

I’ve watched “Promare” and it’s such a satisfying experience! It feels therapeutic – giant robots, an idealistic idiot for the main character – just what I needed right now after “Death Note” (and because for me it’s march 2020, do you remember what happened in that time – yes, Coronavirus, I hope we are okay in the future). It’s an anime movie by the creator of “Gurren Lagann” recommended to me by an amazing artist many.oe (here’s his Instagram https://www.instagram.com/manny.oe/?hl=en ) Watching this cartoon was just constant screaming and jumping. When I saw: Big robots on the eighth minute – I was ready to cry from happiness; A very Kamina-like character a few minutes later – I did cry from happiness. Oh my god, they are co-pilots of a huge robot in space. It transformed into another robot even bigger and with another name. It’s a DRILL! – yes, that’s how a “Gurren Lagann” fan felt while watching it. A few times I was ready to faint. Okay, what’s the drill (hah): a world – Earth to be precise – in the future, high-tech utopia… except for one thing – Burnish people, who can produce fire and are ostracized. Firefighters are like an army – they fight not only the fires but the Burnishes too. The main character – I don’t remember his name I’m going to call him Kamina, because he’s Kamina, he looks the same and speaks the same – is a hot-headed firefighter, who at the very beginning catches the leader of the Burnishes - Lio Fotia (his name I, unexpectedly, do remember). Kamina gets awarded by his beloved director. (Spoilers!) Well, Lio runs from the prison and frees his people, Kamian starts to doubt the authorities and then they accidentally meet again and Kamina learns that Burnishes are people too and that the director makes experiments on people and tortures them. Of course, it appears that there’s a giant catastrophe coming and the director is going to pick one thousand people and fly with them on a giant spaceship, the engine of which works on a living fuel – Burnishes. Kamina and Lio unite to fight him, it also appears that Burnishes burn because some aliens from parallel dimension live in them and in the planet’s core (they are going to cause the catastrophe). So, Lio saves Kamina by covering him with “friendly flames” and then Kamina saves Lio by kissing him… Okay, okay – by doing artificial inflation with fire. Then, they with the help of Burnishes from the engine, they make the aliens from the core burn, thus preventing the catastrophe and protecting all the people with friendly flames and now they are going to live happily ever after and rebuild the city together. Wow! It’s amazing and a little (a lot) gay too.

This guy needed a little bit of spiffin up, so! I did that :) He has a flaming tail now, and a bette
This guy needed a little bit of spiffin up, so! I did that :)

He has a flaming tail now, and a better outfit!

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