and to the left-” you stopped when Luke leaned further into you, causing you to grunt. “Your other left, Blondie.” You fought back the smile as you helped him up your front stairs and into your apartment, holding him close as you leaned him further into you, attempting to detangle your house keys.

You inhaled when Luke’s face pressed further into your skin, pressing open mouth kisses across your throat as you choked back a moan. His teeth ran up your pulse, nipping at your skin before stopping below your ear, gently sucking at the skin as a shaking gasp ran through you. “Luke-” You craned your head back, attempting to soothe the throbbing between your legs as he blinked, focusing on your face with glossy eyes.

“I’msosorry,” his words slurred together as he turned his attention towards the steps, you swallowed thickly before finally finding your key and helping him inside. Maneuvering him towards the couch, you sat him down with a huff, clearing your throat. You stared at him as he looked around, taking in your living room.

With how he was acting, and with how much liquor you witnessed his intake, you knew he would be in pain tomorrow if you couldn’t help it. You turned on your heel, only to be tugged to a stop. “Wait, I didn’t.. I just thought..” His words stumbled and seemed to just drip from his lips, you kneeled in front of him, holding his face in both hands with a kind smile.

“Punzy, it’s okay, I’ll be right back,” you leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss against his cheek. Stepping back, you watched as his shoulders sank, tension melting away as you moved quickly towards the kitchen, gathering a few snacks and a bottle of water to help sober Luke up faster, even snatching a bottle of Tylenol as you moved back into the living room.

“Here, eat this,” you handed him the small square of crackers. “Drink this,” you sat the water bottle on the coffee table in front of him. “Take two of these when you’re done eating.” You sat the medicine next to the bottle before flopping onto the couch next to him, leaning against the back as you watched him unwrap the crackers and eat a few. You couldn’t help but grin as he sighed happily.

“Y’know,” you paused, reaching up and twirling a bit of his hair around your index, feeling your cheeks heat up. “You’re really flirty as a drunk.”

“I’m not.. This is tipsy.” He murmured in between bites before reaching forward and gulping down some of the water. You couldn’t help but smirk, he’s definitely gonna feel this in the morning.

“Mhmm, I don’t know how your girlfriend-”

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“But if you did, she’d worry about you.” You muttered, dropping the strand of hair as he turned towards you, his eyes flickering between your eyes and… Your lips.

“She wouldn’t have to worry about me,”

“How’s that?” Your voice barely passed your tongue as he turned towards you, sitting everything onto the table as he grabbed one of your hands gently.

“Because I’d be at home with her. Cuddling in bed, shitting on Sapnap in Valorant, watching TV or movies together,” he paused with a chuckle. “Burning food and having a freakout ‘cause everything is smoky now.”

“That happened once,”

“But I never said it was you..” He whispered, his face closer to your own, a puff of warm breath fanning across your lips as you sighed, your eyes flickering before swallowing thickly.

“But maybe I wish it was me..” You mumbled, leaning in as your lips collided. Luke leaned closer, one of his hands sliding up your arm and wrapping gently around your nape, tangling his fingers in your hair.

“Come closer,” he huffed, tugging you into his lap while your lips moved feverishly together. You wrapped your arms around his neck, caressing the back of his head as you tugged on his blonde strands causing him to moan into your mouth.

“Oh, fuck.” You shakingly moaned out as his lips moved down your neck, finding your sweet spot from earlier exploration. His hand tugged your neck to the side, exposing it more to him as he nibbled and sucked along your drumming pulse, causing you to squirm in his lap.

“Grind against me. Fucking use my thigh.” You moaned again as you slowly dragged your hips back and forth against his crotch, feeling his cock strained against his jeans.

“Oh, fuck, Luke, please,” you huffed again, your free hand wiggling between your bodies, tugging on the bottom of your shirt, only for him to grab your wrist, panting against your shoulder.

“Luke, please-”

“Tell me you want this..”


“Tell me you want this and that when we wake up together tomorrow morning you won’t regret this.. Look me in the eyes and tell me that.” You blinked as Luke stared into your eyes, his own pleading for you to say you wouldn’t. Not that you would ever..

“I want you. Fuck, I want you and I’ll never regret it, Luke, please.” His lips broke into a small smile, licking them over before smashing them back into yours.

You tugged your shirt over your body, shuddering as the icy air wrapped around your body as Punz’s hands slithered down your back, stopping to snap your bras’ strap against your goosebump littered skin. “You’re so sensitive, love..” His voice dropped as the material fell away from your body. Your gasp melted into a moan as his lips latched around one of your nipples, caressing it with his tongue while one of his hands kneaded your other breast.

“I need more, please, just..”

“Just what, doll? What else do you need?” The tip of his tongue swirled around your other nipple, causing another shiver to run up your spine. You leaned back, tugging his hair to where you could see his lust-filled eyes. With the pounding of your heart deafening you, you flicked the tip of your tongue over your lips before almost gasping out.

“I want you to fuck me, Punz.”

His body suddenly moved a mile a minute. His shirt abandoned to the carpet while his hands fiddled with your jeans’ buttons, grunting as he finally released them and worked them down your thighs, moaning quietly as they got caught. Throwing them out of sight, he glanced down with a loud, toe-curling moan as he noticed the wet spot forming on your underwear. Luke’s fingers grazed the fabric, causing you to gasp and jump away but also arch into the relief offered to you.

“All this for me, sweetheart?” His voice teased as he nipped your ear, causing you to moan against his throat. He tugged on the fabric until a low rip came from them, peeling them easily from your body as you choked out a moan.

“Luke, get the fuck out of those jeans and-” You gasped as your back collided with the cushions. Punz sat above you, a smirk on his lips as one hand helped him hover above you, the other worked his jeans and boxers off, allowing his cock to slap against his stomach.

“Careful what you wish for, Princess,” he leaned down, smashing your lips together as he dragged his nails along your stomach, across the top of your thigh, and pressed two fingers against your clit making you jump and try to squeeze your legs close; Luke’s thigh held them open as his fingers moved and pinched at your bundle of nerves.

As your back arched into his chest, his middle and ring fingers slowly moved into your entrance, his thumb keeping a steady circle on your clit. Thrusting his fingers steadily, his thumb moved quickly against your clit as your thighs began to tremble, curling your fingers around the couchs’ cushion as you attempted to grab his wrist, to slow him down. Luke just scoffed at you as your moans became nothing but little huffs and shattered moans when you saw a white flash behind your eyes. You quivered and shook as Luke sat back, his cock now presented to you as you huffed, blissfully watching as he took his fingers into his mouth; moaning at the taste.

“Fuck, you taste as good as you look,” he licked his lips, moving to where his thighs held your legs back open, grasping his cock and teasing your clit with it. Each slap caused a tremble to move through you, a moan following as his tip grazed between your folds, collecting your wetness.

Luke leaned forward, one hand grasping the arm of the couch while his elbow rested next to your head. His lips pressed tightly to yours as he slowly inserted his cock.

You broke the kiss, turning your head to the side as a whimper-like moan escaped you. He stopped, pressing his nose to your thundering pulse, pressing butterfly-like kisses against your neck.

“Shh, sh, it’s okay, I got you, baby.. You’re doin’ so fuckin’ well for me.” He praised into your jawline, peppering kisses across it as he gently rocked his hips into yours; filling you up as you arched further into him.

“God, you’re.. You’re so big,”

“You can take it, honey, I know you can.” You both moaned as he gave a final thrust, bottoming out. You could feel your walls pulsating around him, your thighs twitching and trembling as moaned, his shoulders shaking as he lifted his face up, staring at you.

“You say when, baby. You tell me when you’re ready for me to-“

You moved your hips against him. His eyes snapped shut as you felt his cock twitch inside of you, causing you to moan with a whimper.

“Move. Fucking Punz, please.” You couldn’t help but plead for him to move. The sinking feeling of his cock became too much.

His thrust started small, but firm. Slowly, they became deep, hard thrust; moving you against the soft cushion beneath you. Each thrust erupted a pant-like moan from your throat, each movement had you wanting more.

Opening your eyes, you looked up to see Luke’s chain dangling in front of you. Glancing at his face, his eyes were screwed shut as you bite your lip. The gold glittered in your eye as you slowly leaned forward, catching it between your teeth and giving it a light tug.

Luke’s eyes snapped open as you held the chain between your teeth, almost smirking as he allowed a deep, grunty moan to escape his throat.

He leaned further into your body, the chain sat on top of your lips, some still between your teeth when he began to thrust harder into you.

His tip kissed your cervix as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, he couldn’t keep the smirk off of his lips. Moaning happily into your ear as he pressed his nose against your crown, pressing light kisses across your sweaty hairline before he nipped at your lobe.

“Give me what I want, Y/N. Cum for me.” He grunted into your ear as you quaked, your thighs shaking against his own while your hands shot up, wrapping around his neck.

Luke moaned heavenly into your cheek, feeling his cock twitch inside of you and with a final hard thrust, his cum filled you. Huffing against one another’s cheeks, you pressed light kisses across his face while one of his hands played with your hair, twirling it.

“So..” You hummed as he chuckled.

“That happened.”

“Mhmm, and you swore you wouldn’t regret it-“

“It’s not that, I just.. I owe Dream five bucks.” You giggled as Punz sat up, staring at you with wide eyes.

“You did not bet on us having sex.”

“Not on the sex part, just.. Us confessing after you drank tonight.” You shrugged gently as he scoffed, pinching your nose as you snorted, batting away his hands.

“There’s no way you bet on us..”

“We can call Dream later and you can ask. Not my fault alcohol is truth serum to you,” you muttered, yawning before groaning as Luke slowly sat up and pulled out, a low moan leaving him as he watched your mixed cums leak out of your twitching hole.

“But after we nap.”

“I gotta clean you-“

“Shut. Up. And nap.” You hissed, pulling him back down by his neck.

“You’re gross.” He rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around your head as you sighed, closing your eyes.

“You love me.”

“That I do.. Goodnight, babe.”

“Goodnight, Lukey.” You giggled as he flicked your ear, making you jump.

“That’s not sticking around.” He grunted, closing his eyes as you smiled.

It totally did..


I hope you all enjoyed this piece!

am i back? until writer’s block hits again </3

am i teasing y’all with posts? maybe

but anyway DSMP shit posts !!! We’re on a Punz grind for rn

So, kinda shaggy haired punz ??? you’d be able to spend hours playing with this man’s hair. Twisting it, fluffing/shaking it, braiding it, making him wear in a man bun at least twice but those pics will forever stay in your ‘your eyes only’

he flicks your shoulder to get your attention. idk he just … he thinks it’s funny cause you jump and try to beat tf outta him ☺️

could die happy if he sees you wearing his hoodie, boxers, or caps. i’m talking simp of the century baby - has pictures of you in all of them and gushes about how he has the “most perfect photo” of you to chat and they beg to see it but he denies it cause you’re his duh.

matching. rings. duh.

and ofc with matching rings you HAVE to have matching nails - hell, maybe you were the one who got him into painting his nails, hella cool btw

in the back of my mind, I pray this man knows how to cook but ik damn well.. But y’all would try your hardest to make cute at-home dates and cook a meal together but half the time you end up getting take out (which is chill, it’s still fun/cute)

posts you 100% if the time, he tries to keep his personal life private but man you’re his baby, he’s gotta show you off <3 instagram stories/pics, twitter threads, gushing about you on stream - he’s just proud to call you his

and lastly…

if you play Valorant with him, he lets you main Jett. who he is very, very passionate about maiming half the time so consider yourself blessed my guy

i hope to make a few more shit posts before work takes over my life again, but until then have a beautiful day ~ JJ
