#queen facts


Reposting @/savedbyfreddie .

Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor in Montreux, Switzerland in 1986

When Freddie came to Montreux in 1978, it was not love at first sight. “He hated it,” says Peter Freestone. Early on, in fact, he said that the best place for the studio would be at the bottom of the lake.

Montreux, apparently, was too quiet Freddie. Back when Queen first got here, the town was tiny and there was absolutely nothing to do. But if you wanted to record an album, it was perfect.

❤️At that point, Freddie needed and wanted peace and quiet, and the town could deliver it. The Swiss were very used to seeing famous faces in Montreux, and they tended to leave them alone. Freddie could visit shops, eat out at local restaurants and move about town without the throng of fans and media following him in Montreux as they did in his home town of London.

Freddie and Brian would often match their nail polish. Brian painting his left hand white, and Freddie’s left hand black.

Brian still paints his left hand white, I image Freddie does too, somewhere in heaven
