#pyxis gc

The Britechester U side of the world has some super pretty sceneryThe Britechester U side of the world has some super pretty scenery

The Britechester U side of the world has some super pretty scenery

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I decided to explore Britechester with Thalia! She’s taking computer science and lives in the DarkwiI decided to explore Britechester with Thalia! She’s taking computer science and lives in the Darkwi

I decided to explore Britechester with Thalia! She’s taking computer science and lives in the Darkwing House with three roomies who she pranks mercilessly.

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 → Discover University in CAS I don’t usually share my thoughts much but I just have to say, the fem → Discover University in CAS I don’t usually share my thoughts much but I just have to say, the fem → Discover University in CAS I don’t usually share my thoughts much but I just have to say, the fem

Discover University in CAS

I don’t usually share my thoughts much but I just have to say, the fem clothes in this pack are lovely! Per usual the masculine clothes are a bit lacking but there’s definitely some great stuff in there too. And the hair! The hair on Zack specifically! Be still my beating heart.

(The piercings uhhhhh not so much……)

((I keep trying to come up with something more creative to do with these CAS posts but my crap brain is just?? Show Face?? Body????))

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Hello everyone! 

As I am an EA Game Changer I’ve been lucky enough to get early access to Discover University and will be posting screenshots from it over the next few days. Y’all know the drill, if you want to remain entirely unspoiled about the pack feel free to blacklist/saviorhide/whatever these tags:

#discover-university, #discover-university-spoilers, #spoilers, #pyxis-gc

We didn’t get a lot of time with the pack prior to the embargo lifting so I hope to be able to mess around with more than just CAS sometime this weekend.

Despite his failure on the first one, Zack’s second gig was a success! He received a sweet statue maDespite his failure on the first one, Zack’s second gig was a success! He received a sweet statue ma

Despite his failure on the first one, Zack’s second gig was a success! He received a sweet statue made of hands for his efforts.

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It was at this point that I finally unlocked the Paranormal Investigator career! Zack: Don’t worry, It was at this point that I finally unlocked the Paranormal Investigator career! Zack: Don’t worry,

It was at this point that I finally unlocked the Paranormal Investigator career!

Zack: Don’t worry, ma’am, I’m a professional.

Unfortunately I bought the license with reward points before Zack hit level five in the Medium skill, so his first exorcism was a total bust because he didn’t have a way to hold a seance without a table.

The scariest thing about this haunting was that Yuki Behr showed up on the lot, in Willow Creek, at 10:00 at night.

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Tessa thought she sensed a presence, but it was just Yuki and Candy hanging out on the porch again.(Tessa thought she sensed a presence, but it was just Yuki and Candy hanging out on the porch again.(

Tessa thought she sensed a presence, but it was just Yuki and Candy hanging out on the porch again.

(Tessa is here, she just has an actual job so she’s at the house way less than Zack)

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Some hands appeared in the yard, as is to be expected.Some hands appeared in the yard, as is to be expected.

Some hands appeared in the yard, as is to be expected.

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I obviously had to find out what “Ghastly Ritual” did and it turned Zack into a ghost temporarily! HI obviously had to find out what “Ghastly Ritual” did and it turned Zack into a ghost temporarily! HI obviously had to find out what “Ghastly Ritual” did and it turned Zack into a ghost temporarily! H

I obviously had to find out what “Ghastly Ritual” did and it turned Zack into a ghost temporarily! His one and only act of mischief was possessing and breaking his own toilet, which he’ll have to fix later. Great job, Zack.

Then he and Guidry spent some time communing with the dead.

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One thing I haven’t mentioned: Yuki Behr has been calling incessantly throughout this whole thing anOne thing I haven’t mentioned: Yuki Behr has been calling incessantly throughout this whole thing anOne thing I haven’t mentioned: Yuki Behr has been calling incessantly throughout this whole thing an

One thing I haven’t mentioned: Yuki Behr has been calling incessantly throughout this whole thing and trying to come over, so I finally let her to see if it was possible to have the spectres mess with guests.

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Zack tried to summon Bonehilda again, and this time it worked! Zack tried to summon Bonehilda again, and this time it worked! Zack tried to summon Bonehilda again, and this time it worked! Zack tried to summon Bonehilda again, and this time it worked!

Zack tried to summon Bonehilda again, and this time it worked!

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Immediately after Zack was out of the room, Temperance went and summoned a whole house full of angryImmediately after Zack was out of the room, Temperance went and summoned a whole house full of angry

Immediately after Zack was out of the room, Temperance went and summoned a whole house full of angry spectres! What the heck!!

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I sent Zack back up to the seance room to try and summon Bonehilda (he floats now!), but unfortunateI sent Zack back up to the seance room to try and summon Bonehilda (he floats now!), but unfortunateI sent Zack back up to the seance room to try and summon Bonehilda (he floats now!), but unfortunate

I sent Zack back up to the seance room to try and summon Bonehilda (he floats now!), but unfortunately Temperance paid the house another visit.

Zack: If I don’t see her, she can’t see me

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After dispatching Temperance, I got another new spectre! Hi Dina! By this point Zack had taken up woAfter dispatching Temperance, I got another new spectre! Hi Dina! By this point Zack had taken up woAfter dispatching Temperance, I got another new spectre! Hi Dina! By this point Zack had taken up wo

After dispatching Temperance, I got another new spectre! Hi Dina! By this point Zack had taken up woodworking so he’d have something to offer the ghosts, so Dina got a pile of sticks that was supposed to be a knife block or something. Despite its poor quality, she liked it enough to leave Zack that little dude on the floor there.

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I got a popup that said “SHE’S HERE” and was very excited to see I got another spectre! Hi TemperancI got a popup that said “SHE’S HERE” and was very excited to see I got another spectre! Hi TemperancI got a popup that said “SHE’S HERE” and was very excited to see I got another spectre! Hi Temperanc

I got a popup that said “SHE’S HERE” and was very excited to see I got another spectre! Hi Temperance! Naturally, Zack rudely introduced himself and proceeded to get rid of her post-haste with that little idol standing behind the couch.

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Caleb, I definitely wouldn’t turn around right now.

Caleb, I definitely wouldn’t turn around right now.

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Tess is handling this whole haunting thing really well, by the way.

Tess is handling this whole haunting thing really well, by the way.

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Now we have blue spectres! I sent Zack down to see if he could talk to them, but the household didn’Now we have blue spectres! I sent Zack down to see if he could talk to them, but the household didn’Now we have blue spectres! I sent Zack down to see if he could talk to them, but the household didn’

Now we have blue spectres! I sent Zack down to see if he could talk to them, but the household didn’t have any handmade items to offer so Zack gave it a piece of his soul. The next ectoplasm was smiling, so I guess he did something right…

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At the same time as Zack’s failed cleansing, Tess was outside talking to a spectre, that also went pAt the same time as Zack’s failed cleansing, Tess was outside talking to a spectre, that also went pAt the same time as Zack’s failed cleansing, Tess was outside talking to a spectre, that also went p

At the same time as Zack’s failed cleansing, Tess was outside talking to a spectre, that also went poorly, and now there’s ectoplasm on the bathroom rug. Bad spirits!

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