
It’s not everyday you look through Instagram resources and see a familiar face like “hold up, I know

It’s not everyday you look through Instagram resources and see a familiar face like “hold up, I know Sis! She’s been featured on Island Naturals many times” Then to go on her page to see she did a TedTalk about living in your purpose and happiness….one of the points I made in my recent video about overcoming depression.

@brittjohnz your story is inspiring…thanks for sharing and congrats on successfully living in your purpose

#islandnaturals #jamaicannaturals #naturalista #purposedrivenlife #happiness #success #liveinyourpurpose (at Kingston, Jamaica)

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Don’t mind me, just thinking to myself. #purpose #purposedrivenlife (at Las Vegas Nevada) https://

Don’t mind me, just thinking to myself.

#purpose #purposedrivenlife (at Las Vegas Nevada)

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You want to know the world’s big secret? You want to know what the “big bad wolf”

You want to know the world’s big secret? You want to know what the “big bad wolf” is hiding from you? It’s that your only purpose on this Earth is to learn how to love without fear.

Yes, your only purpose is to love without fear. As long as you are afraid, the dark forces can control you. If you operate out of pure love, you are untouchable and you cannot host the darkness.

#guardyourmind #wearethelight #beopen #shailaunmusic #wonder #whatislove #purposedrivenlife

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Too many of us are not living our dreams because of fear, we become comfortable in the states quo, i

Too many of us are not living our dreams because of fear, we become comfortable in the states quo, it makes sense to us, we too afraid of what is on the other side, so we rather live a mediocre life than pursuing our dreams.YOU must believe in yourself enough to be the person you have also dreamt of becoming. STOP acting like living twice. Jesus didn’t come for you to live a mediocre life he came so that you may have life and have it in abundance . #FaithOverFear #StepInFaith #LiveLifeToTheFullest #StepInFaith #FaithNotSight #AmustardSeedFaith #FaithThatMovesMountains #LiveInTheFullnessOfGod #YouAreDestinedForGreatness #StriveForGreatness #PurposeDrivenLife #PursueYourDreams #BelieveInYourself #YouMatter #LiveYourBestLife #Laugh #Love

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