

Anonymous said to thesqualos:
will the new video only include the double d video or the others in the preview too?

- The new video is the Double D vidya yeah.  There are 3 other animations on hold right now until I finish it (duo bots, Kiss, and another) since some time ago I asked which one people wanted first.  It was better to work on one at a time. 

That being said there may be another yet unseen one if I can finish it in time, but will it be a Trick or a Treat?

Anonymous said to thesqualos:
Futa eminators couldn’t come sooner. I’ll settle for a VR experience within the next few years.


Kinda, I just use a vr headest for a phone, load the videos up on that, get some bluetooth headphones and you’re good to go.  But yeah some actual VR would be awesome.  Maybe in our time? One can only imagine
