#queen fanfiction


Long Distance ~ R. T.

Roger can’t sleep and calls a random number left of a napkin. He expected to find someone to help tire him out. He never thought he’d find love.

[Reposting and major editing of an old fic I had posted on an old blog & crossed posted on ao3]

Warnings:SMUT,+18 ONLY - MINORS DNI; swearing & cursing; unclear timeline (lmao); Brian is a bit of a douche. It’s a long ass one, over 20K words. Read at your own risk!

Sometimes, being a rockstar isn’t all it’s cooped up to be.

Especially when on a world tour because it really has a way of derailing one’s internal clock. It’s the reason Roger can’t sleep. He had been hopeful that between the jet lag, the excitement of being back in his own bed, the hectic rehearsal and recording schedule as well as the copious amounts of alcohol he’d consumed at the local dive bar with his mates would be enough to tire him out. Apparently, he’s very mistaken.

He’d done what he usually does: counts sheep, lays in the dark, read the really boring book Brian has suggested. Nothing seems to be working this time around.

For what feels like the thousandth time, Roger turns over in his bed. He almost misses those rock-hard mattresses and non-existent pillows in the hotels around the world. He groans, casting his eyes to the red numbers glowing in the dark room. It’s nearing 1.30am and as much as his body is begging for sleep, his mind wouldn’t shut off.

Throwing the light blanket to the side, Roger swings his legs off the bed. There’s no point in laying around, letting his frustration build. He eyes his discarded jacket, deciding that a quick smoke might help him relax just enough to be able to finally fall asleep. Stretching his arms above his head, his back cracks and with a loud sigh, quickly followed by a loud yawn, he lazily crosses his bedroom to reach the jacket he left by the door, fishing his half-empty pack of cigarettes from the pocket. As he rummages around the pockets for his lighter, a crumpled piece of paper flutters to the ground.

With furrowed brows and cigarette dangling from his lips, Roger picks it up from the ground. After having found the lighter, Roger starts walking towards his bed. Lighting the cigarette, he takes a deep drag, letting his lungs fill with nicotine, immediately giving him a sense of calm.

Feeling more relaxed, Roger clamps his teeth gently around the filter, using his now free hands to uncurl the piece of paper. Once he sees the hastily scrawled digits, his lips stretch into a massive grin.

Taking another drag and flicking the ash into the empty ash-tray on his bedside table, he tries to recall when the number was slipped into his pocket. It had to be from earlier that evening as the number had the London area code and he hasn’t worn the jacket on tour as he’d forgotten it at home. However, no matter how hard he thought back to his evening, no specific girl sprang to mind. There had been quite a few that came to chat him and the lads up, but none of them stood out. He doesn’t even remember being particularly flirty with anyone of them.

Roger casts another quick glance at the clock. It’s still early enough that if the girl really was out at the dive bar with them, she’s probably getting home now as he left much earlier than regular, hoping that the jetlag and general exhaustion would lead to a good night sleep.

Deciding that the woman had clearly hoped for a call from him, Roger picks up the receiver and dials the number. Making himself comfortable, he waits for someone to pick up.

It rings much more than he thought it would and he debates if maybe he shouldn’t be calling this late, if it’s better to try again during working hours.

Suddenly, the phone stops ringing, and there is a very groggy and angry voice coming through the line, “Someone better be dead.”

Rogers chuckles. “Well, hello to you too love”.

In response, he only hears a groan and it sounds so deep that he questions if he’s actually speaking to a girl.

“Who is this? And why on earth are you ringing my flat at…” there’s a small pause, as the person on the other line is clearly reaching for something “1.17 in the bloody morning?!”

Roger cringes, closing his eyes as guilt floods his body. He really shouldn’t have called but he really isn’t great at making decisions when tired and slightly inebriated. “I’m sorry, love. Thought you’d want me to call as soon as I found your number.” He hates that he can’t recall a name or even a face.

“I am not your ‘love’!” the girl says angrily, “I have absolutely no clue who you are. Or why on earth you are calling me. I certainly did not give you, my number.”

For a moment, nothing is said on either end and Roger decides d to play it cool, act confident and pretend as if he actually remembers exactly who he’s talking to. “I know we didn’t spend that much time together but I -”

“Let me stop you before you start,” she interrupts and Roger can hear her shuffle around, most likely sitting up in her own bed. “I have no idea who you think you are but I can guarantee that I did not give you, my number. And before you ask, no, I don’t have any roommates.”

The girl grunts in discomfort, questioning why she’s entertaining this jackass when she can just hang up and disconnect her phone for the night.

“Oh” the syllable is so sound and dejected that she can’t help but feel a bit sorry for him, even though he woke her at an ungodly hour.

She has no know why she speaks again. “You must have made a terrible impression if some random bird decided to leave you a fake number.”

There’s an offended scoff that comes down the line almost makes up for the unwanted wake-up call. “No girl has ever done that to me. Or would need to do it. I’m a catch, thank you very much.”

“Sure you are, big boy.” She says concededly.

“Are you saying that I’m not?”

She snorts, short and derisive, “I’m sorry to break it to you but it seems that the girl who gave you the number didn’t think you were all that special.”

Roger pouts, stubbing out his long-forgotten cigarette, “You don’t sound all that sorry to me.”

“Maybe it’s because I’m not.”

Roger can’t hep the small laugh that bubbles out, “And would you feel inclined to illuminate me on why?”

“Could it be because some random bloke decided to call me at stupid o’clock trying to get in my knickers?”

“You wish,” and even though she’s never seen him before in her life, she knows he’s smirking.

“Are you really telling me that you weren’t calling in hope of a shag?”

Roger shrugs, deciding to lay down and make himself comfortable, “I’m not going to lie and say I would be unhappy if it happened but that wasn’t the main reason I called.”

She bites, “Why did you call?”

“I…” Roger pauses. Why did he call?

“Are you ok?”

Roger blinks, surprised by the sudden care that seems to colour her voice. “What?”

“I just mean…” she sighs, laying back down and glancing at her alarm clock. “It’s late. Or early, depending on how you want to see it. And your voice sounded a bit off. There must be something on your mind if you think that calling a random stranger in the middle of the night is a good idea.”

She really can’t explain the sudden interest in the man. She doesn’t know him but he sounds so sad, and is clearly lonely. It tugs at her heart in all the best and worst ways. Thank you, childhood trauma.

A small, grateful smile forms on Roger’s face and his voice softens noticeably. “You’re very kind, love. I’m just a bit jet lagged.”

She hums in surprise, “That sounds fascinating! Where did you get back from?”

“That, I’m afraid, is only for friends.” He tuts, “And I don’t even know your name.”

She laughs and Roger’s heart does something weird in his chest that he pointedly ignores.

“Touché”, she’s still laughing. “The name’s Y/N.”

“Lovely name for a lovely voice,” he says softly. “I’m Roger.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Roger.”

“The pleasure’s all mine, Y/N.”

There’s a small pause and it would be the perfect moment to hang up but neither seem to want to.

“Well, now that we’re friends, want to share why you’re jetlagged?”

Roger laughs, bringing his free arm behind his neck, “I was in America.”

“Fancy!” She says with a laugh, “What were you doing across the pond?”

“I’m in a band and we were on tour.”


What should have been a one-time thing evolved into something more.

Roger and Y/N find themselves speaking on the phone nearly every day, even when Roger left for tour again.

The first month, it was Roger that called every day. It had started because of a particularly rough day in the studio and remembering the kindness and care in Y/N’s voice, he decided that her friendly voice was what he needed to feel better.

When the second month rolled around, Y/N asked for a way to contact him if she was having a bad day.

And thus, the tradition was born.

It’s been six months now and every time the phone rings, Y/N can’t help the flutter of her heart or the smile on her face. Roger has somehow weaseled his way into her life and she couldn’t be more grateful. He’s become her best friend, her confidant, someone she can trust blindly and who would always listen to her and have her back. She feels like she knows Roger better than the people she hands out with daily. They’ve opened up about their lives, their dreams and insecurities. Y/N knows that Roger wants to make it big but he’s afraid that the drugs, the booze and the sex may cloud his mind and stop him from living his dream. He shares how much he loves his band mates but how they tend to get under his skin, especially when writing new music.

Y/N shares how she took over her mother’s bookstore while being an editor on the side to make ends meet. She opens up about her limited social interactions and how she feels like she’s a bit too clingy and overbearing.

They talk about their childhoods and what they do to relax.

The two of them understand each other in such a deep, soulful way that should scare her but only gives her a sense of calm.

Y/N has even come up with a sort of table to help keep on top of the time difference when Roger is traveling. She glances quickly at the alarm next to her bed and is excited to see that Roger should be calling her in a few minutes.

She makes sure her tea is still warm as she fluffs her pillows, settling down on the bed while tucking herself into the blankets. She waits impatiently for the phone to ring and when it finally does, she grins brightly.

“Hello there, rockstar!”

It only takes hearing his voice to know that something is up. “What did they do this time?”

“Who says they did anything?” Roger knows he’s pouting and that his tone is a clear indication that his band mates did indeed do something wrong, but he doesn’t feel ready or willing to talk about it.

“Rog, please don’t.”

They’d done this before: one of them – usually Roger – is in a mood and takes it out of the other, making everyone involved feel like shit by the end of the call. Y/N isn’t sure if she has the energy for it today but has never and will never be truly able to ignore Roger when he’s clearly upset about something.

“I know something is bothering you and I’m almost certain it has something to do with your mates since you were fine before leaving for rehearsal.” There’s a brief pause and Y/n adds softly, “I worry about you.”

Roger sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m fine.” He knows he’s being a bit too short with her and that nothing was her fault, but he can’t really help it. He doesn’t want to deal with it.

“Rog…I…” her mind can’t seem to form the right words to explain the thoughts running through it. She’s well aware of his temper and how it flares up around his mates; how he likes loads of sugar; how he can’t see without his glasses but still refuses to wear them.

Y/N knows that this time, something is different but she can’t really explain why or how without admitting that she feels more than friendship towards the drummer. And she isn’t ready just yet to wear her heart on her sleeve just yet.

She ends up settling for the next best thing. “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine, I understand. But please, don’t lie to me. I know something is up and I will never force you talk about it.”

Roger sighs in relief, some of his anger evaporation as he finds himself smiling “Thank you. How was your day?”

It’s at times like this, with Y/N talking happily about her day, rambling on and on about things he doesn’t quite understand and people he doesn’t know that he questions how he got so lucky to have gotten a random number that led to having this amazing girl in his life.

“I still can’t believe that no one except Peter Pan warned me about how much it sucksbeing a grown up,” Roger can tell she’s pouting and it makes him laugh.

The laughter however is cut short when she tries asking about his day and the previous night’s concert. “I’m in a rock band. It goes as well as rock concert goes.”

Y/N blinks, surprised by the venom suddenly lacing his tone. “What kind of answer is that?” She tries to keep her tone neutral, not letting it show how affected she is.

“The one I’m giving you.”

They may have been talking for six months but she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to keep up or understand his mood swings. “Why are you taking your shit out on me?! What’s your problem?!”

As understanding as she may be, Y/N has never had much patience for people taking their anger out on innocent bystanders, who just happen to be at the right place for the wrong time.

“You’re my fucking problem!” Roger snaps, voicing raising as he continues, “You ask all these fucking questions and pester me worse than my mother ever has. You’re not her. You’re not even my girlfriend. You’re a stranger that just doesn’t know when to let go.” His chest is heaving as he sits forward on his bed, empty hand curled into a fist. “God, we haven’t even met are you’re already so fucking clingy –”

With tears in her eyes, Y/N hangs up the phone. She tries reasoning with herself. She knows he’s upset, that something got him in this horrible mood but she has nothing to do with that. He’s hurt and wants to hurt others around him and he did succeed, if you ask Y/N. He’d said the one thing that he knew would absolutely shake her confidence and make her feel like garbage. They’d talked about it, multiple times. Roger had even reassured her at every turn that she was absolutely not clingy and that he loved every second they got to spend on the phone together.

He’ll apologize when he feels better.

He values you.

You’re his friend.

Y/N keeps repeating these mantras over and over again as she stands on shaky legs, heading towards her small bathroom.

The phone starts ringing but she ignores it. She lets the tears fall, turning on the faucet and splashing some cold water on her face. The phone stops ringing, just to pick up again a few seconds later, confirming her suspicion that it’s Roger trying to get hold of her.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly makes her way back to her bed, sipping on the now lukewarm cup of tea. She glares at the ringing phone, wanting Roger to feel what she’s feeling, even just a bit.

Almost thirty minutes go by before she feels as if she’s got her emotions under control and is ready to speak to Roger, who hasn’t stopped calling since she hung up.

With a deep breath, she closes her eyes and picks up the phone, placing the receiver against her ear.

“I’m so sorry, love!” Roger’s voice floods her system as he stumbles over his words. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Or, I mean I shouldn’t… it isn’t…”

He takes a stuttering breath, collecting himself before he attempts to explain himself again. “You had nothing to do with my shit mood and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m so very sorry. I didn’t mean anything that I said, I just knew that those were things that would hurt you and it isn’t an excuse and I understand if you’re angry and don’t want to talk to me for a while but please know that I am extremely sorry and that I will do whatever I need to for you to forgive me and I’m such an ass. I’m so fucking sorry Y/N. I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”

“Will you now?” He can tell that’s she trying to be upbeat and wants to make him feel better but that isn’t her job. Not this time.

“I swear it, Y/N. On my drumming career. I won’t ever hurt you like this again and whatever you need me to do to get your forgiveness, I will do it. Name your price. Whatever you want, it’s yours. I s–”

“Really? Absolutely anything?”

Roger nods and realising she can’t seem him, he vocalizes his answer.

“Even if I asked you to rob a bank?”

He laughs, tears of joy springing to his eyes. “Just tell me which one.”

The line goes quiet for a few seconds but Roger’s guilt crawls up his throat. “I really am so extremely sorry, Y/N.”

“I know. I forgive you,” her voice is so soft, full of kindness he doesn’t deserve and his heart does some funky fluttering in his chest.

Roger’s shoulders lose their tension as he melts into the hotel mattress. Knowing she isn’t to upset with him and that they’ll be able to jump back from this soothes his fears of losing her. He’s not sure he’d ever be able to get over it if it were to happen.

“I’m sorry too,” she whispers and he can hear how upset she is and if he could transport himself to London to sooth all her fears with a hug he would. His urge to book the first flight out is almost uncontrollable. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was pushing you to talk about something you didn’t want to. I just worry about you, and I can’t do anything if not ask what’s wrong.”

“You’ve nothing to apologize for love.” He shakes his head, clenching his hand against the comforter. Never before has he felt such a strong urge to hold a girl in his arms. His voice grows softer as he smiles gently, wishing her could be by her side. “You were just…just being a good friend. I should have seen that instead of the inside of my own ass.”

Y/N hums noncommittally. When she speaks again, her voice is a bit uncertain but sympathetic, “You’ve had a bloody terrible day, haven’t you?”

“It wasn’t exactly one for the books.” Roger can’t help the twinge of anger that laces his tone. He really doesn’t want to get into it, knowing full well he won’t be able to control his temper if he does.

“You’re also tired.” It’s not a question. She knows. She always knows.

Roger smiles sadly, heart swelling in affection for the girl on the other side of the line “Yeah, I am.”

She sighs, frowning as she doesn’t want to let him go but knowing that he needs his rest “I should probably let you rest.”

“Please don’t hang up.”

It’s Y/N heart’s turn to beat erratically as she grins ear to ear when she realizes that he cares for her as much as she does for him. “Okay.”

“Just for a little while, please.”

His voice is a whisper and she answer in the same tone, “As long as you want, rockstar.”

Roger lets his eyes drift shut, rolling onto his side as he holds the receiver tightly in his hands so he won’t accidentally drop it. He could never seem to get enough of her and he doesn’t even know what she looks like yet. What will happen when they finally meet? One thing he knows for sure is that he won’t be able to keep his hands to himself.

“I’d do just about anything to be with you right now”

Had he not been holding the phone tightly against his head, Roger would have missed it. She had spoken so softly, lovingly.

The blond smiles. “Really? Anything?”

She hums, fanning her heated cheeks as she thanks her lucky stars that he can’t see her. She hadn’t expected those words to slip out of her moth but they’ve been talking for so long and they’d just had their first fight.

“I’d swim across the bloody ocean if I could.” He means so much to her that she really would do anything to cross the distance separating them.

Roger blushes, eyes bright and cheeks hurting because of his blinding smile. She makes him so giddy, “All that work just for me?”

Y/N feels her cheek warming up even more, “You’re worth it.” She wonders how he doesn’t realize just how much he means to her or that she would do anything for him.

He hums to himself, grin never faltering as his minds comes up with all these different scenarios he’d love to make come true. Y/N laughs, almost as if she can read his mind, prompting him to ask what caused his favourite sound of the world.

“I think you might actually like me when we finally meet,” she admits finally, still laughing and it really is the best sound to ever reach his ears.

He feels a blush start to spread across his face as he realizes exactly what she said. Never being one to censor himself, he decides to push their carefully set boundaries. “You know, I sometimes imagine you’re here with me sometimes.”

“Yeah?” her laughter, just like her breath, is cut off abruptly. This is certainly not the turn she thought the conversation would be taking.

The drummer hums his assent, turning so he’s laying on his back, eyes locked on the ceiling as he imagines the girl of his dreams in bed next to him. “Yeah. I don’t even have a picture of you in my head or anything…I know it doesn’t make sense but –”

“No, it does!” She reassures. She never wants him to think that she doesn’t understand what was going through his mind.

He smiles, “Y/N?”


“What would you do if you were with me, right now?” because he knows exactly what he wishes they could be doing but he needs her to want and imagine the same thing.

“Why?” She has to put a hand over her mouth to stop the squealing his question brought to her lips. Why he makes her feel like a twelve-year-old girl with her first crush is beyond her but she wouldn’t give up this feeling for anything in the world.

“I don’t know. It helps me picture you.”

She’s quiet for a second as she thinks over how much she’s willing to say out loud. “I’d make you tea…probably make sure you were all cozy, with plenty of blankets and pillows and the works. You deserve to be pampered.”

No one has ever cared about him as much as she does.

“Then what?” He’s aware he’s being greedy, but he can’t seem to help it.

YN swallows thickly, nervous as she forces herself to talk openly “I’d climb into bed with you. Hold you really close to me. I’d run my fingers through your hair –”

Roger moans, low and almost imperceptibly, at the thought. YN giggles, though she feels a warm ache forming below her stomach when she hears the sound. “You’d like that, huh?”

“Fuck yes.” His voice is hoarse and tired and it really isn’t doing much to help the situation between her legs. Y/N shifts on the bed, clenching her thighs while trying to concentrate on anything but the grovelling and sensual sound of his voice.

“What else?” He wants the conversation to take a specific turn but he’s beginning to get extremely drowsy and his voice betrays that.

Y/N smiles at the sudden sleepiness in his tone and her mouth goes dries as she tells him what has been on her mind for at least a few weeks now, maybe more. “I think…I think then I might have to kiss you, Rog.”

The line is strangely quiet and for a moment, she thinks she’s taken things too far and has completely misread the situation.

Roger gives a dopey, sleepy smile, hope filling his chest with a warm feeling. His voice is nearly a whisper in the receiver, “Where would you kiss me?”

She chokes back a sob, relief flooding her system as he doesn’t seem to mind the idea of her kissing him. In fact, she realizes with a start, he’s egging her on. “Maybe your shoulders…or your tummy.”

Roger hums wantonly into the phone as his mind conjures up the images she’s barely describing.

“Where would you want me to kiss you, Rog?”

The question is enough to wake him up. Roger groans, his voice huskier than a few moments ago “I can think of a few places.”

Y/N blushes, stuttering while trying to come up with a response while getting far too hot under the collar for her own good. Just as she’s opening her mouth, she hears a knock sounding through the phone.

Roger barely manages to hold back an angry curse as he gets up to open the hotel door, receiver still held against the side of his face. When he sees Brian, he rolls his eyes, “What do you want?”

Brian flinches at his friend’s tone, holding up a tray of food as he grumbles “Fred wants to make sure you eat something before going to sleep.”

“Thanks, but I’m not hungry!” he responds before closing the door in the guitarist’s face. He hears a faint mumble of “Whatever” as Brian heads back to his own room.

“Y/N –” he speaks, hoping against all odds that the mood hasn’t been completely lost. He needs to know what her answer is. Does she want to do to him all the things he wants to do to her?

“You should get some sleep, Rog.”

Roger wants to punch Brian for ruining what could have been the best night of his life so far. He was so close to getting somewhere with this amazing girl and that twat ruined his mood once again. He clears his throat, trying to not let tears of frustration gather in his eyes. “Y-Yeah…Yeah. You’re right. I’ll call you when I wake up?”

Y/N smiles warmly, quickly drying the single tear that had fallen at their lost moment, “I’ll be here.”

Roger’s chest buzzes. He whispers a faint ‘Sweet dreams love’ and waits for her reply before hanging up. He sighs, arm over his eyes.

One day, that girl will be his and he will be hers.


“So” her friend drags out the ‘o’, looking at Y/N with pursed lips, “You like him.”

Y/N rolls her eyes, bringing the fuming cup of tea to her lips. She knows she’s just buying herself a few seconds as she debates how to actually address this whole thing. She knew she’d regret telling her best friend about Roger and their unorthodox friendship – or is it a relationship? Y/N shakes her head, aware of the piercing stare locked on her. She also knew that talking to Winnie would be a double-edge sword but she really needs to talk to someone about this whole Roger thing, just to make sure that it isn’t all in her head and that he too feels something for her. And to make sure it isn’t just some fever dream her mind has conjured in answer to her stress levels being through the roof.

It’s been over a year since their first conversation. Roger has travelled the world and made his way back to England just to leave again but they had yet to meet. Y/N is starting to think that he might be ashamed of her. That, or he’s hiding who he really is.

“So what if I do?” Her cheeks start to colour as she avoids looking at the person across from her.

Winnie scoffs, shaking her heard “It’s worse than I thought.”

Y/N’s jaw drops at the remark, chest feeling a bit tight. “What do you mean by that?”

Winnie rolls her eyes, “I haven’t seen you blush this much since…Well, I’ve actually never seen you blush this much. You’ve gone completely pink.”

Y/N’s eyes fall to the table. She can feel her cheeks growing even pinker and hates her friend for being right.

“Y/N/N…” Winnie says with a frown, “I’ve got to be honest, here. I don’t like it. At all.”

Y/N’s heart sinks. She never thought her friend wouldn’t approve of Roger and the words are like a knife to the chest. Sure, she knew that Winnie would be a bit skeptical but she never thought she’d be so against the idea of Roger. “W-Why not?”

Winnie doesn’t want to be harsh or hurt Y/N in any way but she also doesn’t want her best friend to get her hopes up and then her heart broken by a complete stranger. She reaches her hand across to the table and covers her friend’s. “Y/N… Just think about it rationally for a moment. The bloke calls you in the dead of night. You have no idea where he got your number or who he is and he’s already trying to get in your pants –” Y/N opens her mouth to argue but Winnie talks over her. “How do you know he’s not 70, huh? He could be anyone, Y/N. He could be your dad, for Christ’s sake!”

YN cringes, holding her head in her hand as she rubbed her temples. She feels utterly defeated. And a bit naïve. Even if she explains every detail to Winnie, she wouldn’t understand.

Winnie sighs, “What if he’s got nothing to offer?”

Y/N clenches her jaw, anger boiling in the pit of her stomach. She knows it isn’t fair to be mad at Winnie. That her friend is only trying to look out for her. Still, she feels the urge to protect Roger and their whatever-this-is. “When has that ever been a problem for me? And that’s just it, Win. He does…He offers me so much every day and he never expects anything back. He’s kind to me…and he’s silly and warm and sweet and–”

Winnie’s expression softens as she sees the tears burning in Y/N’s eyes as she takes Y/N’s hands in hers again. However, she doesn’t back down, “You don’t even know his last name.”

Y/N sniffles, refusing to let a single tear roll down her face. She takes a deep breath. “I don’t really see where the problem is in that.” Winnie’s brows knit together and Y/N crosses her arms, “He doesn’t know my last name, either. It’s not like I’m asking him for anything, Win. He’s just great to talk to. He’s kind and funny…. he’s smart. Wickedly smart, but he doesn’t know it.” Y/N laughs breathlessly, getting lost in her memories of all their conversations. “Acts like this tough, careless thing sometimes but he’s so soft on the inside. So good to me. He has the sweetest little laugh, too…gets all croaky when he’s tired.”

Winnie squeezes Y/N’s hand comfortingly, giving her a sympathetic smile. Realizing that nothing she says is going to change Y/N’s mind, she says softly “Just take care of yourself. That’s all I ask.”

Y/N’s responding smile is as bright as the sun, “He’s good. I know it. I can feel it. I’m going to be fine as long as I have him.”

“I hope so for you, darling. You deserve some happiness.”

Y/N takes another deep breath, reaching for her cup of tea.

Winnie grins too, “Just know that if he hurts you, I’ll have his head. I don’t care how old he turns out to be.”

Y/N laughs, rolling her eyes. “Thank fuck I know you’ve got my back, Win.”


Roger is so lost in his thoughts that when John sits down beside him on the small sofa of the tour bus, he flinches, knocking over his beer. John laughs at him, passing him a dirty shirt from the floor to help clean the mess. Roger mumbles a quick “thanks mate” before trying to dry the small table.

“You okay mate?” Brian asks from his spot at the table. The guitarist is barely paying attention to his game of Scrabble with Freddie. For the past few days, he had been paying closer attention to his best friend because something is definitely off. He can’t put his finger on what but he sure as hell is going to find out.

“‘Course I am. Why’d you ask?” Roger is now working on the stain on his trouser, not really listening to his band mates.

Freddie frowns, waiting for Brian to place his next tile and nudges him with a foot under the table to get his attention. When Brian keeps ignoring him, the singer exchanges a quick glance with the bass player, both of them confused about what’s happening.

Brian shrugs, trying to act nonchalant and failing, “You’ve been acting weird lately.”

Roger’s head whips up, eyes zeroing in on the guitarist “What’d you mean?” his tone came out too suspicious and the drummer has a feeling he knows exactly where this conversation was headed.

“You’ve been extremely well-behaved lately and you spend most of your time holed up in your hotel rooms. What’s going on?” Brian decides that beating around the bush wasn’t going to work with the blond.

Roger rolls his eyes, doing his best to hide the smile threating to pull his lips up as he tries to dissuade his friends from asking too many questions or giving them more reasons to be concerned about him. “’S just talking to a friend. No need to get your panties in a twist, old chap.”

“A friend?” Freddie’s amused and now feels the need to be part of this conversation, especially if it makes Roger a bit uncomfortable.

The drummer shrugs, his ears going pink as Brian rolled his eyes, already tired of vague answers. “What friend?”

Roger keeps himself busy by wiping the now fully absorbed beer from his pants. “Just a friend.”

John chuckles when he notices how much the lack of tangible information is bother Brian.

“You don’t have friends that we don’t know!” the guitarist points out.

Roger rolls his eyes, head falling backwards as he drops the shirt to the ground “I do too! We don’t do everything together Brian.”

“What’s her name, Rog?” Freddie decides to cut to the chase, use to seeing through all of Roger’s bullshit.

The drummer sighs, knowing that the more he tries to get out of this conversation, the more they will pry. He mumbles, “Y/N”

John smiles as Freddie’s lights up like a child on Christmas morning. The singer sits forward and leans into the drummer’s line of sight. “And where did you happen upon this friend, hm?”

Roger’s cheeks grow pink. He can’t and won’t even try to stifle the pleased smile forming on his lips. Brian’s face pinches in confusion: he’s never seen Roger like this in his life. Roger hates when people get all warm and mushy; he always crinkles his nose up with displeasure when John rambles on about Veronica, and yet, here he is, looking as if he’s about to do the same thing.

“If I’m completely honest, I haven’t exactly met her in person. Yet.” He confesses sheepishly.

Fred raises his eyebrows, the conversation already taking a turn he didn’t expect. “Pardon?”

Roger sighs, rubbing his face as he tries to explain the whole situation as best he can. “We kind of met by accident. Before leaving for tour, I was talking to a girl in a pub back home and well… she gave me a fake number that turned out to be Y/N’s.”

John nods, intrigued by the blond’s story, “Is it safe to assume you called the number?”

“Yeah.” Roger grins, “Wasn’t the bird from the pub, obviously. The girl on the line didn’t have any clue who I was. She was pissed, to be honest.” Roger laughs thinking back to the night they met. “She’s from London and with the fact that she hadn’t been out and about that night, I accidentally woke her up at one thirty in the morning. She put me in my place for it, too. We started talking after that, I guess.”

Deacy is happy to see his friend so smitten. “How long have you been talking?”

Roger takes a sip of someone’s drink, stopping to think. “About a year, I reckon. Maybe a bit more.”

Brian chokes on his own saliva. “A year!? Really?” He looks to the other boys, and even John has his brows raised in surprise.

Roger looks confused, “What?”

“Rog, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you talk to any girl for more than a few hours.” The bass player is quick to point out. “And even when you do, it’s because they’re a good shag.”

Roger frowns, a bit hurt by the comment. He knows he’s never had a serious relationship and that he loves sex but he isn’t some emotionless sex fiend. He is capable of being committed and in a monogamous relationship. He’s just never had the right motivation before. “Tt’s not like that.”

Fred smirks, “So you’re saying she’s just a friend?”

Roger stutters for a second before falling silent, his face going warmer. “I just… I think she’s nice, and easy to talk to.” He knew he wouldn’t be able to explain their bond eloquently enough for them to truly understand. It’s more that simple attraction or wanting a relationship. There’s something about Y/N and their bond that he will never be able to explain.

“You realize you broke up with Jo so you could spend more time with your drums? Rog, you’re not exactly fantastic at commitment.” Brian feels the need to point out.

Roger’s heart sinks at the lack of support from his friends and wishes he hadn’t let any of this slip. “She’s important to me, whether you understand us or not. I want to fly her out here so we can meet –”

Brian scoffs, arms crossing over his chest “You sure she’s not just trying to sneak her hands in your pockets, mate?”

Roger is stunned into silence and his temper flares. “What?!”

“How can you be sure that she’s not just trying to make a few bucks off you? We make good money now, Rog. People know that.” Again, Brian is pointing something out as if it’s the most obvious reason in the world for a girl to talk with him for so long. Why else would a girl want to spent a whole twelve months speaking to Roger, right?

Roger doesn’t even know where to start or how to respond. The fact that Brian would even imply that YN would ever think about doing something like that is infuriation.

“There are plenty of smart girls out there, mate.” The guitarist carries on, oblivious to the turmoil going through the drummer’s mind. “You’ve got a keep an eye out for the ones sniffing out gold –”

Roger sees red. “Don’t fucking dare finish that sentence, Brian.”

The guitarist rolls his eyes, unimpressed by the drummer’s outburst. “All I’m saying is you ought to be careful.”

“I know you think you’re smarter than the rest of us but I’m perfectly capable of handling myself.”

Freddie rubs his temples exasperatedly, knowing that this is not going to be the end of the conversation and it’s going to end poorly for all parties involved.

“Roger, you’re letting yourself fall in love with this girl and you don’t even know her! She’s a complete stranger!” Brian raises his voice, “You’ve never bloody met her!”

“Fuck off, Brian. You have no fucking idea what or who you’re talking about.” Roger slams the bottle against the table and storms off towards the back of the bus “Leave me the fuck alone for the rest of the day.”


Roger’s eyes blink open as soon as he registers the phone in his hotel room starts ringing. He scrambles for the receiver, nearly falling off the mattress in the process as the sheet tangle in his legs.

It’s been nearly a fortnight since he’s last spoken to Y/N. It seems the two have less and less time as the summer months have rolled around. There are interviews to do, books to edit, concerts to play, shelves to stock. All their work seems to be never-ending.

“Y/N?” Roger chimes, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He knows that the likelihood of it being anyone else is nonexistent but he always likes to make sure she knows that she’s always his first thought.

“Hi, Rog.” She smiles to herself. Hearing his voice always makes her days better.

Relief washes over Roger’s body at the sound of her voice. “God, I’ve missed you.” He admits, chest aching happily. “Missed you so much. Every day. Fuck, you don’t know how good it is to hear your voice.” Roger relaxes against his pillow, playing with the phone chord as his eyes close blissfully.

Tears well in Y/N’s eyes as she tries swallowing around the knot lodged in her throat. “I’ve missed you too, Rog.”

Roger’s brow furrow. Her voice’s hoarse, as if she’s been crying. And tired. Immediately he can tell that something’s wrong but he tries clearing the thought from his head, trusting that she would tell him anything she wanted him to know.

“Had a dream about you last night.” He mumbles, smiling at the memory as he tries to make her smile. “I can’t remember what you looked like in the dream but it couldn’t have been anyone but you. It felt like you.”

She smiles against the speaker.

Roger eyes furrow as he tries to recall if they’ve ever shared physical details of each other. He knows they’ve shared what’s in their hearts and minds but never have they spoken about what they look like. He needs to know. “How tall are you?”

Y/N doesn’t answer and Roger’s worry comes back stronger than before. “Y/N?”

“Hm? What was that Rog?”

The drummer doesn’t like how tired she sounds. They’ve had had their share of bad conversations but she’s never ignored or not answered one of his questions. “How tall are you?”

“Oh… uhm… I guess /your height/.”

It took her too long to answer. Roger bites his lower lip before sighing, knowing that the only way for him to feel better is knowing that she’s okay. “There’s something wrong.”

Y/N pauses, finally fully present in the conversation. Her heart beats a bit too quickly in her chest. “W-What?”

“You’re not acting like yourself. Something’s wrong.” Roger hates how certain of this he is.

She goes silent while trying to hold it all back, but it’s no use. Her face crumbles as she lets out a sob against the receiver. Calling him had been the best and worse decision she made today.

Roger’s heart feels like it’s shattering as he fights helplessly to calm her from oceans away.

“Y/N…” He feels stuck. Someone he loves is sobbing and he’s a million miles away. “Y/N, my love, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”

His mind is working a million miles a second. It’s been so long since they last spoke, that there are hundreds of things that could have happened. Is she hurt? Did someone she know get hurt? Has the press somehow found out about their conversations and been harassing her?

She chokes on her words, trying to explain as best as she could but her breathing is still too choppy and labored for her to be understandable.

Roger listens as she struggles to breathe and he doesn’t think he’s ever known fear before his moment. The sounds coming from the woman he loves sound painful and he wants nothing more than to hold her and soothe all her pain. “Y/N, my love, just breathe. Can you do that for me? Take deep breaths.” He does what he’s asking her to do so that she has something to mimic. “Just do what I am okay? I’m right here baby.” He keeps his breathing slow and steady, guiding hers until she settles. She wipes the tears from her cheeks, sniffling painfully. Roger wishes he could reach through the phone and scoop her up in his arms. He’s trying to figure out how angry the boys – and the label – would be if he were to fly out to her for a few days.

“I had to fire them all.” She admits in a whisper.

His stomach drops, “Who love?”

“My employees… I couldn’t pay them anymore.” She starts crying again, her voice breaking and he can barely make out the words tumbling from her lips.

Roger frowns, a thought he doesn’t like pushing to the front of his mind. “Who’s been running the store when you aren’t there?” Y/N cuts herself off abruptly and when she finally answers, he hates what he hears. “It’s just been you. Oh, love, it’s just been you all by yourself?”

Her sobs grow louder as Roger hushes her soothingly through the phone as he fights off his own tears. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.”

“I-I didn’t want to. I had to.” Y/N needs him to understand. She really has no other choice and she hates how powerless she is. She’s trying her best to ground herself but everything hurts.

“I know, sweetheart.” He reassures her, “They understand.”

“M-My landlord threatened to evict me and I’ve got no food in the pantry and I just didn’t know what else to do.” She grabs her hair tightly as the pain in her chest increases.

Roger’s throat tightens to the point where taking a breath is painful. “Why didn’t you say anything, darling? I would have sent you mone–”

'No. No. I don’t want to take money from you.” She states resolutely. “That’s not fair and it’s not me. I will figure something out.”

He rolls his eyes at her stubbornness. “What’s ‘not fair’ is that you’re suffering, Y/N.” He pauses, “When’s the last time you had a meal? Like, a whole meal, not just a snack.”

When doesn’t Y/N answer, Roger knows that it has been too long.

“I’ve been eating little things here and there.” She finally admits with a small, fearful voice, “I don’t have time to sit and eat at work, anyway.”

“Y/N,” his tone doesn’t allow for any room for her not to answer, “when was the last time?”

She swallows thickly, “A week ago. I think.”

Roger feels like someone has punched him in the throat. His eyes burn as he fights off tears. Now is not the time for him to breakdown. He can do that once he knows she has some food in her system and she’s taken care of. He counts to five and takes a deep breath before speaking again. “Haven’t been sleeping either, I bet. I can hear it in your voice. You’re exhausted.”

Roger pauses and then add stubbornly, “I’m sending you money.”

Nothing she says is going to change his mind on this. She needs it, he has loads and he will never sit back and let her suffer when he can actively do something to make things easier for her.

“Roger, no.” She counters immediately, “Absolutely not!”

“Y/N, you need it! I want to help you. I need to help you. I need you to be safe and happy and healthy –”

“I can do it, Rog.” She guarantees, “I just need to work harder.”

She’s stubborn but so is he.

He sighs her name. Nothing he says will convince her to take the money. She’s too proud of that but there is nothing she can do to stop him from sending it anyway. Y/N doesn’t need to know until she gets it.

There is one thing that he can’t drop though. “Promise me, and I mean promiseme you’ll eat and you’ll sleep. I want three meals a day and eight hours at night.” Y/N sighs, knowing that keeping that promise is going to be rough but Roger keeps speaking, “I know money is tight and it seems like it’s hopeless right now but swear to me that you’ll take care of yourself.”

Y/N’s voice thickens as she whimpers pathetically. Never had she thought she’d be the kind of girl that needs a man to keep her together, but here she is. “I need you to hold me.”

Pain shoots through Roger’s chest and this time, he can’t keep his emotions at bay. Hot tears roll down his cheeks as he tries to not sob too loudly. It hurts. It bloody hurts how badly he wants to be with her.

Roger moves the receiver away from his face, letting out a few sobs before he composes himself. He takes a deep, shuddering breath as his nose burns because of the tears he’s trying – and failing – to hold back. He does his best to keep his voice steady when he speaks to her again, “What if I fly out to you? Just for a few days. I could –”

Y/N’s tears start anew. “I want that, so badly but Rog, baby, you can’t. The tour –”

“To hell with the tour!” he says through gritted teeth, “I don’t care about the bloody tour! I care about you.”

Her breath catches in her throat. They’ve both tiptoed around their feelings, both making it clear that this is more than a simple friendship but never had either of them been so direct. It gives her hope and now, more than ever, she refuses to let him give up on his dream. She will get through this and knowing he’s willing to drop everything to help her is enough.

“I care about you too, Rog.” She admits softly, “But there are so many people counting on you. It’s your dream.”

“Maybe I have a new one” he mumbles. “Okay. If I can’t come to you then I can fly you out.” He needs to see her and make sure, with his own eyes, that she’s really doing better. He can’t lose her.

Y/N sighs wistfully, wanting nothing more than to accept his offer. “You know I can’t. Not right now, at least. The shop –”

Roger curses in frustration. “It’s not fair!”

“I know.”

Silence fills the line. Roger’s anger quickly dissipates and all he’s left with is unrelenting sadness. He feels so unlike himself; pitifiul and needy. He feels as if he needs Y/N more than he needs oxygen.

“Soon,” Roger’s voice breaks the silence, “Promise me. We’ll be together soon.”

Y/N smiles through the tears, “I promise.”

“And promise me you’ll eat and sleep. I need you to take care of yourself.”

“I promise, Rog. I will get as much sleep and food as I can stand.”

“Good.” He swallows thickly, “I… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

She lets out a wet laugh, “Good thing is you’ll never have to find out.”

Roger finally relaxes a bit, breathing deeply. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you out of my sights once we meet.”

“I don’t want to be anywhere else.”


Roger keeps his head down, with his visor of the baseball cap pulled down almost over his eyebrows as moves quickly through the city. He’s hoping that between his disguise and Queen still being relatively unknown in the US will help him avoid any run ins with the press. It had been hard enough leaving the hotel without being seen by his mates or any of the roadies. He really doesn’t need word of his morning excursion getting back to Brian.

With a grimace, Roger walks into the American branch of his bank and lines up to speak to a teller.

It takes longer than he would have liked to get all the documents set up and money withdrawn but Roger definitely feels lighter as he steps back out into the sunlit streets and heads to rehearsals. Luckily, he was careful enough that no one noticed his prolonged absence.

The green room is still empty when Roger enters, heading straight for the vanity against the opposite wall. Slipping off his hat, he removes all the bank documents from his back pocket and sits at the mirror. He slides the signed check and bills into the same envelope, setting it aside as he removes his jacket. He definitely feels a lot better knowing he’ll be able to help Y/N in a way that matters and that will make her life easier. It also helps that their conversations have returned to being a daily occurrence, helping him ensure that she is as well rested and fed as she can be. Although she’s doing much better with his support, Roger doesn’t miss the stressed tone or how her work load seems to be constantly growing.

Roger only wishes he had managed to get to a bank sooner though this way, since it’s been a bit over a month since he offered her the money, she shouldn’t suspect anything.

Roger digs around the vanity for a pen and when he finds none, he uses one of Freddie’s eye-pencils and a tissue to write a short message to his girl. He hesitates, casting a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure his friends aren’t going to barge in. He really doesn’t want to try explaining the money or check to them.

Roger sighs, mussing his hair as he tries to put pencil to tissue. There is so much he wants to say but he isn’t even sure where he should start. He knows that no matter what he says, she is going to rip into him so with a chuckle, he scribbles down one line before signing the tissues and placing it delicately inside the envelop with the money and check. He knows he’s doing the right thing, and even if she won’t happy about it, she’ll be grateful.

For once in his life, he’s grateful for his foresight of asking for her full name and address so that he could send small trinkets and post cards when calls aren’t enough.

“Morning, Rog.”

Roger nearly jumps out of the chair, quickly turning to see a confused looking John smiling at him, a cup of coffee in hand.

Roger exhales, laughing at his own reaction. “God, Deacy. You scared the living shit out of me. Didn’t hear you come in.”

John laughs too before sipping his coffee as he takes a seat on the couch. Roger turns back to the envelope, hiding it under his arm.

“Didn’t see you at breakfast this morning, I though you’d still be in bed.” John chimes, brow quirked.

Roger clears his throat, avoiding eye contact. “Just had to um…run some errands is all.”

John nods though he clearly doesn’t believe him. “What are you doing here so early?” The drummer desperately wants to change the subject before he gives himself away.

John shrugs, smiling “I tend to get here early to help the roadies with the amps. I built most of them from older models that’d been trashed so they can be a bit finicky.”

Roger hums in understanding, slipping the envelope into the pocket of his jeans as Brian and Freddie waltz in. The drummer nods at both, fighting back a yawn.

“Sleep well?” Freddie asks with a smirk.

“Not well enough.” Admits Roger, standing from his chair and lazily making his way over to the costume rack. He doesn’t notice the envelop slipping from his pocket when he bends down to look for his converse. Roger curses under his breath, “I’m going to see if I can track down my trainers. I could’ve sworn I left them here yesterday.”

Brian quirks his brow curiously as the drummer trots out the door, stepping forward to snatch the envelope off the ground. Freddie cranes on his tip toes to peek over his shoulder, curiosity lighting up his brown eyes, “What’ve you found?”

The envelope hasn’t been sealed yet so Brian doesn’t feel too guilty as he snoops. The guitarist runs his thumb over the hastily scrawled name and address, Y/N Y/L/N.

“What’s inside?” The singer asks, hoping it’s a love letter and that he can take the piss out of the usually emotionally constipated drummer.

Brian pulls back the flap of the envelop and frowns when he notices that there’s cash inside. He moves toward the couch where John is sat, quietly observing the situation as it unfolds. The guitarist clears off a small section of the coffee table and dumps the content of the envelop on it. A wad of cash falls with a small thud, as a tissue and slip of paper flutter down after it. He quickly counts the cash and his eye widen in shock. £500. And the piece of paper is a blank check that has been signed and dated with today’s date. The name on the check is the same of the envelop and it finally hits him: it’s the girl Roger had mentioned on the bus.

Don’t be too angry. R

Brian feels like his brain is going to explode. A blank cheque?! He’s sending her a blank cheque! Anger boils in his veins as he tries to comprehend how his best friend of years goes from dumbing his girlfriend of almost ten years in order to become a successful musician to blindly sending money and blank cheques to a complete stranger. Clearly, something has happened because not even Roger would be that stupid.

Brian grips the empty envelop tightly in his hand as Roger wanders back into the room, muttering about his missing shoes.

Brian walks up to Roger where he’s now lounging on the couch next to John and throws it at him. Roger eyes the envelop before his eyes fall to the coffee table.

The blond lets out a frustrated sigh, looking up into Brian’s eyes. For this, his reaction angers Brian even more.

“Mind sharing with the group, Rog?” the curly-haired man asks condescendingly. “Mind explaining why your ‘friend’ who isn’t taking advantage of you is getting direct deposits?!”

Roger does his best to swallow back all his annoyance, but apparently, Brian isn’t done digging into him. “A fucking blank cheque, Roger!? A blank cheque, really? Are you trying to get robbed?”

Roger can’t even get his explanation fully out of his mouth before Brian cuts him off. “She’s lying, Roger! She’s a con artist!”

“She’s not!”

“And you’re giving her exactly what she wants! She’ll be laughing all the way to the bank!”

“SHUT UP!” Roger screams, raising to his feet and pushing Brian back. “You’ve all got spouses or children. I don’t. I’ve got no one to take care of. Tell me what’s so fucking criminal about sending some money to help someone I love.”

The three other people in the room are shocked into silence. Never before has the drummer tossed around the l-word so easily. Roger picks up the money and the check from the table, carefully tucking it back into the envelope and smoothing it out.

Roger heads for the door, turning to look back at the group one last time before he leaves.

“If you need me, I’ll be buying stamps.”


“What the fuck, Taylor!?’

Roger chuckles into the receiver. “Well, hello to you too, darling.” He had been waiting for this call for about a week.

“Do not ‘darling’ me right now. I told you not to send money!” Y/N has rarely experienced such a mix of emotions. Anger, love, humiliation, sadness, helplessness, love. She whines into the phone, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. “Why didn’t you listen? I’m not a charity case!” She hates feeling like a burden.

Most of all, she hates how loved and better she felt when she opened the envelope.

The blond frowns. It was never his intention to upset her, “Love, I –”

“Don’t you dare use your pet names on me right now, Roger Taylor!'’ Roger tries to hold back his laughter.

“I told you I can do this on my own!” she explodes, “I am perfectly capable of handling –”

“Oh, trust me, I know you are.” He interrupts. Roger toys with the phone chord, blowing some of his bangs away from his face. “You could run circles around me, darling. Just because you’re able to do it on your own doesn’t mean you have to.” He smiled softly to himself, “You don’t have to do everything on your own anymore. I can’t physically be there for you, and I hate that. If it were up to me, I’d be stopping by the store to bring you food or help lug books around.” Y/N exhales, hand running through her hair. God-damnit. Why does he have to be so bloody perfect and far away? “And as much as I wish I could change it, I know I can’t be there right now to hold you and promise it will all get better.”

“Rog–” There’s so much she needs to tell him.

“Let me do this, Y/N.” He begs, “Just this one thing to help you keep a roof over your head and eat and take care of yourself.”

Y/N gives up all hope of arguing with him about this. And just like that, she’s crying for a completely different reason. Her voice wobbles as she sobs into the phone, “You’re so stupid, Roger. You’re such a goddamn idiot.”

He laughs as he too starts crying, smiling lovingly to the empty room. “I thought we’d already established that.” She gives a breathy laugh, clutching the money and cheque to her chest like a security blanket. “Hasn’t ever kept you from talking to me before, though.”

Y/N wipes her tears with her shirt sleeve, sniffling pitifully. She knows she’s never felt love like this before and she never will again. Not even her parents had shown interest in supporting her; she never thought any less of them because of that.

But here’s Roger. Sweet, stupid Roger forking over hundreds of pounds and sending it to her from worlds away without batting an eyelash. All because he wants to help in any way he can. She can hear him as he rambles on, still trying explain how it “really isn’t a big deal“.

“Roger–” her voice’s is so soft that he misses it completely.

“–I just care about you and I wanted to help and–”

“Roger!” She yells with a laugh.

He stops, eyebrows quirking as he smiled. He hears her take a deep breath and waits impatiently for her to speak.

Y/N’s heart is beating like a hummingbird’s. “I love you.”

“What?” Roger feels completely frozen until she repeats those three beautiful words to him.

There’s another long silence and panic set in YN’s stomach as she bites her lip. She really doesn’t want to pressure him into saying it so it’s her turn to start rambling, “I’m not just saying that because of the money and I don’t expect you to say it back but I just needed you to know because it’s true and –”

“I love you too.” He interrupts her panicked mumbles.

Y/N’s whole body relaxes. She exhales, hands shakily holding the phone as she lets out a watery, “Thank Christ” that makes Roger laugh.

“God, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so fucking much.” Now that he can say it aloud, he doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to stop.

Tears well in Y/N’s eyes again, “I…I want you, Roger. I want you here.” She sounds selfish but she doesn’t care.

This is the moment she’s been waiting for. Now that it’s out in the open, she needs to see him, feel his body against hers. She wants to show him exactly how much she loves him.

His heart aches, “I know, my love. You have no fucking idea how much I want to be with you right now. Fuck, I’d fly out to you right this second if I knew you’d actually let me.”

Y/N chuckles, sniffling “It’s really tempting.”

He grins, “Tempting enough to let me?”

She shakes her head, “I can’t be the one to deprive the world of Roger Taylor. I know how that feels and it’s too damn painful.”

He sighs, shaking his head. “Why can’t you just be selfish once in a while?”

“I’m afraid I’m not as strong he

I wanted to take a moment to formally THANK everyone who’s been reading and liking my work lately! There’s been a huge uptick in the last week and I hadn’t even realised that we way surpassed 300 followers until this evening! Keep rebloging, liking, and commenting (I love reading comments and getting asks) Thank you so much for continuing to support my work, don’t really know what you all like about it but thank you thank you thank you! Means a lot to have you all here on this journey with me!

I FINALLY OPENED MY ACCOUNT AFTER A YEAR OMG I’LL FIX MY MASTERLIST FOR YA’LL TO READ MY FICS (because i changed my username before and i didn’t get the old one back)


Roger Taylor x Reader

Series Summary: It’s the story about the unexpected love between you and Roger Taylor that had lasted through thick and thin, through the challenges and darkness as you both find a way to prove that love is unbreakable…

In this part:The night in the club goes on with you spending your time with Roger. You really want to avoid your feelings to him but it seems like it does not go away—same goes to Roger too.

Warnings: language, lots of fluff, angst, a lot of alcohol consumings, mild smut(not that graphic)

Word Count: 7.7k+ words

Note:more grammar and spelling errors. more time jumps and fast-forwarded scenes. prepare for a sappy roger/cute reader in this part



“Finally, you’re flirting with me.” The drummer chuckles.

You blushed in his words as you let out a chuckle too, “I don’t think I’m flirting with you Roger.” You denied his words.

“What a shame because I wish you had been.”

Keep reading

I’m just here to say that there will be A LOT of slow updates here in my blog bc my fucking teachers gave us MORE schoolworks to do while in quarantine.

ps. Still enjoy my latest upload :)

Roger Taylor x Reader

Series Summary: It’s the story about the unexpected love between you and Roger Taylor that had lasted through thick and thin, through the challenges and darkness as you both find a way to prove that love is unbreakable…

In this part:The night in the club goes on with you spending your time with Roger. You really want to avoid your feelings to him but it seems like it does not go away—same goes to Roger too.

Warnings: language, lots of fluff, angst, a lot of alcohol consumings, mild smut(not that graphic)

Word Count: 7.7k+ words

Note:more grammar and spelling errors. more time jumps and fast-forwarded scenes. prepare for a sappy roger/cute reader in this part



“Finally, you’re flirting with me.” The drummer chuckles.

You blushed in his words as you let out a chuckle too, “I don’t think I’m flirting with you Roger.” You denied his words.

“What a shame because I wish you had been.”

Your heart skipped a beat when he said that to you, with his ocean eyes staring right at you—Roger fucking Taylor, a famous drummer, a lady-magnet and a good-looking bloke enjoys that you’re flirting with him, without even noticing that you’re flirting. The way he said that was almost made you want to kiss him, but you’re only a woman that is intoxicated with different types of drinks and alcohol is already running in your system.

Roger in the other hand waits for your reaction, and your reaction?

You just laughed. Again. Like a fucking maniac.

“I–I..uh…” You soon gulped and put your glass down on the counter, “Roger, I have a question…” You dodged the awkward situation as he hums, letting you tell him your question.

You saw his body moved closer to you and you feel something weird in your body, all because of just his aura.

“I know I saw you back there with two good-looking girls in your place and…I don’t want to sound rude here but, are you just here talking to me—flirting maybe just to make me be like those girls? Do you want me under your spell or a one night stand thing because Roger…I am not that kind of a woman. I may be dressed like this, but that’s not what I’m planning to do tonight. Or—”

“—I’m not that kind of a man Y/N. I’m not a man that meets up with a girl, sleep with them and just forget all about it in the morning. I really am not, but I respect on what you just said because I guess that’s just the only thing you may think of when the name Roger Taylor pops into your head.” He responds, sarcasm filled his voice after he said that.

You didn’t know this turned out to be…personal.

And you think you just broke Roger Taylor’s heart right there.

You absolutely regret on asking him that question in the first place, but your thoughts is that you’re just making sure about everything because you really don’t want to ruin a night like this in your life. You don’t want to give all of you to a man you just met.

“I–I didn’t mean to put it that way, I–I’m just making sure.” You stammered as you apologize to him.

Roger just nods his head at you, knowing that he’s not listening—just your words going through his ear and out in the other ear.

Roger thought you’re different.

And all that he’s been thinking about is to go back to those two girls in their booth.

“It’s nice meeting you Y/N.” He finally dismissed himself from you—to clearly avoid any drama as you watch him walk away like nothing had happened. You let out a huge breath when he just ditched you here, but you did get to the point that you’re already offending him earlier, so you think it’s your fault that he felt bad about himself. You called on the bartender again as you ordered a shot. You never drink too much in your whole life and you think this is the night wherein you’ll get shitfaced—like Eleanor said to you earlier.

Speaking of Eleanor, you haven’t found her since the time you saw her with that guy. Kelsey too had disappeared in the crowd and Cleo, she’s still with John—clearly flirting with him back there.

The bartender came back with your drink as you stare at the alcohol right in front of you, “I guess it’s just you and me again.” You muttered and drank it all in one sip, then you ordered a second one again, a third one, a fourth one until you didn’t count how many shots you’ve ordered.

When you’re drinking all of those shots you’ve ordered, Roger is walking towards the booth to find the girls already gone, so he didn’t get back there, instead he went back to the bar but he’s in a far away distance from you, not seeing on what you’re actually doing in your life right now. He didn’t notice you pushing your way to the dancing people and started dancing with them too. You managed to find Kelsey with two men groping her while they dance as you also dance with them. One guy had his hands around your hips, your back pressed on his chest—dangerously close to him.

Roger wasn’t intoxicated, he doesn’t feel drunk after all those shots since it’s been two hours since those round of shots occurred and the alcohol just faded out. He just had to leave the bar when he suddenly found someone entered the club that he recognizes, they are with their group of friends, wearing those skin tight dresses and revealing clothes to attract men.


After that breakup and confession that she’s been cheating on him for 5 months, she also planned to go here, with a couple of friends. Just like Roger had also planned after his mini tantrum onstage earlier. And he’s still not ready to face her after the words he said to her, but he also wants to face her and say the other things he wants to say.

The words that is better left unsaid.

When her group is closely approaching to where Roger is, he suddenly decided to turn away and never face her, like ever again as he left the bar, walking back to their booth—but only to bump someone on his way there, he looked at the person to suddenly see you, looking completely wasted and your hair is sticking on your face because of your sweat that built up because of those body heat in the dancefloor.

“Roger—” You stopped and suddenly felt the bile slowly rising up to your throat. You cover your mouth as you pushed the drummer away, stumbling towards the restrooms. Roger, who’s concerned if anything would happen to you, followed you.

Then he saw you going for the men’s restroom, that’s why he grabbed your hips and guide you to the ladies, “How many drinks have you consumed?.” Roger whispered to you, you just ignored him and entered the restroom to let it all out.

Roger waited for you to finish up, his back leaning on the wall across the ladies’ restroom.

After a couple of minutes, you are still inside the restrooms, sitting on the floor of one of the cubicles inside. You flushed the toilet two times and regret every ounce of alcohol you’ve consumed tonight, thinking that it’s already in the middle of the night and you have work by Monday. You slowly stood up from the floor, trying to stand up properly this time. You left the cubicle and look at yourself in the mirror, the makeup you’ve put on is now fading away, so you just put on your strawberry lip gloss on and fix your hair. You stayed inside the restroom for a moment—not knowing that Roger is waiting for you outside.

Roger, who’s looking at his watch a couple of times—not caring that it’s already 1 in the morning, is still waiting for you to come out. He’s already sober and not planning on drinking more again.


Roger turn to his left to see her again, wearing a flowy kimono top, his eyes grew soft as he remember the words he said to her in that phone call.

“Reese…” He sighs, eyes softening.

“So you’re drinking again? I thought you changed already—”

“—change? After that phone call earlier? After you fucking broke my heart through the phone? You’re completely unbelievable Reese.” Roger disputes, facing away from her.

Reese regrets that she followed him back here since she saw him—his hands holding you earlier. That left her curious about her own ex-boyfriend.

“Roger, always remember that breaking up with you doesn’t mean that you will just go back to do the habits that I hate so much. I just want you stay the way you were when we got together.” Reese tries to calm the drummer down as he shrugs her off.

“Why are you always pinning everything to me and my mistakes? Well look who fucking cheated in the relationship.” Roger defends himself.

“Roger, I—”

“You don’t know how you broke me so much when you said you found somebody else and it—” Roger trailed off, “—it made me think of the things that aren’t good enough for you to love me.”

Reese never see him so vulnerable. The one that he loves so much turns out to be the one who hurts him so much.


The conversation stopped when you stepped outside the restroom, alcohol still running in your veins but manage to take care of yourself.

“Roger, are you–are you waiting on me?.” You asked the drummer. He didn’t say anything, he just approaches you, took your hand and left the hallway—leaving Reese all alone and dumbfounded.

Roger leads you back to their booth wherein they are still talking to each other and meeting more people, then watch him walk away from the booth.

You took your fur coat that is laying on the couch beside Cleo, “Where’s Eleanor? She needs to drive us home, it’s so late.” You slap her forearm to get her attention to you.

“Oh, I think Eleanor already left with that guy earlier.” Cleo slurred and your eyes widened.

You cursed under your breath, “Then who will drive us back? It’s already 1 in the morning.” You argued.

“Still early.” Cleo replied to you and continue chatting with John and the others. You gave up and put on the fur coat and took your bag.

“Then I’m going alone.” You stomp your way towards the exit to see multiple people still coming inside this club. You look around the street to see no cabs—just their own fucking cars. You think of something of how you can go home.

Hitchhike can be dangerous. Waiting for some cabs will never give you hope. Walking is the only way, but it’ll take you hours to get back to your flat.

“Walking it is.” You groaned, started to take off your heels. You suddenly stopped when the people in line became loud and see Roger walking out of the club with a man who protects him from the raging fans. You watch them making their way to a car parked by the street. Seeing him already hopping inside the car.

And you know just what to do.

“Roger! Roger it’s Y/N!.” You shout at the far distance and start to walk towards them, but only to be blocked by the man with him. “Wait—”

“Roger’s off limits.” He said to you and you scoffed.

“Excuse me please, he knows me! Roger, hey!.” You wave your hand at the closed window. And then for a couple of seconds of you getting his attention, the windows rolled down with Roger looking right at you.

“What are you doing Y/N? Why aren’t you with your friends inside?.” Roger asked. You glared at the man, giving him the proof that Roger Taylor really knows you as he loosen his grip on you—letting you stand close to the car. Close to him.

“I–I need a ride home, my friends are already screwed up and shitfaced with alcohol or whatever it is. My friend who has a ride ditched us so, I really need to get home. I’m just by Waterloo Road, you can drop me by the park.” You pleaded, watching him think of his answer.

“Alright, get in. We’ll drive you home.” Roger said and a smile appeared on your lips as he opened the door, letting you in the car. Sighing deeply as you finally will go home. Safe and sound in your home.

The car drives away from the street as you lay your head on the window, watching the streets and it’s lights. This night out is truly one of the tiring and stressful—but it’s damn memorable. Roger is also silent and looking out on the window by his side too.

You look over to him, feeling like he’s not a celebrity but instead just a normal person. Tired, stressed and damaged—all because of the consecutive days of performing and touring from all over the globe. Hands calloused, muscles tight and uncomfortable for the drumming. You can’t imagine how much pain he’s going through—but probably you know every all of that is worth it to him.

And it left you wondering—who was the girl he’s talking to when you stepped out of the restrooms?

“Roger?.” You speak in the silence as he look at you, those tired eyes looking right at you.

“Hm?.” He hums.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you. Who was the girl you’ve been talking to when I finished…you know…throwing up in the restroom.” You asked him and you heard him sigh deeply, then you felt him being uncomfortable in that question, “Uh…forget about it, you don’t need to answer it—”

“—she’s my ex-girlfriend and uh…we just broke up through the phone earlier…before I performed in front of thousands.” Roger cuts you off and answered your question.

You gape at him and let his words play along in your head again. That girl, was his ex that broke up with him through the phone.

“I mean…that’s an impractical thing to do—breaking up with somebody through the phone.” You commented.

“Psh—I know right. She found someone else and get in a secret relationship with that man behind my back for the last 5 months.” Roger replied.

“That’s fucking terrible.” You reacted, then start to wonder again, “But why are you still talking to her earlier? Aren’t you feeling a bit off with her with what happened?.” You asked.

“I am a bit off of her but…the break-up is just so fresh and…you know, she’s my first love. We shared years together, she moved in with me too but it turns out it’s just a one big sham.” Roger answered.

You didn’t asked anything else to him anymore as you felt that he finally let it out. The burden, the pain, the heartbreak.

You took an intake of breath before you suddenly lay your hand on top of his. He reacted on your touch as he looked back at you, seeing his surprised face. Instead of what you thought he would do, his hand that’s under your’s slides off and took yours too, letting your fingers fully intertwined with his own. You can’t stop staring at your hands together and just gave him a small smile, letting it be.

It’s nice. The silence. And hands tied together.

The car finally reached the park. The hand holding also turned into something different—it’s now your head laying on his shoulder when you took a small nap while on the road earlier. You woke up just before the car would arrive and now you’re finally here, only a few steps away from your flat. Before leaving the car, you faced Roger.

“First of all, you’re the celebrity I’ve ever met in person…” You chuckled.

“Oh really?.” Roger raises his brows at you as you nod your head.

“Well, I nearly met Mick Jagger but there’s just a lot of girls before wants to meet him and me and my friends gave up on it,” You said, “And um, Roger?.”


“Do you…want to come inside? Give you food and maybe painkillers for the hangover…as a way of my thank you for the help and the ride home.” You shyly asked the drummer.

Roger was astonished on your offer, but the time breaks everything off. He really wants to come with you.

“I love to but it’s so late Y/N, and I am on tour. I’m a busy man, perhaps, I can walk you there. I can’t stand seeing you walk alone in this street.” Roger said as he is now taking off his seatbelt.

“Roger, you don’t have to—”

“—but I want to.” Roger cuts you off.

You know you can’t argue with him, “Okay.” You gave him a small smile and took your seatbelts off too. You both left the car then started walking together towards your flat that is only meters away from the park where the car stopped.

You have your arms crossed in front of your chest, warming them in your fur coat. Roger has his hands stuffed in his pockets.

There’s a distance between you two while walking there. Silence. Only hearing the barking dogs nearby—and crickets too.

“You know what,” Roger suddenly spoke first amidst the silence, “I actually called this night the worst night of my life because our show earlier is bullshit, my long-term girlfriend broke up with me then I met her again and I broke my drumset—almost hitting Freddie onstage. But—”

You furrowed your brows when he stopped talking, “—but?.”

“I don’t know…” He trails off.

You finally stopped in front of your flat, Roger looking around the place and then right back at you.

“Well, are you sure you don’t want painkillers?.” You asked again.

Roger chuckles, “I’m fine Y/N, and you should be the one who needs to drink the painkillers. I saw what alcohol did to you.” He smirks.

“Ugh, I’m horrible when I’m drunk.” You replied, regretting that you consumed a lot of drinks tonight.

“So don’t drink a lot next time. You seriously need a full-time nanny to take care of you when you’re drunk.” Roger again teases you.

“Oh fuck off.” You laughed, “So this is goodbye, Roger Taylor.”

“Don’t say goodbye to me like you’ll never going to see me again. We’ll meet again soon, I promise that. You're–you’re something to me Y/N.” Roger said. You can literally feel your heart thumping loudly in your chest.

“Well then it’s not goodbye Roger. I’ll see you soon.” You softly smiled at him before taking steps closer to him and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. The drummer was frozen shock when you showed that affectionate side of yours as he just watch you lean away and step inside your flat—making sure to wave goodbye before closing the door behind you.

You really are something to him.


Ever since that night, Roger wasn’t over you.

You’re in his mind all the time. Even though he met several girls on tour—slept with the others, but his mind was still glued to that moment you plant that kiss on his cheek. He was never been so sappy his whole life ever since him and Reese are sti together. Now those feelings he felt towards Reese before—he felt that again when he’s with you.

And he loved that. Every bit of that.

And now that they’ve left the UK again, Roger knows that it’s going to be a long time that he’ll meet you back there. His body is focused on drumming and performing their music in front of the people who adore them, but his mind was clearly all about you. Not with the groupies who always comes with them on tour and tries to entertain the drummer.

“Earth to Roger Taylor!.”

Roger snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Brian’s voice echoed through this empty venue that’ll soon be filled with loud and excited people that loved their music. They all heard most of the people in Sweden today are loving their works and Freddie—also the other boys don’t want their performance a load of bollocks again. They want it to be perfect.

“Sorry—just thinking of somethin’.” Roger muttered and gripped his drumsticks again as he steps on the bass—playing the queue.

But Brian suddenly interfere, interrupting the sound check, “It’s so weird that you are so suddenly quiet and always thinking things. What’s gotten into you lately after that night in the club back in London? What is uh, Cleo’s friend—”

“—It’s Y/N.” Roger corrects him.

“Oh yeah, Y/N, that’s her name.” Brian said. Roger has his brows furrowed in confusion at the guitarist right now.

“And what about her?.” Roger asked him.

Brian stood on the drum risers as he stared at him for a few good seconds—like he’s reading his mind through staring in his eyes, “You’re in love with her.” He smirks.

Deacy lets out a snorted laugh and Freddie was shocked. Had his mouth agape.

“W–what? No! I–I am not in love with her—”

“—okay cut off the teases and let’s just finish this sound check. Get off the drum risers Brian.” Freddie stopped Brian’s tease as Roger glared at the guitarist, who’s clearly having fun bugging Roger—a clever liar.

“Yeah, get off the bloody risers and play your part. Come on let’s start over.” Roger said then played the tune of the music again.

Freddie sang the lyrics.

Brian and John joins in again with their electric and bass guitar.

Roger perfectly played his part—not zoning out anymore.

By the time the soundcheck ended, they all got inside the dressing room. There’s still two hours before the show and to spend the time—Freddie sets up the scrabble that he always brought on tour so that he’ll play with the others.

Of course, Freddie always wins.

Brian and Roger is always pissed off. John was just amused on their reactions while playing the game and Freddie beating the shit out of them.

“Brian! You promised we will have that rematch.” Freddie teases Brian as he sighs, soon sitting down with him—picking his letters.

Instead of Brian’s usual frowning face in seeing his letters, he’s wearing a smirk—feeling that he might win this one.

Roger didn’t joined the game. He found himself his own distraction-the blonde groupie that’s been following the band since day 1 of the tour. He found himself a cigarette, now sitting on a chair where the girl is sitting behind his chair with her arms wrapped around his shoulder, her head resting on his neck.

He’s just thinking about you earlier and now he have himself wrapped around the arms of this girl.

He really don’t know what to do with his love-life anymore after that break-up. Tabloids have already known the break-up where it is shown in every celebrity page of a magazine or newspaper. It’s always been Roger and Reese’s face on that page, flashing to every reader that they got into separate ways.

He also saw Reese pictures with her new boyfriend. Hand in hand while walking around London.

Roger was still jealous. He still have that heartbreak inside of him.

“Want to have fun before you guys go onstage?.” The blonde groupie—not sure if her name was Corinna or Karen but close enough, whispered in the drummer’s ear.

Roger didn’t said anything, he just stood up from his chair, holding the groupie’s hand and led her inside the bathroom—locking it afterwards to prevent disturbance. He cups her face then kissed her hard, also pushing her back until her back was pinned on the tilted wall of the bathroom. He felt her hands reached down his crotch, soon groped his bulge while he’s making out with her. Teeth clashing together in that heated kiss.

She soon slowly got down on her knees, facing his crotch as she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his fly down and finally pulled his jeans down, wrapping her hands around him—giving it a few pumps.

“You like that?.” She moans out her words, her hand still doing all the work.

Roger had his eyes closed—but all that is in his mind is you.

And that’s where he lost it.

“—I’m sorry…I'm–I’m suddenly not in the mood.” Roger mutters as he stops the girl, putting on his jeans again and looking at himself in the mirror. Clearly asking himself why did he just thought of you while this chick will almost give him a blow job.

“W–what? Roger?—” She stammered but he was now out of the door, walking back inside the dressing room where the boys are already getting ready.

Roger showed them a restrained smile, “How’s the game?.” He asked Brian as he reaches out to John’s cigarette box, lighting up the cigarette resting between his lips.

“For the first time in history, I had beaten the shit out of Freddie in scrabble.” Brian laughed at the lead singer—Freddie still giving him an annoyed look.

“Not that he won over Freddie tonight, he also beaten Freddie’s highscore.” John said. Brian was beyond proud of himself.

“What’s the high score now?.” Roger asked.

“One—fuckingsixty-eight hundred points in just a single word.” Brian boasts with that wide smile. Freddie is still annoyed that someone finally beats him in the game.

“What’s the word again?.” John asks the guitarist.

“Lacquers. With a Q on the triple, all seven letters, triple word.” Brian answered the bassist.

“Enough with the bragging, we got a show in 30 minutes. Let’s all get ourselves ready and Roger…” Freddie stood up from his chair and start to look for his stage clothes.

“Yeah?.” Roger replied.

“…your fly is undone.” Freddie smirks at the drummer then left the room.

“Fuck.” Roger groaned and zip himself up.


“Thank you.” You thanked the vendor as she handed you the bag full of the clementine that you bought.

Christmas will be three weeks from now. People have been in and out of the markets to buy some Christmas gifts, and some are buying foods for the holiday—just like you. Avoiding the Christmas rush soon.

Your parents cancelled their visit to your place since they have this Christmas and New Year’s party with the other neighborhood back home, completely leaving you all alone in the holidays. They will just visit just after the New Year’s Day.

No parents in the holidays this year. So your plan this holidays is to eat your favorite dishes and get drunk while dancing to Elton John.

That sounds perfect.

You walk around the marketplace, looking and buying for more foods to cook and a wine to drink for Christmas. Then something catches your eyes, it’s the newspaper where you saw the huge Queen plastered on the first page. You approached the booth where the newspapers are and took it, reading the headline that it’s Queen selling out more venues around the world.

The new rock royalties dominating the world—yes, you heard them! It’s Queen!

The photograph was Freddie singing out in the crowd, Brian on his left playing his guitar, John on his right playing the bass and on the drum risers is Roger who have his arms up while holding the drumsticks.

A small smile appeared on your lips, remembering your small time with the drummer that one late drunken night.

And then your eyes trained over the side of the paper, reading that it’s about Roger along with a paparazzi picture of him and a beautiful lady trailing behind him as they leave the band’s after party in Hamburg. He’s holding her hand—guiding her out of the paparazzis.

Then you just imagined yourself being with him like that wherein cameras are flashing around. Being a couple, hands intertwined and both wearing fur coats.

You sighed and just put the newspaper back on it’s shelf and carry on walking around. That night was three weeks ago—but felt like it’s just yesterday.

You returned to your place, putting the bags filled with what you’ll cook for Christmas on the small dining table in the kitchen. You took the phone and decided to call on Cleo.

“Hello?.” Cleo answered on the second ring.

“Can you come over? I need someone to share the wine with.” You replied, fingers looping around the phone cord.

“Nobody’s stopping me for a free wine. Be there in 5.” Cleo chuckles in the other line and hang up.

While waiting for Cleo, you took the wine that you just bought together with two glasses. You also played some music. The soft tune of the song filled the room.

Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band. Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you’ll marry a music man…” You sang along while you open the wine and poured it on each glasses.

Just in time for the doorbell to ring.

You open the door to see Cleo before you-inviting her in. She take her jacket off and look around your place. Your tiny flat that you’ve been living for almost three years now.

“Free wine and Elton John playing,” Cleo said and looked back at you, “You’re going through something aren’t you?.”

You sighed, looking back on the newspaper where the picture of Roger and that girl with him then suddenly went all the way back when he driven you home. And your cheek kiss.

“It’s nothing, it’s just all about the thing I’ve said to you about Roger that one time.” You said, now sitting on the couch with her while drinking the wine.

“I still can’t believe you kissed Roger Taylor’s cheek. Many girls are trying so damn hard to be on your place.” Cleo smirks.

“It’s hard to forget him because he promised me that night won’t be our last night and soon to meet him again.” You replied.

Cleo stopped drinking her wine, “Wait, you didn’t told me that part though.” She said.

“Oh, I didn’t?.” You asked. Cleo nods her head to you. “Then now you know. Roger promised he’ll see me again and I can’t believe I’m holding on to that even though it’s been three weeks since that night and there are already pictures of him with a girl.”

“Roger Taylor is a rockstar and rockstars meet a lot of women. He can’t avoid a little distraction while on the road, especially for those groupies.” Cleo said.

And that left you thinking how Roger was doing while on the road together with those groupies.


Roger arrived late in the venue with a hangover because last night’s happenings. When the time they landed in Barcelona, Freddie already planned on throwing a party for the last day of European tour. So, he rented a whole pub for them to invite all the people they know.

The management team. Some lucky fans. Roadies. Groupies.

A lot of alcohol was consumed by everyone in the room. A lot of people also dancing together—skin to skin, a lot of touches and sexual tensions.

They’re all making the best out of it. It’s the last show of the European tour, then everyone will be on their way home again to celebrate the holidays with friends and families.

Roger spent his time last night with a lot of alcohol and dancing. He soon found himself a girl to spend his night with. That’s why he woke up late with a naked girl on the right side of his bed in his hotel room.

And that led him here arriving late in the venue where their last European leg show will happen. He was soon greeted by the others where the roadies are setting up the instruments for the soundcheck. Roger heard Brian playing the intro of Now I’m Here while Freddie is singing the song without the microphone. John was sitting on the stage while playing the bass.

“Thank god he’s here.” Freddie exhales as he smirks at him, “Rough night?.”

Roger took his sunglasses off as he looked at Freddie, “Well it is your fault you threw that party in that club.” He said, blaming him.

“You’re welcome.” Freddie said in sarcasm before turning his heel away from him and towards the stage again.

Roger chuckled and made his way towards the drum risers, playing his part even though he have this massive headache. Brian was also hangover and heard the wrong chords throughout the song.

And the song suddenly have that slow tempo unlike the original tempo of it.

Well, throwing that party would be one hell of a problem today.

Roger was getting pissed—hence the headache.

Freddie also heard the flaw.

“Brian! You’re slowing down, we can’t slow down!.” Roger already argues. Completely stopping playing the drums.

Freddie and John looked at each other, but Freddie tried to break the tight tension.

“Alright, break off—let’s have take two.” Freddie laughs, trying to lift up the mood.

“I’m trying to slow it a little down—” Brian said, now facing the drummer.

“Well, it doesn’t need slowing down. It's—god—it’s creeping at the moment!.” Roger disagrees.

“Alright, try—” Freddie was cut off, again.

“—God, it was so slow! And it’s getting even slower. You always try to play this like I’ve never—”

“Come on, take two!.” Freddie shouts, trying to silenced the hot-headed drummer.

Roger closed his eyes as he massaged his temples, trying to regain his composure, “Alright then, I’ll follow you!.” Roger said then look away from Brian.

Brian soon mocks him by making crying noises, but Roger didn’t hear that.

“Done?,” Freddie stare at the both of them as he finally received their silence, “Alright then, let’s have take two.”

“Oi! They’re cheating!.” Harold shouts as he pointed at Sheila’s team while they are arranging the plastic cups pyramid on the table. He saw one of their teams still arranged the cups even though they already passed on to the other station. Completely breaking the rule of following the timer of arranging the pyramid.

It’s the Six Stations—a popular team building game in this accounting firm.

A Christmas party is happening right now and you’re just standing by the wall, watching them have fun and constantly cheat on the games. They don’t care either. As long as they are having fun.

All what matters is that Fauna—your boss offers delicious champagne every Christmas party.

You saw Sheila laughing off her ass as she teases off Harold in being a killjoy about telling that they cheated. Like you just said, they don’t care if anyone cheated. They’re just here to have fun and receive gifts.

You also have a gift for the annual Kris Kringle gift exchange. You had picked Lorraine on the bowl last week and you just bought her a scarf since it’s only suitable for your budget. But the scarf is one of the beautiful scarf you’ve seen in the market—Lorraine is lucky.

You saw Sheila approaching you while still recovering from her huge laughs in playing the game, “God, Harold is such a dick.” She laughs off.

“Why do you always have to cheat? That’s why no one really even likes you in this department.” You replied to her as you finished off your champagne.

“Yep, no one likes me,” She sighs but soon smirked at you, “But not you Y/N.” She chuckles.

“Oh fuck off Sheila.” You laugh, rolling your eyes at her.

“I’ve been one of your oldest friends since college. We took the same course, had the same classes since the end of college and even worked on the same accounting firm.” Sheila smirks as you finally gave up, showing her a smile on your face.

Sheila Priest. One of your truest friend, but sometimes a pain in the ass.

“Wipe that smirk off your face now and let’s join the others. I heard they are already doing the Kris Kringle.” You said as you put your arm around her shoulder while walking towards the large conference room of the firm.

Everyone is there, having fun and dancing around. Then you always have to find him talking to someone in the crowd.

Damien Scott.

He’s also one of your college friends—but only met him in your last year and you didn’t know he will also work here to be an accountant too. He mentioned to you before that he didn’t want to be an accountant even though he’ll be graduating the accountancy course. All that he wants to become is a music producer. He wants to be behind the procedure of great music from great artists.

You really didn’t expect he would turn his dream down to something like this. Just his plain old decision.

You both soon looked at each other as he shoots you a smile. You never talked to him that much, only some simple conversations will rise while taking a break or having coffee. Nothing much had happened.

“Alright people, gather around is we will finally start the Kris Kringle! I hope no one ever bought someone a risqué gift here.” Fauna teases. You all laugh around, pointing at any suspects who would probably buy some sex toys.

“That’s clearly one of my planned gifts though,” Sheila laughs beside you, “And I picked Gerald.” She snorts.

“What are you going to give him? A dildo for sure? That one that vibrates.” You elbowed Sheila as she’s trying to stop her laughs.

“Oh god, I regret getting him a shirt. That dildo would be the best thing ever.” Sheila said as she catches her breath. “Well, who’s yours?.”

“Lorraine.” You replied.

“Ugh, she’s been a huge problem in getting gifts since she can afford anything.” Sheila commented, now looking over Lorraine who’s talking to Damien.

No she’s not just talking, she’s fucking flirting.

“She can afford anything, she can get anything.” You said while your eyes are glued to the both of them.

Sheila noticed your stare, then a smirk appeared on her lips.

“Don’t tell me you still have a crush on Damien?—”

“—I don’t.” You quickly replied and just silently sit there.

The Kris Kringle finally starts. Fauna will pick on the gifts that’s on the table in front. Those gifts were labelled to the person who will receive it but the Secret Santa won’t reveal itself until the receiver will open the gift and look for the person’s name inside. Fauna picked the first gift and read who’s the receiver.

“Come in front now Hilda!.” Fauna said, watching Hilda stood up from her seat with a huge smile on her face.

Hilda receives her gift, opening it in front to see who’s her Secret Santa. Then she squeals in happiness, “Jimmy!.” She claps her hand, pointing at him and thanking him.

The gift giving goes on, Damien received his gift from Amanda and Sheila already received a gift and it’s surprisingly from Lorraine. She got her a designer bag which sent Sheila to cloud nine and kept asking her if Lorraine’s serious about the gift. Of course, she’s serious. Your self-esteem and confidence lowered for your gift to her—hoping she would like it.

“Let me have Lorraine here in front!.” Fauna again announced a name and that probably froze you in your seat.

You watch her made her way towards Fauna in front and gave her the gift, that turquoise colored gift bag that you used came from Eleanor that she also used for your gift in Christmas last year, Lorraine already have it in her hands and excitedly opened it.

“God I hope she likes it.” You whispered to yourself.

“I love it!,” Lorraine reacts as she pulls out the scarf you’ve bought, then came on your name inside. “Y/N, Y/N’s my secret Santa.” She smiles.

She walked up to you with the scarf already around her neck that completely suits her outfit, “This scarf is the same scarf that my dad gave to me before he passed away when I was a little girl. My mom, which is a monster, threw away that–that priceless scarf. And then now you’re here, giving me this scarf again gives me life Y/N. So, thank you so much.” Lorraine tears up as she tries to wipe away the tears so that it won’t ruin her makeup.

Your heart flutters when you heard her story as you suddenly pull her in a warm hug, “You’re welcome Lorraine.” You smiled while rubbing her back for comfort.

“Fuck, I bloody cried.” Sheila said and look over her wiping off those small tears of her’s too. You let out a quiet chuckle and Lorraine finally pulls away from your embrace.

The moment was interrupted when you suddenly heard your name from Fauna. All eyes are on you when you are walking up front to receive your gift. A smile crept up your face while looking at the gift and finally open it up, revealing a book inside.

You pull it out and it’s the book that you’ve been reading back in college—since you always go to the library after finishing a class.

Gustave Falubert. Madame Bovary.

You look for the name inside the bag but it’s not there, but when you turn over the page of the book—there it reveals a small letter inside.

You remember it was a line from the book itself.

It was the fault of destiny!

You look at the bottom to see your secret Santa.


“Damien,” You muttered as you find him in his seat to see him already looking at you, “Damien’s my secret Santa.” You smiled.

You also smiled at Fauna before walking back to your seat with Sheila, Lorraine already got back to her own seat beside Damien. The brooding brunette man still has his eyes on you—deciding if he would talk to you or not.

“Madame Bovary. I remember that book you always read back in college when we visit the library. I think you already read that book a million times now—”

“Well, it’s only been 7 times that I read this book over and over.” You corrected her. Sheila shrugs.

“Still feels like a million times to me. I can’t even stand reading Romeo and Juliet before and I didn’t even finished it!.” Sheila said as you laughed at her, reminiscing the time when she gave up reading Romeo and Juliet because of the deep English words that’s out of her vocabulary.

You and Sheila goes on talking about your college life until the Kris Kringle is done. Everyone’s got their own gifts and finally wrapped up the party since it’s already 9PM. You can always catch Damien’s look on you while you’re arranging and cleaning the conference room. So you decided to make the first move.

You walk up to him and saw you coming towards him too, “Damien, hey uh…I’m just here to thank you for the gift you’ve got me. Madame Bovary is…close to my heart. I’m glad that um…I finally own a copy of it.” You showed him a smile, feeling like it’s an awkward one.

“You’re welcome Y/N. You know the thing is, I know that book is very important to you.” His deep Irish accent again fills your ears and what he said caught you off guard.

“W–what? Does it mean…” You try to remember your first year in college, where you still didn’t even know him, “…are you the student librarian before?.”

Damien broke off a smile, “Yes, yes I am. I remember that book is always the one I have to write down in your library card.” He chuckles.

“God, I’m sorry. It must’ve been a tough time for you always writing down Madame Bovary in my card,” You laughed as he laugh along too, “So uh, again, thank you Damien. It really mean so much to me.”

“Anything for you Y/N.”

The conversation ended there.

Your heels turn away from him again, walking away as you approach Sheila who’s waiting for you in the main entrance of the building.

“Aren’t you be heading home?.” You asked her.

“Sleepover at yours? It’s been a year since I slept in your flat again.” Sheila asked with that pleading eyes again.

“Fine. You can stay at mine’s.” You said and Sheila throw her arms around you while walking down the block—already excited and planning on hanging out in your place until midnight.


The doorbell was ringing—it’s already 10AM.

You and Sheila are still enjoying your sleep. Her legs are resting on top of your hips as you kick her legs out from you.

“Sheilaaaaa, can you get the door for me please?.” You slurred in your sleep, saying that with your eyes closed.

Sheila groans but you still slap her arm to wake her up.

“Sheila.” You groaned and turn to your other side, pulling the covers off her.

Sheila opens her eyes and glared at you before leaving the bed, still sleepy and tired. She pushed the stray hairs away from her face as she reach out for the knob, opening the front door.

Your friend was shocked to what she’s just looking at.

“Y/N!.” Sheila shouted from the front door.

You heard it as you slowly open your eyes, but never leave the bed. Maybe the whole neighborhood also heard Sheila’s scream.

“Y/N! Roger fucking Taylor is outside your door!.” Sheila screams again.

And that made you jolt up from your bed.


FINALLY I FINISHED THIS PART! It’s been days since I’ve been working this part though—it’s kinda tough.

Anyways, DAISY RIDLEY as Sheila Priest

And NIALL HORAN as Damien Scott (ok guys i had to. I HAD TO!)

Then this is Reese’s outfit in the club:



Heartbreak Weather (Roger Taylor x Reader) - Series

Summary:It’s the story about the unexpected love between you and Roger Taylor that had lasted through thick and thin, through the challenges and darkness as you both find a way to prove that love is unbreakable…

Warnings:angst, strong language, fluffs, cheating, alcohol consumings, mentions of sex, smuts
















Roger Taylor x Reader

Series Summary: It’s the story about the unexpected love between you and Roger Taylor that had lasted through thick and thin, through the challenges and darkness as you both find a way to prove that love is unbreakable…

In this part: Roger just broke up with his long-term girlfriend through the phone just minutes before his performance with the band, then in the same night, he never knew that his broken heart will recover again…

Warnings:language, mild fluff, mild angst

Word Count: 4.4k+ words

Note: First part of the Heartbreak Weather series coming thru! This is actually based from Niall Horan’s new album called “Heartbreak Weather” wherein I will use the titles of the songs in the albums as the other parts of this series. Hope you’re all excited about this as much as I do. Gifs are not mine, all credits to the owner!

PS. STREAM HEARTBREAK WEATHER BY NIALL HORAN, it’s a great album, it’s definitely worth a listen!




They unloaded the trucks as the roadies rushes in and started pushes the different equipments they needed for the tour. The band also arrived on time for sound checks as they led them inside the theatre. They have their eyes locked on the lights around the stage and how spacious this place is. It’s been days that the Sheer Heart Attack tour had started and their adrenaline during the tour is getting much stronger because of the people’s energy inside the venue and how they sing right back to them the lyrics of their songs. Especially when the sophisticated melody of Killer Queen will play from Freddie’s piano. The crowd will definitely go crazy.

After the soundcheck, the band made their way inside the dressing room to get ready for tonight’s show. Different people also got inside the room to take care of them. Freddie sat by the corner to let them fix his hair, Brian also fixes his hair, Deacy and Roger were by the rack of clothes to look for their outfit tonight.

Then Roger found this golden vest that will definitely shimmer underneath those lights on stage.

“Roger, you’re next!.” Brian shouts from the other side of the room.

The drummer put the vest back in the clothes rack to make his way to Paloma, the band’s new hair stylist who really have a huge personality.

“How are you Mr. Taylor?.” Paloma spoke to him as she took her equipment and started cutting off the excess hairs out of his blonde locks.

“I’m fine love, and please…call me Roger, Mr. Taylor doesn’t fit me.” Roger replied and Paloma nods that him.

“Okay…Roger.” She said as she fixed his hair, brushing it down and put on some hairspray. Paloma soon stood in front of the drummer to fix his hair up front.

Roger never stopped himself staring at her breasts just inches away from him.

“You’re staring again Roger.” Paloma chuckles as he tore his eyes away from her and put up a smirk.

“Can’t help it love, it’s right in front of me.” Roger laughs and just in time Paloma finished fixing his hair. The drummer left the chair and soon took off his top and put on a robe.

He picked the black leather pants from the clothes rack as he finally changed. Deacy is also in a robe, next to Brian’s red special, while Brian is lounging beside him with still the same clothes he’s in when they arrived.

Roger borrowed a polaroid from one of the staffs as he played around with it

Roger borrowed a polaroid from one of the staffs as he played around with it. Taking different pictures here and there like Freddie getting his makeup done, Brian now standing in front of the mirror and Deacy on the couch. Roger sat down on the vacant space on the couch beside Deacy where Brian is earlier and put down the Polaroid as he let the bassist look at the pictures too.

A flash goes off in front of them as they look at Brian pointing the camera at the both of them, the guitarist soon showed them the picture. Only Deacy caught the camera but Roger didn’t, he’s too busy looking at those pictures in his hands.

Only Deacy caught the camera but Roger didn’t, he’s too busy looking at those pictures in his hands

“I’ll keep these for my scrapbook back home. Maybe it’ll make a good use in the future.” Roger said as he also took the polaroid picture from Brian and put it inside his bag that is on the floor. He also reached over for a cigarette as he light it up with his lighter, inhaling the smoke to calm himself down.

“Ten minutes boys!.” They finally announces.

The adrenaline came in again.

Freddie faces the mirror for his finishing touches, Brian also stood beside him as he fixes his hair. Deacy changed into his clothes while Roger finally puts on his vest. Brian had his guitar with him, Deacy also had his bass and Freddie is now warming up his voice.

The crowd of 3,000 people of the Rainbow Theatre awaits them again.

“Boys, let’s have a mini rehearsal before we go on stage.” Freddie told them as they huddle together in a small circle as Freddie started singing. Brian was playing his guitar to catch the melody.

“Roger,” Paloma suddenly called him as he turn his look to her, “Telephone.” She points on the telephone that’s on hold as he approaches to the phone.

“Hello?.” Roger speaks. There was silence at first, until he heard a sigh from the other line.


That voice sends his heart into beating loudly in his chest as a smile appears on his lips.

“Reese, love, why did you call? Missed me already?.” Roger teased her long-term girlfriend who’s waiting on him back in the shared home with her.

“Yeah, I miss you…I really do.” She replied back, but how she said that sounded sad or tired.

Roger noticed that.

“It’s unusual to hear you in that tone of your voice Reese, is something wrong? Did someone hurt you? Did you–”

“–I’m fine Roger, it’s just…I…I missed you, that’s all.” Her laugh was strained and sounded fake, and it feels like she’s holding something back.

“Reese…you already know that I don’t like you lying to me.” Roger sighs, not believing on what his girlfriend just said.

He really wants to know the truth behind those words.

But she fell into silence again, like she did earlier.

Only the sound of Freddie singing and Brian strumming his guitar behind him is what he hears.


“–Roger, I can’t do this anymore.” She sobs and Roger paused for a second as her words replayed in his mind.

“What…what do you mean you can’t do this anymore? Reese, have you been drinking?…” Roger turned paranoid and the other’s noticed his tone of voice changing as their noises died down.

“No, I haven’t been drinking Roger and I’m telling you that truth that I really can’t do this anymore. Aren’t you even tired on our fights, our lives living together and even in our relationship. Aren’t you already tired Roger?.” She asked.

Her words broke the drummer’s heart in pieces.

“I was never tired for you Reese because I love you so much. Even though I come home from a tiring tour and fight about something didn’t made me turn my back to you. Unless you’re just the only one who’s turning your back on me. You’re throwing away our relationship with just those nonsense words Reese. I love you and think of the words you’ve been saying.” Roger pleaded.

“I’m tired Roger and let’s accept the fact that we should part ways and respect our decisions–”

“–why? Is being with me is the biggest mistake of your life? Is moving in with me the biggest regret of your life? Or you’re just too heartless about it?.” Roger now angrily asked her and Reese was tongue tied for a second.

“I respect you so much Roger and I deserve your fury but you also have to accept that I’m breaking up with you…” Reese tried to calm him up but he was already angry.

“You’re breaking up with me through the phone Reese! This is the most impractical thing you ever did! Why all of the sudden? Did you…met somebody else?.” His voice shakes when he asked the last sentence.

She gave him the silent treatment again.

“Reese answer me.” He commands.

“Yes, I’ve been seeing someone else Roger.” She whispers, her voice so small but Roger heard her.

“For how long?.” He asked. Tears were already forming around his eyes, he never imagined this time with her because he thought Reese was the one for him since they were dating for 6 years now.

“5 months.” Reese sobs, “I’m so sorry Roger, I…I can’t deal with this anymore, I felt like we’ve been parting ways even though we’re blind to see it–”

“–no Reese, you’re the only one who’s parting it’s way here. I’m holding on so much into this relationship because I loved you so much. I tried to change my ways for you because you want me to change up my habits, but turns out everything isn’t enough for you. My love for you is never enough.” The drummer replied to her as he hangs up the phone. He noticed the room being silent as he knew everyone was listening to his conversation with Reese.

“Are you…okay Roger? Did something happened between you and Reese?.” Brian asked.

“I don’t give a fuck anymore.” He mutters and took his drumsticks before leaving the room without dismissing himself.

Three minutes before their performance and Roger is already pissed off, his excitement faded out after that phone call.

What a great way to start a fucking show.


“You promise you’ll pick me up? Don’t worry, I’ll be paying for your drinks when we get there.” You pace around the room while speaking to your bestest friend since highschool. Eleanor had been planning this night out for weeks now since she came back home from California for a year.

“I’m also bringing Kelsey and Cleo with us too, remember those girls?.” She squeals.

Kelsey and Cleo. The girls you’ve known in Physics class in highschool. You remember them being the smartest people in that school.

“Yeah, I remember them. It’s been years that I didn’t saw them. Maybe the last time I was with them is the highschool graduation, since we all parted ways for college.” You replied.

Eleanor, Kelsey and Cleo went to the same university, a very well-known university outside the city. Well, you stayed behind, enrolled to a university in the city and pursue in learning accountancy.

Now you’re working in a small accounting firm that pays you well.

Enough to pay your own bills.

“Now I’m going to call them for this mini reunion. Wear the sexiest clothing you’ve ever hand in your closet right now then I’ll pick you up by 8pm later. Bye Y/N!.” Eleanor said as she finally hangs up.

You made your way towards your closet as you go through your clothes, pulling out some of the clothes you mostly wear in parties or social events, but one thing had made you stop when you finally saw it again here. It’s the deep v-neck sequined top that you bought last year. You haven’t used that top since you bought it and now you think this is the opportunity to wear it. For the first time.

Not caring about your insecurity.

You took the top and lay it on your bed, along with your high rise black denim flares and your old gold sequin pumps–that you managed to find in your shoe rack–and there’s only an hour left for you to get ready before Eleanor would pick you up. You didn’t styled your hair that much and just let it down, but you focused on your makeup. After all your work on your face, you look at yourself in the mirror–your eyes have been enhanced by the bronze eyeshadow and eyeliner, your contour brings out your cheekbones more–one last thing, you applied the strawberry flavored lip gloss, and now you’re good to go.

You put your planned outfit, even though you’re unsure about how much skin you’re revealing with the sequin top. Your back and cleavage on full display, hoping no creep will come up to you to where Eleanor will lead you. You look over to your clock to see it’s already 8pm, thinking that Eleanor will come up late again and that will take you some time to think if this outfit will be the one you’ll be wearing for the rest of the night.

Until you heard a loud honk outside your apartment.

Eleanor’s not late, very unusual.

So you just took your white fur coat and put it on, buttoned up to conceal your top that is already a small regret that you wore it. You grab your bag and left your place, Eleanor’s car is parked as her window rolled down, “Are you ready for tonight missy?.” Eleanor shouts from her car, not caring about your neighbors.

You step inside the car laughing to see Cleo in the backseat and Kelsey in the passenger seat beside Eleanor wearing their most fashionable and quite revealing outfits, “Hi guys, how are you?.” You sat beside Cleo as you put your seatbelts on. Eleanor finally drives away from the cul-de-sac and to where she will lead you all.

“Great! I don’t know if how many years that we haven’t see each other and now, you’re a view Y/N.” Cleo said as she also complimented you as you blushed a bit.

“–in short you’re hot Y/N.” Kelsey added in the conversation.

You truly missed these girls.

“Thank you ladies, you all looked beautiful too!,” You exclaim then soon look at Eleanor through the rear view mirror, “How about you El?.” You asked her.

“I’m doing great too because all that I’m thinking of that we are all getting shitfaced tonight.” She smirks at you through the rear view mirror as you took a deep breath.

Tonight will be a long night.

Everything is a mess to Roger tonight.

After that sudden break-up with his girlfriend, his mood and energy for the whole performance night went downhill and he officially lost it when the power went out–not once but twice in the venue earlier and the production team is pissing them off. Not just Roger, but also to the other boys. The whole band doesn’t feel like performing to the people tonight, so when the show has come to an end, Roger hits the last beat of the song on the drums and kicks off the drumset across the stage–good thing that Freddie saw what he’s going to do and immediately moved out of the way as he says his thank you to the crowd, he also pulled Deacy with him while he’s still bowing down for the people. They are all disappointed about tonight’s show, and Roger was disappointed, angry and heartbroken.

He already entitled this night the worst night of his life.

They got inside the dressing room again to dry up their sweat and change up into their comfortable clothes.

“Tonight’s show is a load of bollocks.” Roger said in anger while looking at himself in the mirror.

“It is, the power interruption really pisses me off.” Brian also said in pure irritation.

“And Roger, you almost killed me when you throw off your drums in the stage. Mind telling me a warning next time.” Freddie said to the drummer as he just heard him scoffed.

“But we still did our best for the show, I just don’t want for this incident to happen again.” Deacy added as he glares at Roger who’s already sitting on the couch while looking down on the floor–his brows furrowed.

The band fell in silence while they’re only hearing the chatters of the staffs outside the dressing room.

Freddie claps his hand as he stood up from the chair he’s sitting on, “I heard there’s a nightclub just blocks away from here–“

“–well then we’re going there.” Roger immediately replied as he also stood up from the couch.

Freddie widen his eyes at the drummer and let’s out a chuckle before calling the other roadies and staffs to come with them in the nightclub he’s talking about. They left the theatre and drive to where it is to see multiple people already in line to get inside the place–maybe some of these people just came from the show that’s why when they left the vehicle, they recognized them as they wave at their direction, calling out their names to get noticed–mostly women as they mostly call on Roger’s attention.

They let the band in without falling in line with the people as they were welcomed by the scent of alcohol in the air–maybe not just alcohol. The roadies that they invited managed to find a booth for the band to sit in. Freddie was eyeing a lot of people in the crowd, Brian was talking to some fan while walking to the booth, Deacy was also talking to a fan and Roger is already holding a drink that was given by a fan earlier. They gave them multiple drinks and drank it one-by-one, Roger planned to get drunk tonight, to get the heartbreak with Reese out of his head.

In just a matter of minutes in the club, Freddie was already enjoying himself in the dancefloor with Deacy and other people, then Brian was talking to a girl in the booth and Roger already have two good-looking ladies on his sides with their hands roaming around his body. The red-head is seducing him and the blonde was non-stop touching him.

Roger again ordered another round of shots with the ladies.

It’s been 20 minutes since you’re still in this line for the club that Eleanor took you all to. She said that this club has the best drinks and the strongest shots–she’s really serious about getting shitfaced tonight. The entrance is getting closer, then suddenly the people in front starts to cheer and heard them calling out some names but you don’t understand since they’re talking all at once. Eleanor, Kelsey and Cleo are also dumbfounded to what’s happening right now.

“Excuse me, can you tell what’s happening and why are the people shouting so loud? Is there a club fight?.” Eleanor taps on the girl in front of her as she turns around.

“Queen is here!.” The girl responds.

“Queen Elizabeth is here?.” You asked and Eleanor loudly laughed at your remark, the girl also laughed along with her.

“No darling, she means that the band named Queen is here. You know, the band that sang…I don’t know…Killer Queen I think?.” Eleanor said as you nod your head. You mentally cursed at yourself thinking about the Queen of England going to club like this. You’ve forgotten that there’s actually a band that calls themselves Queen.

“Oh fuck–I’m sorry I’m so stupid.” You laughed at yourself.

Eleanor accepted your apology as you talk about other things again while you’re still in line. Ivy–the girl you’ve talked to earlier already are comfortable with the three of you and she’s going to the club all by herself, that’s why you all adopted her in your group. When it’s finally your turn to get inside the club, Eleanor shouted fucking finally as you all stepped inside the club filled with people already dancing and drinking different alcohols. The humid of the room is making you uncomfortable with the fur coat you’re wearing but you still didn’t decide to take it off. Your self-confidence is still hiding. Eleanor took you all in the bar, ordering tequilas as the starter. She made a toast as you all brought your drinks up in the air and drank the tequila. It all goes on with more stories, gossips, drinks and round of shots. Kelsey and Cleo are already dancing in the dancefloor, Eleanor is talking to a man while you’re just watching the girls dancing to the music. Some men tried to give you free drinks but you’re thanking God nobody has ever pushed you to your limits. You just got free drinks and someone to talk to.

They also didn’t know how to flirt.

And if they did, you didn’t know how to flirt back too.

After all of those things, more and more people entered the club and beads of sweats are already forming in your temple as you wipe it away with some table napkins in the bar. The fur coat really is making you officially uncomfortable. Thinking now it’s the time to take it off.

Your fingers found the buttons of the coat as you want to take it off, but you were interrupted with Cleo’s drunken self walking back with some man you don’t know but they looked like good friends.

“There she is! Y/N, I want you to meet John!.” Cleo shouts through the blaring music.

He gave you small smile as you come up for a handshake, “Hi John, nice to meet you! I’m Y’N, as Cleo already said earlier.” You smiled at him as he shakes your hand.

“John Deacon, nice to meet you–“

You stopped as you heard him say his name, “–wait, are you from Queen?.” You guessed.

He chuckles and nod his head, “I am, I’m the bassist of the band, yeah.” He approves as you gape at Cleo who’s arm was wrapped around his own too.

“So uh, how did you two know each other? Cleo never mentions she knows somebody who’s famous.” You asked, feeling interested.

“Well, I met Deacy in college because we’re taking the same classes in electrical engineering course and we became close when he became my partner in a project.” Cleo responds.

You didn’t know Cleo studied electrical engineering in college.

“By the way, I’m not just here to introduce Deacy to you, he calls us to sit with them in their booth. The other members of Queen will definitely be there,” Cleo stops mid-sentence as she hiccups and laughed at herself. Even John laughed too, “I’m sorry about that, so, since you’re the only one who’s here and I don’t know where the fuck did the others go, you’re coming with us.”

You nod your head as you followed Cleo and John through the crowd and towards the other side of the room to where they are sitting. You saw people with them, also drinking a lot of shots and see the other members. You’re soon looking at Roger who’s still surrounded by good-looking ladies that are drunk. You’re still good but tipsy tonight, since you didn’t drank all of the shots that Eleanor ordered earlier. You only took the drinks that were mild.

“Deacy finally managed to find himself some ladies. Care to introduce them darling?.” Freddie asked as he sips on his drink.

“This is Cleo and this is her friend Y/N. I invited them to sit with us tonight.” John said and Freddie nods his head, letting them sit on the vacant spaces of their place. You were close to Roger with all the ladies around him as you didn’t stop yourself from looking at the sensual scene they’re causing, and one of the girls noticed your stare.

“Hey creep, stop with that stare alright? Dreaming that you’re with us?,” The girl looks at you from head to toe, judging your looks, “I don’t think so,” she devilishly smirked at you as she gets back in seducing the drummer, who’s soon kissing the other girl on his right.

You frowned at her remark as you glared at her, even though her back is facing you. She just gave you this rude introduction that leads you in standing up from the couch and finally unbuttoned your fur coat and took it off, in front of these people around you. The gold sequin top that reveals your skin was like true gold that made them stare at you. Cleo was in awe when you took your fur coat off.

“Y/N…I didn’t know you wore something like that! I mean look at you!.” Cleo praises as you blushed hardly.

“It’s getting warm in here, finally decided to take it off,” You replied. In the corner of your eye, you saw Roger staring at you as you just shrug it off, “I’ll be at the bar.” You said and left the booth, making your way towards the bar, ordering yourself a drink.

“So I guess you’re Y/N.”

You look over your shoulder to suddenly see Roger standing before you.

“Yes, I am Y/N, I didn’t think you’ll be listening back there with all the ladies around you.” You sassed him as he smirks at you. Liking your feisty side.

“I see that you’re watching.” He smirks, soon ordering his own drink as he drank it.

“I just looked–not watching.” You replied to him as you sip on your glass of daiquiri that you ordered earlier, your lips slowly gliding on the rim of the glass.

You didn’t notice that Roger was looking at you and down your lips that were touching the rim of the glass. He didn’t thought about be interested in you, but aside of those ladies that surrounds him earlier, you’re more than that. He thought that you were like a magic that just appeared out of nowhere in his life and you were quite a vision to him. He thinks that after Reese, his love-life would be nothing but experiencing a heartbreak weather and will never get better, but you walked in this club, introduced by Deacy and he feels you’re different, and he feels different when you’re already standing before him. It’s the same feeling when he met Reese when they’re both in highschool, but far more better.

“You’re quite interesting Y/N.” Roger said and you turn your look to him again.

“I’m surprised that I’m more interesting that those girls around you, what makes you think of that Roger?.” You taunt him, feeling your self-confidence going higher.

“Finally, you’re flirting with me.” The drummer chuckles.

You blushed in his words as you let out a chuckle, “I don’t think I’m flirting with you Roger.” You denied his words.

“What a shame because I wish you had been.”


reader’s outfit in the club:





♡ - fluff | ♔ - angst | † - smut | ♤ - none

last updated March 13, 2020 (philippine time)

One of Us

- “You came home from a family vacation to surprise Roger in his flat, and little did you know you have to face your biggest nightmare…”

• Heart of Mine : part 1 ♔♡ | part 2 ♔† | part 3

- “She’s his bestfriend, her forever companion after all the years. She wants to say everything she feels towards him, but she guessed she’s just too late…”


• Trapped in Montreux :part 1 ♡ | part 2 ♡ | part 3 ♤ | part 4 ♤♔ | part 5 ♔♡ | part 6 ♔♡ | part 7 ♔ | part 8♔♡

- “You got a job as a bartender in a yacht somewhere in Switzerland, and you didn’t know that the yacht was rented by a famous band for the whole weekend…”


Take it easy♔♡

- “You have been having a huge crush on your friend Roger back when you’re still in college. Now he’s a rising rockstar and selling out universities in UK. You’re still finding the time to tell your feelings to him because that silence inside your heart kills you slowly.But he suddenly put up an argument with you that pretty sure broke the friendship a little bit. How will you both recover from that?…

Lost Without You

- “Mistakes were proven. Now you’ve seen it and felt the pain that suffers you in the heart right there in the scene you’ve caught. He knows what he did was unforgivable but he wants you to forgive him still, but it’s just impossible…”

Hold Me Close Before I Go

-“In 1982, you are invited to his wedding. He was the love of your life before, but now you’re just watching him showing his love with another woman, that is supposed to be you. You can’t stop but to remember the things that had happened between the both of you that really struck your heart…”

Finding You (series coming soon)

- “Something happened after your 25th birthday. Wishing on your birthday candles for one small thing in your life became a huge deal when your actual wish turned real as you woke up after your party, living in the year of 1975 and being as another person. You didn’t know that wish you’ve made was a mission. A mission that you have to find him, for you to go back to in your own time…”

A Night to Remember

- “Your life-long friend Rami called you in to come with them in a Queen+Adam Lambert concert. It turns out you’ll be facing your celebrity crush, Joe Mazello…”

Boyfriend Stealer ♔♡

- “You and your boyfriend, Rami went to attend the Met Gala 2019 and in the after party, someone just stole him from you in that party…”


- “You’re the only daughter of the famous actor James McAvoy and in his major film, X-Men, you have met someone that would unexpectedly change your life…”

Friendly Gesture†♡

- “Gwilym takes you to his parent’s summer cabin and everything just got carried away…”

Heartstrings(series coming soon)

- “You are a local instrument teacher that teaches children to play the guitar. You’ve met Florence, a little girl that is far more interesting than the other kids, and then you’ve met her father, a single father that wants his daughter to feel like she’s a rockstar through the lessons…”

So close, yet so far

- “After your major heartbreak, you have called the only friend that will always listen to what you’ll say. Confessions exposed unhand, but would he feel the same way too?…”

Mutual Melodies

-“In the summer of 1975, you’re working as Paul Prenter’s assistant and asks you to come with him in Ridge Farm for the recording for Queen’s upcoming album. While the band isn’t around in the studio, you tried singing by yourself with the song you’re randomly making until John Deacon found you alone there…”


Chasing Dreams: part 1 ♡ | part 2 ♔♡† | part 3 ♔♡ | part 4 ♔♡ | part 5 ♔♡ | part 6 ♔♡ | part 7 ♔ | part 8 ♡♔ | part 9 ♡ | part 10 ♡♔ | part 11 ♡♔ | part 12|part 13|


Summary:In 1982, you are invited to his wedding. He was the love of your life before, but now you’re just watching him showing his love with another woman, that is supposed to be you. You can’t stop but to remember the things that had happened between the both of you that really struck your heart…

Warnings:THIS IS SOME PURE ANGST HERE, mild fluff, language

Word Count: 6.6k+ words

Note: I have rewatched Enchanted last night and I heard the song again,“So Close” by John McLaughlin and it really touched my angsty heart again with those freaking lyrics! So, I was inspired to make this angsty fic. Enjoy reading and try not to cry.

Ps. Btw, the other woman will be an OC :) aaaand there will be lots of flashbacks


A normal day. The sun is high and bright. Today is going to be one of the best days, you guessed…

Until the mailman stepped foot in your small porch, shouting you have mail as he put the letters and other envelopes in your mailbox and walk away to do his work to the other houses here. You have been living in this small house for almost 5 years, after your sudden breakup with Roger. You and him are sharing a wonderful apartment before, but when everything was a tragedy. You can’t help but to do the right thing and leave the house and leave all the memories. He left the apartment behind too and that place have imprinted the memorable things you both did.

Now, you heard he bought a large mansion together with his new girl.

A better one. Better than you. A model slash actress.

You saw them in several paparazzi pictures together and in the newspaper. Ever since those pictures came out, you never set your eyes on the news page of a newspaper. Even on the television, when you hear their names, you immediately shut it off. It’s so ridiculous to feel that it’s been years and it’s obvious he moved on about you, but you…there’s still a part of your heart that really belongs to him.

And you still wear the golden heart necklace he gave to you in your first anniversary before. This is the only piece of memento left with you that holds a lot of memories.

You finished your cup of coffee and stepped outside your house, breathing in the summer breeze of London. You took all your mail from the box and put it on your coffee table. Some are letters from your parents, some are flyers from restaurants with coupons, some are letters from your boss at work and a gold envelope.

Wait, a gold envelope?

You set aside the other letters and hold the golden envelope and look at the back view of it with your full name in a beautiful handwriting. Your brows are furrowed, still staring at this paper in confusion.

Now, you snapped out of your confusion and opened the envelope wherein you smell a very nostalgic scent. And that made you stop and remember what that smell is…

You heard the front door opened to see him walking inside with a tired look of his face. He finally came back on tour and he went straight home to you, just like he promised.

“Hi love.” He rasps, smiling at you as he sets his thing down the floor and open his arms for you to enter in.

Enjoying his warm welcome embrace and indulging his scent you truly love so much.

“God, I miss you so much Roger. I always love your perfume…” You grin at him as he caressed your hair. Then he suddenly hoist you up, carrying you by your thighs and you immediately wrapped your legs around his torso.

“I miss you too my love.” He smiles and pulls you in a passionate kiss, now walking his way in your bedroom to continue his action.

You’re gripping the necklace as the flashback ended in your mind. The scent coming from this envelope is helping you remember him, after all those years that you want to forget him, but with just this simple scent. It goes right back to you.

You soon pull out the letter inside the envelope, reading the contents and slammed it on the table. Your hands covered your face as you try to forget that you read that.

You’re just thinking of him. You’re just remembering your good times with him.

And now you just read the letter coming from the golden envelope saying, You are cordially invited to the wedding of Roger Meddows Taylor and Loreleigh Charlotte Jameson…

They will also held the wedding at Southwark Cathedral, where Roger promised you where he will marry you. And the reception will be at The Decorium. A very well-known reception venue.

After all the years of no contact from him, no calls, letters, whatsoever and now he have the nerve to invite you in his upcoming wedding–that is happening next saturday already.

But you’re going to do this, for him and his bride. And after that, you will officially move on about him and even plan to give back the necklace to him. Your hands again held the necklace as a single tear fell down to your cheeks.

You’re going to give back the necklace to finally forget him.

“He invited me ma,” Your words came out as a whisper through the phone with your mother listening to you. She’s been the only person that you share everything with and she knows how much you loved Roger since the beginning of your relationship with him. She’s the first one who knew that you liked him, she’s the first one who knew that he finally became your boyfriend, she’s the first one who knew that you’re moving in with him and she’s the first one who knew that he broke your heart into a million pieces.

“Y/N, if he invited you, he wanted to see you there, maybe wants a support that that is his choice, to marry that woman…” Your mother replied and the word support coming out of her mouth made your choke in your tears.

“I don’t think he’ll receive get a single support from me ma, but he’ll receive a proper goodbye from me,” You responded, wiping away your tears. “I actually think he’ll be the one for me, that we will also get married someday, turns out everything was just a joke to him. He just…he threw away my love and that love I gave was one of my best…and he just wasted it…”

He won’t answer your calls. The phone was just ringing…constantly.

You gave up as you put down the phone, leaving this telephone booth and finally stepped inside the bus to go back home. You came from your parent’s house for almost a whole month to spend time with them. Roger was left busy with all those interviews and different invites of television shows to perform on, but he’s been telling you that he misses you always and it’s sad that you’re not with him in the house.

He’s lonely without you.

After an hour from Canterbury to London, you took the cab back home to him. The cab came to a halt as it reached your destination. You handed him the fare and took your things, walking towards the front door of your shared apartment. You took your keys out and unlocked the door, seeing that no one is around.

That’s why the phone is just constantly ringing to you earlier.

And it’s already 8 in the evening, he’s not home.

The scent of Roger circulates around the bedroom as you throw yourself on the mattress. Blankly staring at the ceiling. Your bags are still in the living room, you still have your winter clothes on.

He didn’t say to you that he’s going out, maybe with the other boys or some friends.

You took off your jacket and your scarf, soon standing up from the bed and made your way towards the kitchen to get a glass of water or something to drink. Then you found a beer inside the fridge as you opened and drink it.

Then suddenly you heard the door creak open from the living room as a smile appeared on your lips. You set the beer down on the counter and step out of the kitchen, only to be greeted by Roger, holding another woman–maybe a drunk woman–in his arms where you saw those marks around his neck, even though it’s so dark in this room.

You saw it.

And your heart breaks.


“Fucking save it Roger, I don’t want your excuses.” You shut him off and turn your heel away as you march your way back to the bedroom to take your jacket and your scarf on the bed.

Roger followed you behind, leaving the dumbfounded young girl in the living room. You heard his footsteps approaching towards the door to see him out of breath.

“Y/N, I thought you’ll come home by next week, I–”

“–Yeah Roger, you thought! You didn’t answer my calls today because you’re not home, and if you just answer my calls, you could know that I’m coming home early to you. Or if you answered my calls and knowing that I will come home early, maybe I’ll just ruin your plans with that girl in our living room.” You argued and walk by past him, but he caught your wrists, “What–Roger, let go of me!.”

“Y/N, please…I’ll make it up to you, just…don’t go. You’re the love of my life…” He cried and you hate seeing him cry.

“I gave all myself to you Roger. All my love and my life, but you just throw it all away in just one night.”

Then you left him.

“I understand dear, it’s just…give that man another chance, only for one day. If he wants to see you there, let him see you, and if he wants to talk to you, let him talk to you. Only for that day dear, his special day.” She said and that made you fell into a silence.

“Okay ma. And by the way, can I borrow a dress from you? I don’t have a proper dress for the ceremony.” You dryly chuckled.

“Sure dear. What time will you come over?.” She asked. You look over to the clock hanging on your wall to see it’s already 2 in the afternoon.

“I’ll come over right now.” You said, hanging up on her as you jog your way up to your room to change your clothes. You took your car and house keys and finally left the house, driving towards your parent’s house.

Your mother handed you the sixth dress from her closet to try on if it’s decent for the ceremony. The others are just boring, too revealing and too overdressed to look but this dress that you’re now trying on feels like it’s the one you’ll be wearing now. Your father was also watching you both from the door frame of the room, him reminiscing like it’s your homecoming night before when you’re in highschool back in the days.

“I like this one! This is the one!.” You said inside the bathroom as you stepped out and show them the dress.

“You look perfect my dear, you can pair that with silver heels and diamond earrings,” she said while smoothing out the dress on you, like she always do when you’re wearing a dress and suddenly stare down on the golden heart necklace, “That can be the perfect necklace for the dress.” She slightly smiled.

You sighed and looked down on the ground, “I plan on giving it back to him on the day of his wedding. I don’t deserve this thing anymore, and…he should give it to her, maybe she’ll look beautiful with it.” You painfully smiled at the thought. Hearing his voice and imagining him giving this necklace to her and complimenting her looking so beautiful, like he did when he gave it to you before.

By the time you heard his car pulled up by your place, because you invited him to stay the night with you and just watch movies and cuddle with him, your giddy self jump up from the couch and opened the door, seeing him walking up to your door. You welcomed him with an embrace and a sweet kiss, your hands came to his long blonde hair as you pull away from each other, inviting him in.

“I’m sorry I’m late, me and the boys just had this emergency meeting with John Reid, about the upcoming third album. We’ll have a meeting too with the EMI producer by the last week of this month too. Everything is just going insane love…” He sighs and you cupped his face, looking into his tired eyes.

“Then you should rest my love, I promise I’ll make you breakfast next morning, I have to give everything back from what you did last week to me.” You grin at him as he wrap his hands around you.

“Thank you Y/N, you’re the best.” He smiles and pull you in a kiss again.

But you pull away from him, “By the way, do you know what today is?.” You put your hands around his neck as he think about it for a couple of minutes.

And it’s making you feel sad.

He forgot it.

“Is it already September…?.” He said with doubt as you huff out the air from your lungs and took a step back from him.

“Yes, you’re right it’s already September but…do you know what happened this day?.” You gave him a hint again as he furrowed his brows at you. “Seriously Roger? You’ve forgotten it?.”

You gave up and made your way inside the kitchen to take out your disappointment, but then you heard his footsteps closer to you and stood before you, looking at his hand now holding something.

“I’m just playing with you love, of course I remember everything this day. I remember you in that pub, wearing that beautiful red dress and your favorite fur coat. It’s our third date and we go to the same pub where I first saw you. I complimented you in your dress, you teased me throughout the dinner and you ended up in my bed, like you always do after every of our dates,” he said and you blushed when he mentions about you sleeping with him every after the dates with him, which is true, “And then I asked you to be mine while we’re both in bed after sharing that intimate time with you. Of course I remember our anniversary and it’s the most memorable day of my life.”

You didn’t said anything and just pull him in a passionate kiss again, “Just don’t do that again Roger. It almost made me hate you.” You pout your lips.

“I promise.” He chuckles and soon showed you the red box in his hands as you gazed on it.

“What is it Roger?.” You excitedly asked.

“Well open it.”

You slowly open it and reveal a beautiful golden heart necklace before you.

“It’s beautiful Roger.” You beam, getting the necklace out of it’s box and look at the heart. It’s simple but it’s so beautiful.

“Just remember that it’s my heart that you stole it from me,” he smiles.

“You cheeky bastard.” You laughed.

He laughs with you too, “Well, it’ll look more beautiful when you wear it.” He said.

“Will you…?.” You gave him the necklace, asking to put it on you.

“…Of course love.” He mumbles as you turn your back on him, letting him wear the necklace on you. Locking it and also kissing your neck before you turn around for him.

“So? How do I look?.” You grinned.

“Beautiful…” He replied.

The flashback made your heart even hurt you more. So you made your way back inside the bathroom and change up to your ordinary clothes earlier. You fold the dress and put it in a bag as you stayed with your parents until dinner and drive home safely with doubts in your head.

Asking yourself while looking at the dress inside it’s bag, Am I really going to face him after all those years? Am I ready to talk to him again?

Those words are in your head until you fell asleep in your bed.


The day of the wedding came. The day was perfect. The sun is up and bright. The sky clear.

You lastly put on the diamond earrings before looking at yourself in the mirror. Wearing this powder blue dress of your mother’s to go to your ex-boyfriend’s wedding. You took a deep breathe before plastering a smile, practicing on what you’ll look like if you’ll see him later. But the smile really shows something, it’s not genuine happiness.

It’s genuine sadness.

That’s why you lost that smile again and look away from the mirror. You took your bag with your car keys, house key, and your wallet inside as you took your favorite fur coat, that Roger knows, and finally stepped out of the house. The drive to the cathedral wasn’t bad at all and there was no heavy traffic. When you arrived there, you saw different people coming out from their cars and going inside the cathedral while wearing those fashionable dresses and suits. You awkwardly followed the other people inside the cathedral and saw the venue.

The pews are decorated with white roses, the red carpet on the aisle has little petals of white roses too and the altar was also decorated with white roses, scented candles and other beautiful flowers you can’t really name. You are surprisingly early as you sat on the pew far behind so that nobody would ever see you or talk to you. You just have to watch.

But you failed until, “Y/N?.” A voice came from behind you.

You turn around to see John Deacon standing before with his own family. His facial expression changed into pure happiness when he finally saw you again in the flesh and waste no time hugging you tightly. You hugged him back as you missed this person who’s been your friend since college. You can’t believe you abandoned him for years too, just because of the breakup.

“Bloody hell, I can’t believe it’s you Y/N…you’re here…in Roger’s wedding.” His voice lowered down when he said those words as you just gave him a small smile.

“Gotta show him my support.” You murmured, saying a complete lie to him.

“If you say so. The boys are coming too and I heard Roger is finally on his way. Freddie is his best man though…” He chuckles.

“Yeah, I knew…” Your voice cracked a bit, hoping he didn’t noticed that.

“By the way, come join us with Brian up front. You’re too far back Y/N…” Deacy held out his hand to you but you shake your head.

“No thank you Deacy, I can handle myself here. I’m still going to see you again in the reception.” You put up a smile, the same smile you saw on your face through the mirror and he nod in reply.

“Okay Y/N, see you there.” He said, coming close again as he pulls you in a hug again, planting a soft kiss on your temple before making his way to the front pew with his family and Brian.

You took a deep breath, trying not to break down and cry here. You felt his sympathy and it really bores you. Everyone does that. Even to yourself.

You saw the pity in his eyes. And you hatedit.

The guests came in one by one until the cathedral is fully packed. You hide yourself in this pew with the other guests you didn’t know, maybe they are the bride’s family or friends and you’re drowning in their different stories of the bride and Roger being perfect with each other. You also heard rumors about them only doing this to feed the media, but you didn’t listen to those things. Roger would never do any of this effort with just a fake one. You knew he loves that woman.

And why would they gossip those things in their wedding day? And in a goddamn cathedral?

Two-faced people.

Their obnoxious sounds stopped when you heard the soft melodic sound of the organ played in the background. The people stood up, you also followed suit as you finally saw him. His arms around his mother while they walk down the aisle. He’s wearing that white suit and white pants, and he have a white rose attached on his suit. This is the first time you ever saw his newly cut hair in person, since the last time you saw him is he still have a long blonde hair that you loved you twirl and pull.

Your stare at him lasted for a couple of minutes until he was now in front of the altar. They closed the doors once again as you ready yourself to see his bride. Closing your eyes to compose and try to calm down.

But then you suddenly imagined yourself, standing behind those closed doors. Your bridesmaids fixing the train of your wedding gown as they also fixed your hair. You can feel your heartbeat getting a little bit faster in so much excitement and a bit of fear. You watch the bridesmaids march inside the cathedral with their flowers and your maid of honor. And then you’re left behind here, breathing in and out. You heard the bridal march music played as the doors finally opened for you, seeing him by the distance, enjoying himself seeing you walking down the aisle, steps away in becoming his girl, forever.

Then you open your eyes.

The imagination stops.

The doors are opened and you saw her walking down the aisle with that beautiful dress and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You gaze at her, almost thinking like she’s an angel. That’s why Roger picked her. She’s really beautiful.

She’s really beautiful

The reception looked also familiar like in the cathedral. Multiple tables are around the place as you found your table with some new faces again, thankful that you’re not sharing the table with those people in the cathedral earlier. The newly wed couple entered the place as you see her wearing a different kind of dress, a white body con dress that really hugged her curves so well and Roger also wore a different looking white suit and his shirt underneath has it’s few buttons undone.

The people clapped for them.

You did it too.

“Um hi,” the woman across you wants your attention as you looked at her, giving her a questioning look, “You know, I almost know everyone in this room except for you, whom are you here for…?.”

You mentally rolled your eyes at her nonsense question. This is why you hated in sharing tables with someone you barely even know.

And Roger kept the relationship private before. Only the boys and your families knew you’re both dating.

You didn’t want the spotlight always following you as the legendary Roger Taylor’s girlfriendbefore.

“Groom.” You replied to her then shoots her a small smile before looking away again while drinking on your wine silently.

“Cousin? Friend? Ex-girlfriend?.” She still goes on. A smirk appeared on her lips after mentioning about the ex-girlfriendthing.

Now you’re officially uncomfortable.

“Just a friend,” You replied back as you finished your drink before standing up from your chair, “Would you excuse me, I will go to the bathrooms.” You pose a fake smile and walk away from the table.

You didn’t actually go to the bathrooms, you just stood by the corner and lean against the wall while watching the people enjoy the whole evening. You took a champagne flute again from a roaming waiter and consume the drink in just one gulp. You heard the host saying that the speeches for the newly wed couple will be up next after all these dancing. You sighed deeply and immediately regretted that you came here, after that nosey woman in your table and now you have to listen to their speeches. Your heart’s been so broken ever since their vows earlier.

You think it’s finally the end of your night here.

You turn your heel around, ready to go, until you bump on someone that came from the direction of the bathrooms. You quickly apologized and looked up at the person as your eyes widened in surprise.

“Y/N?.” He eyed you from head to toe with a huge smile on his face.

“Hi…Freddie.” You responds as he lets out a chuckle before hugging you tightly in his arms. You have missed his embrace everytime that he’ll see you before. Now years have passed, you are still enjoying his hugs.

“Oh darling, where have you been? I fucking missed you!.” He happily exclaims while still keeping you in his arms.

You pull away from him to see him in the eyes, “I still live here in London, and I will never ever abandon this city. How about you? I heard you’re now called as a rock legend.” You smirked at him.

“Oh that’s nothing dear, I know everyone calls Freddie Mercury a goddamn rock legend.” His confidence went up again as you chuckled in his remark, “By the way, Roger…really invited you? Are you and him are already in good terms?.” He asked.

You took an intake of breath, “Honestly, I don’t know if we’re actually good or not…but yeah, he invited me. He send the invitation to my mailbox Fred, so that means he also knows where I live right now.” You replied to him.

“Roger has it’s own ways, especially a way to you.” Freddie answered you back and his words froze you.

“It’s been 5 whole years Freddie, why would he still be thinking about me? And he have that beautiful woman already…” You look over to them having fun in front.

“Leigh is beautiful, we know that, but for me you’re still the best Y/N. You’re far more better than Leigh.” Freddie said. His words sent you to the state of either happiness or sadness because your tears are building up again as you silently cried to him, letting out your weight off your shoulders.

Freddie comforted you until you’ve come down. He asked if you want to sit with them in the front table, which you don’t want you happen, but he still wants to push you with him. So you did go with him.

Sitting just in front of them.

You’re on full view just for him.

Freddie hold your hand tightly while walking towards their table. You see Brian and his wife, Deacy and his family, and other people who’s close to Roger in the table. You’re shy to come close, but Freddie surely doesn’t notice you wanting to back out.

“I’m back darlings, and look who I found.” Freddie announced in their table as they all looked at you, seeing their reactions.

Deacy already saw you in the cathedral, that’s why he’s just smiling widely at you now exposing yourself tonight. And Brian, he quickly stood up and pull you in his arms. You and Brian were friends ever since college and because of him you’ve met Roger.

“Where have you been Y/N? It’s been years…” Brian whispered in my ear as you pull away from his hug.

“I’m always here in London Bri, I just…I just have to lay-low for all those years, after what happened…” You mumbled. They soon gave you a vacant seat before asking more questions about you and your life without Roger. It’s sincere that they haven’t brought out about your sadness without him, they just looked and asked you on the bright side.

Your chatters died down when the speeches are now starting. You gulped and just looked on your hands resting on your lap, not wanting to look in front.

You always heard the same words from each of their family and friends.

Congratulations to the both of you!

You both are going to have a wonderful time together!

You will have such beautiful babies!

After those people speaking through the microphone, they called up on Freddie who’s sitting beside you as they all looked at him. That’s the time you lift up your head and saw him looking directly at you in this very table. His look towards you was full of relief and a hint of genuine happiness. He finally saw you. Roger finally saw you.

You tear your eyes away from him and looked at Freddie who’s now holding the mic to give out his speech, “Roger has been my friend ever since my college years. He’s born to be a rockstar, the best drummer and has the best falsetto…”

The people laughed.

You also laughed.

Roger saw that. His heart swells.

“…but underneath that wild blonde hair and personality on stage, like me, I knew Roger as a very loving person. A compassionate and caring person, and I can see that to every person he truly loves,” Freddie said as he turn his look to you, referring about his love to you instead of his love to his bride.

And that made you inhale deeply and looked down on your hands again, stopping your tears to fall down.

“And I can already really see it right in front of me, see?.” Freddie saves himself as he chuckles. You looked up again to see her leaning on his shoulder and suddenly pull him in a soft kiss.

They look very in love. Like you both did before.

“Anyways, I am now to congratulate to this couple, don’t forget to get me as your children’s godfather because I’m going to spoil the bloody hell out of them. Roger and Leigh, I love you both, wishing you all the very best.” Freddie smiles at them and finally gave back the microphone before going back to his seat beside you.

You felt Freddie’s hand intertwined to your hand as you pressed your lips in a hard line and lean your head on his shoulder. You really missed him being your listener and your comforter.

“Y/N?.” Freddie spoke amidst of your silence.


He looked at you, “You deserve anything and you deserve a proper love someday.”

After all those messages, the dancing continues. A disco song was playing in the speakers and see the people having fun and dancing to the rhythm of the music. Roger and his bride were also dancing along, remembering Roger couldn’t dance, so he’s just holding her while she’s letting herself loose in the music. You looked at the time and see it’s already approaching to midnight.

You really want to go home and sleep and eat yogurt already.

But, “Y/N, will you dance with me?.” Brian asks and he stood up from his chair and offers his hand to you.

“I’m not in the proper mood Bri…” You apologized to him as you showed him a tired smile.

But he didn’t listen to your excuse.

“I’ll set up the mood for you. Maybe this will be our last meeting and you’ll be gone again…” He pouts his lips as you groaned, giving in for him.

You held his hand as he lead you in the dancefloor, just in time a slow song played as he showed you a small smile before pulling you close to him. Your hand resting on his shoulder, his hand on your waist as he slowly sway you around the slow beat of the music.

“Is Chrissy totally okay with this…position?.” You awkwardly asked him as he lets out a dry chuckle.

“Chrissy trusts you too. She knows you’re one of my closest friends.” Brian explains.

“Okay,” You smiled and looked up on him, “I really appreciate you all tonight, of how you welcomed me in your group again, of how you welcomed me in your arms and your comforts. I know it’s been years after that incident and knowing that you guys panicked about me going missing for days…”

“It’s been a week Brian! No one ever saw her anywhere! Even her own bloody mother doesn’t know where she is!.” Roger shouts at the guitarist who’s as concern as him. He slammed the phone back to it’s box after just speaking to your mother wherein she’s also panicking over her daughter’s vanishing.

“If it wasn’t for what you did to her, she won’t be running away and be missing for a couple of days!.” Brian argued back to him. Freddie and Deacy are only sitting on the couch. Silent.

Roger fell in silent after what Brian just said.

I can’t apologize for what you did to her Roger. She’s one of the most important people for me and I trusted you to take care of her heart before when I brought you two together. I thought you changed for her, turns out you actually didn’t…” Brian hissed at the drummer before walking out of the room.

You disappeared for a week and three days without anyone knowing where you are. You didn’t informed them that you went to Munich and stayed there to have a silent life but after those days, you went back home to your mother and eventually found a house in London. Only your mother knew you have the house.

You stopped in front of the house you bought with all your savings and some of your mother’s help. You have your things inside the car and brought them in one-by-one, the furnitures will come by shortly too. You stood inside and fell into a deep silence, your eyes looking around.

“I deserve this fresh start…”

“…and I’m sorry that I let you guys worry so much about me. I ran away to bring out the sorrow in me and for what he did to me.” You finished your sentence as you felt his heartbeat became a bit erratic.

He sighed, “Enough with this dramatic thing, I saw you laugh earlier and I’m going to keep that smile on your face…by doing this…” Brian said as he suddenly spins you around and did some simple waltz with him.

Until you heard someone cleared their throat and you both stopped dancing around to see Roger, finally standing before you with his hands behind him. He does that when he’s nervous.

“Hey Rog, can we help you with something?.” Brian asked, still has his hands around you. You’re just quiet in front of him, not knowing how to greet him or else.

“Can I…dance with Y/N?.” He politely asked and that your heart skipped a beat as Brian slowly let go of his touch to you and looked down on you.

“Y/N? Is it oka–”

“–yes Bri, it’s okay. I’ll let Roger dance with me.” You cut him off as he nod his head before walking away from him and you. You can’t look into his eyes as you just waited for his next move. The next song finally came in and it’s still a slow one. (imagine “So Close” playing) You’re breathless, shaking, nervous as your eyes look around the room, looking for the bride.

“She knows.” Roger said.

“Knows…what?.” Your eyes slightly widened.

That you have history with him?

“That I’m dancing with you,” He soon took your hand on your side and put it on his shoulder as he slowly pull you close. The nostalgic scent of his hit you the wave of reminiscence and longing. After almost 5 whole years, this is the first time you’ll stand so close to him again. You tried to stop your tears but some already fell down but you automatically wipe it away.

“Did she know?…” You asked him.

“No, she doesn’t.” Roger replied to you.

You didn’t replied to anything but just continue swaying you around in this dancefloor. When the music suddenly reached to it’s instrumental part, you saw his smile that you missed so much as he twirls you around. You let out small giggles here and there that’s why he have the biggest smile right now.

“I miss that laugh. I miss that smile. I miss all of you…” Roger whispered in your ear as he continues swaying you with him in the music.

You really want to tell him that you missed him so much too but what if someone will hear you both. That will surely ruin his wedding day.

“You are one of the people who completes my life but when you betrayed me, a part of me really have a hole. A hole that you left me after what you did. I didn’t take a revenge on you and did some horrible things because you don’t deserve that,” You muttered and you finally reached on the nape of your neck to unlock your necklace then slide it off you.

“Y/N, what are you–”

“–give me your hand Roger.” You said. He was hesitant at first, but he knows that you’re serious already.

He showed out his palm as you lay the golden heart necklace on it, “This is what you deserved. I’ll let you remember what you did to me when you gave me this necklace and do the same thing for her. Give the necklace to her…for me.” Tears soon ran down your cheeks as you wipe it away again.

“But this is your’s Y/N. I gave this for you and only for you.” He said while trying to give back the necklace to you, but you’re stopping him.

“I don’t deserve that necklace anymore. No one will ever say that the necklace will look beautiful on me anymore, at least if you give that to her, you’ll compliment her everyday with that beautiful necklace.” You replied, your hand playing along the thin chains of the necklace laying on his hand. Then your fingers ran through his palm, so calloused and rough from all the years of drumming for Queen.

“Now hold me close before I go.” You whispered in his ear as he held you again, swaying with the music. You have your head resting upon his chest to hear his heartbeat.

“I love you always Y/N.” He whispers to you. You remember those words making you happy and contented, but when you heard it right now, you just felt your heart break and feel that pain that never goes away.

You lift your head to him and look into his eyes that is dried from his tears, “I love you too always Roger,” You choked on your tears and took a step back from him.

“…and goodbye.” You mumbled before you walk away from him. Away from the crowd and away of this venue. You didn’t said your goodbyes to the others, you just walk past straight the people who’s also dancing and out in the parking lot. You got inside your car and turn the ignition on before you drive away from this place, crying and still hoping if everything will be okay for you.

Hoping you’ll be okay.

Hoping your heart to be stitched up into whole again.

this is the reader’s dress in the wedding:


This fic turned out to be a long one and a very very angsty one because I only planned the fic to only have the scenes in the wedding ceremony and the reception area.

Hope you liked this fic!



♡ - fluff | ♔ - angst | † - smut | ♤ - none

last updated on October 21, 2019 (philippine time)

One of Us

- “You came home from a family vacation to surprise Roger in his flat, and little did you know you have to face your biggest nightmare…”

• Heart of Mine : part 1 ♔♡ | part 2 ♔† | part 3

- “She’s his bestfriend, her forever companion after all the years. She wants to say everything she feels towards him, but she guessed she’s just too late…”


• Trapped in Montreux :part 1 ♡ | part 2 ♡ | part 3 ♤ | part 4 ♤♔ | part 5 ♔♡ | part 6 ♔♡ | part 7 ♔ | part 8♔♡

- “You got a job as a bartender in a yacht somewhere in Switzerland, and you didn’t know that the yacht was rented by a famous band for the whole weekend…”


Take it easy♔♡

- “You have been having a huge crush on your friend Roger back when you’re still in college. Now he’s a rising rockstar and selling out universities in UK. You’re still finding the time to tell your feelings to him because that silence inside your heart kills you slowly.But he suddenly put up an argument with you that pretty sure broke the friendship a little bit. How will you both recover from that?…

Lost Without You

- “Mistakes were proven. Now you’ve seen it and felt the pain that suffers you in the heart right there in the scene you’ve caught. He knows what he did was unforgivable but he wants you to forgive him still, but it’s just impossible…”

Finding You (series coming soon)

- “Something happened after your 25th birthday. Wishing on your birthday candles for one small thing in your life became a huge deal when your actual wish turned real as you woke up after your party, living in the year of 1975 and being as another person. You didn’t know that wish you’ve made was a mission. A mission that you have to find him, for you to go back to in your own time…”

A Night to Remember

- “Your life-long friend Rami called you in to come with them in a Queen+Adam Lambert concert. It turns out you’ll be facing your celebrity crush, Joe Mazello…”

Boyfriend Stealer ♔♡

- “You and your boyfriend, Rami went to attend the Met Gala 2019 and in the after party, someone just stole him from you in that party…”


- “You’re the only daughter of the famous actor James McAvoy and in his major film, X-Men, you have met someone that would unexpectedly change your life…”

Friendly Gesture†♡

- “Gwilym takes you to his parent’s summer cabin and everything just got carried away…”

Heartstrings(series coming soon)

- “You are a local instrument teacher that teaches children to play the guitar. You’ve met Florence, a little girl that is far more interesting than the other kids, and then you’ve met her father, a single father that wants his daughter to feel like she’s a rockstar through the lessons…”

So close, yet so far

- “After your major heartbreak, you have called the only friend that will always listen to what you’ll say. Confessions exposed unhand, but would he feel the same way too?…”

Mutual Melodies

-“In the summer of 1975, you’re working as Paul Prenter’s assistant and asks you to come with him in Ridge Farm for the recording for Queen’s upcoming album. While the band isn’t around in the studio, you tried singing by yourself with the song you’re randomly making until John Deacon found you alone there…”


Chasing Dreams: part 1 ♡ | part 2 ♔♡† | part 3 ♔♡ | part 4 ♔♡ | part 5 ♔♡ | part 6 ♔♡ | part 7 ♔ | part 8 ♡♔ | part 9 ♡ | part 10 ♡♔ | part 11 ♡♔ | part 12|part 13|

-“In the year of 1971, you dreamed to be the best musician/performer that you’ll ever be. Upon achieving your dream, you’ve met these musicians that came unexpectedly in your life. The story of you and this rising band will be the biggest rollercoaster ride. Upon chasing those dreams together, there always be a consequence…”



A Queen Series AU

Series summary:In the year of 1971, you dreamed to be the best musician/performer that you’ll ever be. And upon achieving your dream, you have met the four musicians that would surprisingly help you to chase your dreams. The story of you and the rising band is deeply life-changing, and even finding love would get in the way, but all you have to do in chasing those dreams is to always face the consequences...

In this chapter: Roger finally tells you what he wants to say to you that night. You started your first week working in the record shop and your second Friday night performance happened. Someone came by in Crown & Anchor and watched you perform. (I’m literally trying not to drop some spoilers)

Warnings:mild angst and fluff

Word Count:5.1k words


A/N: It’s been 4 months since I updated this series! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA!


Roger said that he’s saying something to you.

Is it important or not?

But you still followed him outside the nightclub where a few people are walking around with cigarettes hanging between their fingers. The music from the inside is still blaring, it’s also heard from where you stood.

You heard him sigh beside you.

“Y/N…” Roger spoke.

You turn to him. He’s tensed.

You never seen Roger so tensed.

It’s already midnight and the moon is up, illuminating the whole town with it’s silver light. Roger was about to speak up until someone busted out of the door to see it’s Tommy with some girl in his arms.

“Y/N, there you are…” Tommy slurred out his words and quickly approached you. Your moment with Roger alone was completely ruined. “Thank you for taking care of me back there, I–”

He hiccups.

You tried to control your laughter. Thinking that he’s your boss and he’s so wasted in front of you.

“–I am grateful, love. I must go, see you next time darling!.” He smiles and waves goodbye to you, taking a hold onto the girl again.

“That next time will be tomorrow Tommy! See you in my first shift!.” You respond back to him even though his drunken self ignores you by now. You watch them both get into a car, maybe it’s Tommy’s or the girl’s and drive away from the street.

You completely forgot that Roger is just silently standing beside you.

“So Rog, what are you trying to say again?.” You asked him. Your arms folded in front of your chest.

In a few minutes of him containing his strength and the finding the right words to say to you, you’re patient and now he sighed deeply then put up a warm smile.

“Can I take you out sometime? Just you and me?.”

You told Freddie about Roger’s question to you that night. You and Freddie talked about the moments that happened in the pub before and after you performed and you still can’t believe that Roger Taylor, the man who firstly flirted with you on the first day he met you became so vulnerable in front of you when he said that. He’s like a shy child that wanted to tell his feelings with his playground crush. Freddie became sober at 3am in the morning where you told him everything as he listens until the sun comes up and peeping through the window. Vicky was out again to accomplish something at work and now you’re getting ready in doing your first shift in your first job in Kensington.

“4pm you say?.” Freddie asks from the kitchen as you hummed loudly for him to hear. You tied up your hair and stepped inside the kitchen.

“Meet me up in the record shop at 4pm later as we go to Kensington Market to find me some decent clothes for our date.” You said to him. A genuine smile attached to your face.

“Okay darling. I’ll make sure blondie is have his jaw dropped on the second he will see you on your special night with him.” He smirks then playfully winks at you.

You chuckled, “Well, if you say so Mr. Bulsara.” You showed him a small smirk also and took your valuables to your work.

Freddie pulls you close and hugs you tightly, “Good luck on your first day darling, and shall I call Roger to drive you there again or?…” He asks.

“No, it’s fine. I know the way to the record shop. I won’t let myself get spoiled here anyway.” You chuckled and he nods. Freddie once again hugs you and kissed your cheek before you left his flat. You decided to walk to work and as you were walking, you see Lola and her bandmates standing outside Flotsam while talking and taking long drags in their cigarettes.

You took an intake of breath and just ignored them, going in the different direction where the record shop leads. The adrenaline still kicking inside of you when you saw her again. Those violent scenes you made that night still may have haunt you, but the pain finally fades away.

Your tensed self faded when you opened the door of the record shop to hear the music playing in this place. You dropped your eyes on the girl standing behind the cashier, also wearing the orange colored vest as the uniform. Tommy also gave you one and you just put it on right now, dropping your bag on the floor and wore the vest.

“So you’re the new one.” The cashier girl spoke as she lean against the counter and look at you. You noticed her clothes, she’s wearing some jean shorts just above her knees and knee high brown suede shoes.

Your brows furrowed.

“You’re wearing shorts.” You mumbled, totally dodging her comment earlier.

You’re wearing a plaid bell-bottoms and your old white leather boots.

And the climate is warm.

She looks at you weirdly, “And so what that I’m…wearing shorts?.” She asked.

“N-nothing, I just…I thought there was a dress code or something that…any employee won’t wear shorts or just revealing clothes whatsoever.” You stutter in your words. You heard her lightly chuckle.

“Tommy didn’t say about some bloody dress code. Shorts or pants, shirt or sleeveless, he doesn’t care.” She said and you see her eyes raked down on your pants. “But I like your pants.”

“Oh, thank you.” You shyly smiled and just realized, “Oh yeah I forgot, I’m Y/N by the way…” You smiled at her.

“My name’s Sabrina.” She smiled back.

You and Sabrina really got along very well through your whole shift. You did your thing in organizing the records by order in the shelves and Sabrina works on the cashier. You also had your turn earlier in the cashier and just been flirted by a teenager, guessing his age in around 17 or 18 and he’s buying a Fleetwood Mac record. You try not to laugh, but he did his best in flirting with you.

Your shift will end in one and a half hour and Freddie will be coming by too to fetch you. Tommy still haven’t visited the shop and go to his office to manage everything, maybe his hangover is still haunting him until now. Customers grew short this day when the time goes on and now, you and Sabrina are lounging by the cash register where you are both sitting on floor behind the counter.

“So, do you have a boyfriend…or some sort?.” Sabrina asked in her giggly tone.

You both are like schoolgirls crushing on someone.

“I don’t have any but I like someone and he asked me out to have dinner with him.” You proudly shared and Sabrina softly clapped her hands in happiness.

You grin.

“Good for you! He must be a good looking bloke yeah?.” She chuckles.

You bite down your lip and sighed deeply, “Well, he really is a good looking man. According to him he’s been called a ladies man for so many times in his life now. He’s like sex on legs.” You said.

“Now I want to meet him.” Sabrina smirks and you laugh at her playful eagerness.

“I will introduce you to him soon, maybe next Friday? You can come in Crown & Anchor where we perform there.” You nudged her shoulder.

“You two are both performers? That’s groovy…” She grins.

While on your small talk with Sabrina, you both didn’t realized someone stepped inside the shop and look around the place then stood in front of the cash register where you and Sabrina are just sitting behind. It’s hand reach over gently, then…

What the fuck are you both doing there?.

It’s the girl you’ve met on your first time stepping in this record shop. The girl with the rude words.

“Clementine! You’re early.” Sabrina scrambled herself off the floor and brush away the dirt from her shorts. You also stood up and just crossed your arms in front of your chest.

“Well thank god I’m early because if I’ll be running late and you both are still behind that counter without guarding the shop, someone would come inside and rob us. Would you like that?.” Clementine hissed and Sabrina looked down on the ground as she nod her head.

You can’t contradict on what she’s saying because she’s saying the truth. It’s only been your first day and now it’s running ugly.

“You, new girl.” Clementine spoke and you looked at her. “Do your job properly. There’s a purpose that Mr. Muller hired you. Just don’t waste that opportunity with some people like her, you got me new girl?.”

“Yes ma'am.” Your voice came out in a whisper as she walk away, checking the place again.

You breathe.

“She’s really the boss of this shop. More bossy than Tommy himself.” Sabrina mumbled to you when Clementine turn her back to you.

“She really is but she’s true Sabrina. We shouldn’t be just lounging around this place, we should do our job properly.” You said and grip her shoulder, “But still, coming by on Friday?.”

“I’ll try if I’m not busy. You know, I have a lot of work.” She smiles and you nodded.

“Other than your work here?.” You asked.

She sighed, “Yeah, I’m actually working on a pub nearby Crown & Anchor too where I make some drinks. But yeah, I can make it by Friday. What time will you be on stage by then?.”

Your eyes lit up and you’re happy that you’ve met someone again thay became your friend, “I’ll be at 8pm, together with my friends too who will perform.” You replied.

“Okay. See you there Y/N, I promise I’ll be one of your biggest fans there.” She winks as she nudged your side. You laughed at her gesture as you both continue doing your job since you both saw Clementine’s eyes fixated on your direction.

You both tried to control your laughter at Clementine’s robot-like, unemotional looking face.

The clock ticks at 4pm, just in time that you’ve finished sorting the records to where they are since customers are always clumsy in putting back the records in the right genre. Sabrina has her work behind the cash register. More people come to get their records to listen to. Clementine still have those snake eyes glued onto the both of you.

You heard the bell rang from the door again as you walked out of the rock genre section aisle to finally see Freddie enter the building wearing that red velvet jacket, black and white polka dots top underneath it and clean white pants together with his worn out leather boots. You smile at his early appearance in the shop as he have promised earlier to accompany you to go shopping.


“Good afternoon, how may I help you?.” Sabrina asked him as you watch her lean over on the counter, immediately smitten towards Freddie.

“I’m looking for Y/N, darling. Did her shift ended?.” He asked her as she stood straight to call on you from the cash register.

“Y/N! This very attractive man is expecting you!.” She hollers through the whole shop trying to find you in the aisles. Freddie chuckles at her remark as he playfully winked at Sabrina, who probably is melting from inside right now.

You emerge from the aisles right after Sabrina just called you out, “Hi Fred. You’re unexpectedly early. That’s unsual.” You joked.

“Very funny Y/N,” Freddie sarcastically replied to you as you giggled at his reaction. He soon smiled back as you both shared a friendly warm hug, “C'mon, Kensington Market awaits.” He said.

“Okay okay. I’ll just go and write down my time out in the office. Just stay here with Sabrina, I’ll be back in a few,” You said and before you could walk inside the office, you turn your back to Sabrina who’s still behind the cash register since her shift is going to end later at 6, “Sabrina, while I’m gone, make sure you’ll leave Freddie here still in one piece. He have a girlfriend by the way.” You smirked.

“What a shame.” Sabrina pouted as you finally walk inside the office to write down your time out on the attendance book. You nod goodbye to Clementine who’s inside the office earlier as you walked out. You put on your bag, said your goodbyes to Sabrina and finally took off with Freddie.

You both walked towards where Kensington Market is. You can see different people walking around the building to find something that would catch their attention. Especially women, wanted to be mesmerized by something.


“There are so many clothes, I literally don’t know what to choose.” You said to Freddie as you both stopped in front of the first booth in the market. Not only clothes are here, even fruits and vegetables are being sold here. You also see different mini grocery shops around the corner, and that’s why a lot of people go here. Almost everything is right here in Kensington Market.

“What about this?.” Freddie made his way to another booth, pulling out a violet thigh high velvet dress with flares hanging on the sleeves.


“Fred, it’s a date with Roger, not a party.” You chuckled as you put back the dress. You’ve saw a lot of clothes but nothing really made you stop and just be mesmerized in those clothes.

“This, this is where me and Roger used to sell some clothes.” Freddie pointed at the small booth meters away from the both of you, “I remember selling my clothes, Roger’s clothes, Brian’s clothes, my mother’s clothes, Kash’s clothes just to pay my debts. We’re struggling students before, well…we’re still struggling musicians today. But I believe Queen have a bright future.” He sighs.

You just imagine young Freddie and Roger shouting and hollering around this loud market where they are selling different clothes. You can literally imagine Freddie saying to the customer that every clothing they have will look perfect on them. Just to sell those clothes. And now they’ve gone through it and graduated, wanting to pursue their career as musicians. They just have to wait and see.

Same goes for you too.

You both walk past their old booth, you suddenly stopped in your tracks when you saw this beautiful jacket displayed in a mannequin in this booth. You approach the mannequin and just gaze at this beautiful tapestry jacket with fur on it. You’re praying that this jacket won’t be overpriced.


“Freddie, this is the one. I can top this off the clothes I have.” You said to him as you touch the jacket. The soft faux fur really brings a smile on your face.

“Excuse me dear?,” Freddie asked the saleslady from inside the booth, “How much is the tapestry jacket that is on the mannequin?.”

“£10 for the jacket.” She replied.

And that made your heart dropped, feeling in crashing down into a million pieces. You’re trying to save up these days but buying this precious clothing can make you happy but it’s such a huge minus in your savings.

“I’ll come back for it, thank you so much.” You said and walk away again. Freddie was shocked and catches up with you. “I know, I know what you’ll–”

“–I thought that jacket is the one? Why didn’t you get it?.” Freddie asked.

“£10 is a huge thing Freddie and I can buy some food with that money. I guess I’ll just use some of my old clothes.” You stifle a laugh and sighed deeply.

“Yeah, you’re right. Just like I’ve said, we’re a bunch of struggling musicians here darling.” Freddie said as he put his arms around you in a friendly manner.

“But we have huge dreams.” You said and you both continue to window shop around Kensington Market and even buy some cheap foods that can satisfy your appetite.

You didn’t bought some new clothes for your date with Roger but the walk around Kensington Market with Freddie has been one of the greatest memories that you’ll cherish here in your stay in Kensington. You’ve tried the most popular English delicacy which is the Fish and Chips. Freddie introduced you to some of his old friends around the market too and then stopped for a little karaoke fun in some public karaoke machine which definitely attracted a lot of people while you both are singing and dancing at the same time. You’re embarrassed with your moves but never expecting it’ll be praised.

Speaking of singing and dancing, your upcoming second performance in Crown and Anchor is fast approaching already and you have a day remaining to think about replacing the songs from your old setlist to new ones.

At your work in Universal Sounds, Tommy finally visits the shop and asked him in your free times some other popular songs to get an idea for the performance.

“Your old setlist is great though and I like you performing it so you gotta keep it, love.” Tommy said while looking at your journal book with the old setlist you have as he hand you back the book, “And honestly Y/N…”

“Yeah?.” You turn your attention to him.

“You should put some of your songs in your setlist. Give the people some unique taste of your own music. The fire of Y/N Y/L/N igniting the crowd with those melodies and lyrics.” Tommy said and that made you sigh deeply.

You were moved on his words. Performing some of your songs makes you nervous and if you’re nervous, it’ll mess up the whole performance and everything will go wrong.

“It’s not that easy to perform my own style of music in front of a crowd. Maybe they’ll judge me, maybe they’ll turn their backs while I’m singing it. It will make me nervous and my voice will get a littlr pitchy while I’m nervous–” You rambled those words without stuttering that’s why Tommy already shut your negative ass.

“Get in the vocal booth Y/N.” Tommy cuts you off and your eyes blinked while looking at hin with a questioning face.


“I want you there to sing something for me. Get in the vocal booth and stand in front of the microphone.” Tommy nicely demanded and you now obliged.

You took a deep breath before stepping inside the regular sized vocal booth and faced on the glass pane with Tommy peering to you from the outside. He gave you a thumbs up, telling you he’s ready and the microphone is also ready. You look around to see a piano here, an electric guitar, acoustic guitar, drums and bass guitar. Your hand reaches over the classic acoustic guitar but you suddenly stopped as you thought about another idea.

Then you chose the electric guitar, now standing before the microphone.

Your fingers ran over the pages of your journal, finding the song that you’ll play to Tommy who’s patiently waiting for you to sing.

And you picked one.

It is called Hummingbird.

You played the chords you’ve arranged in the song but gave a little dance vibe to it as you used the electric guitar with style. You played the intro then started singing the first verse, remembering how you even sang it from before. You remembered some tunes, but some you don’t, that’s why you just randomly sing it with new melodies.

The dance and bubbly vibe of the music made Tommy wiggling his hips there as he catches up in the lyrics on the second time you’ve sang the chorus.


A smile appeared on your face as you turn up the energy on the last chorus before ending the song with that fire guitar solo outro as you imagine it fading out in the audio. You bow your head as you see Tommy clapping his hands for you. You can’t hear what he’s been saying but you know it’s positive with that wide smile of his.

He lean over to the control panels and pressed a button, “That’s…that’s a breathtaking song Y/N. It blew my heart away more than Fleetwood Mac did.” He compliments.

“Don’t…ever compare me with Fleetwood Mac. They’re the best artists and I’m just here as an amateur singer slash song-writer slash producer.” You chuckled and Tommy shakes his head.

“You’re not a freaking amateur Y/N. You literally belong to the professional group, and I recorded your voice for future plans.” He winks as he wriggles the tape he have in his hands.

You widen your eyes, “You recorded it?! You know when it comes to sharing my song, my insecurities and anxieties are eating me whole.” You stepped out of the vocal booth and just stare at him, pleading that he will never give the tape to anybody else to listen to.

“I’ll think about it.” Tommy smirks as he replied. That’s all he just replied to me before saying his goodbyes to you and the others in his office and walk away, with the tape in his hands. You inhaled sharply and return outside to assist Sabrina on what she’s doing in the shop.

You still hope that Tommy will never get that goddamn tape in the palm of anybody’s hands.

Tommy didn’t listen.

The next day came and that’s when he called someone he personally knew because he worked as the person’s assistant and publicist. The person he called had the biggest role in the music industry and they are one of the well-known producers around UK. And with only one call that your boss made today, maybe everything will turn upside down.

The phone rang on the third ring when someone finally answered the phone to Tommy, “Hello? Yeah, it’s been a while since we’ve met again though. I have missed you too dearly. Actually, what I came here is that I have a very nice girl with a very nice voice. She can do ballad, rock, pop, soul, everything! She have that versatile voice. I have a demo from her, hope you’ll listen to it…” He said to the phone, listening to what they are saying.

When Tommy finished talking to them, he have a victory smirk, but he have to surprise you on what he just did.

Friday came again and you prepared for your second performance tonight. You can’t stop pacing back and fourth in the living room here at Freddie’s while looking on your journal, with the new setlist you’ve made last night. And you didn’t stopped yourself from putting three of your songs in the setlist.

And now your anxiety is building up again.

The bathroom door finally opened to see Freddie and Vicky freshly showered, but more like freshly fucked because you definitely heard them doing it in the shower while you’re here in the living room. They noticed you being weird here.

“You okay darling?.” Freddie asked you, but you didn’t hear it. Your eyes are just glued on the papers of your journal with your pen between your lips.

“Y/N?.” Vicky snaps her fingers to you and now you’re back in reality. Out of those thoughts.

“Oh…did you just…called me?.” You questioned them with your most confused face.

“Yeah, we did. Did you get enough sleep last night?.” Vicky asked.

“Yes, I did get enough sleep last night. I’m just to bombarded with my thoughts about my new setlist for tonight’s performance.” You said and gave them your journal. Freddie was the one who took the journal and read through it.

Moonshine,Hummingbird,He’s a God…are these your songs Y/N?.” Freddie asked, looking oh-so proud about your decision.

“Those are one of my favorite writings in my whole life and I guess this is now the time that I have to share it to the people.” You replied to him. Freddie didn’t say anything but you can see him smiling widely at you.

You sighed as he gives back your journal and suddenly gripped your shoulders, “I’m so proud of you dear. So fucking proud.” He cups my face.

Tears began to pool in your eyes as you just laugh away your emotions, quickly wiping it away before it slips down my cheeks.

You’ve made your decision. You’re going to sing your song.

Hoping that you won’t regret it.

Crown & Anchor tonight is packed with more people than the previous night you had here before, that’s why your heart rate is increasing again. Queen is already performing onstage while you watch them with Vicky and Genevieve by your side. Rosalie isn’t with Brian tonight and you don’t know why.

Speaking of Brian, he gave you a late thoughtful present for your very first performance earlier and it’s a dress, and the print of the dress is celestial. There’s the sun, the moon, the stars. Everything. It was a very beautiful dress and you loved it. You are shocked about his sudden gift, not only you who is shocked, also the blond drummer too.

You wore the dress tonight as you partnered it with Freddie’s fedora hat that you borrowed and your dark brown suede boots.


When Queen ended their set and thanked the people who listening to them, you took a deep breath before you head in the backstage to meet them. You see them exhausted from performing, drinking water and heaving a breath to calm themselves down.

“Nobody will seriously top you guys here in Crown & Anchor, you all are the life of this place.” You said and took the electric guitar. Playing in acoustic is your number one thing, but now you’re in the electric guitar. Ready to electrify them.

Before you got onstage, Freddie gave you a huge kiss on your cheeks, Brian and John warmly hugging you and Roger, he was hesistant to do something to you. He wanted to kiss you, but he thought that you’ll be shocked, that’s why he just put a sweet kiss on your forehead and said his good lucks before you step out of the curtains of the backstage. You heard several people clap for you, feeling that those people were the ones who listened to you before.

You also saw Sabrina with some guy she just met tonight and she’s been clapping for you non-stop since you stepped on this stage. You can’t help but to blush and wave at her direction.

“Good evening, beautiful people,” You spoke through the mic and people howls in delight as you giggled, “Tonight is my second night here in this very stage and…I just want you guys to know the night is better than the day because when you stay under the sun for a couple of minutes or hours, you’ll be burnt but when you’re under the moon, it feels so relaxing and all that I have to say is…moonshine is better than sunshine. Here’s my song called Moonshine.” You said as you started strumming your guitar in a soft rock type of genre.

You sang the first verse as you see the people enjoying the style of your music and your confidence boosts up. You remember the chords you’ve wrote for this song and put a little new tweaks too here and there. The chorus more energetic as the people sings back to you by the time you sang the chorus in the second time. A smile formed around your lips when you made this decision and beyond thankful that the people are enjoying in your own music.

While you’re performing onstage with all your glitter and groove, Roger was absolutely amazed by your performance again. Smiling widely that he’s now hearing you singing your songs to these people. Brian was also amazed by you and the fact that you wore the dress he gave you, there’s something that knocks him out  of what you do. He don’t know what to do about it. Freddie on the other hand was dancing and also singing back to you, and he’s shaking John around while dancing on the beat of your song. John was so proud of you too. All of them was so beyond proud of you.

You sang your second song which is Hummingbird, the song that Tommy heard days ago in the vocal booth of the record shop. Tommy was also in the pub, sitting far back the counter island while drinking his whiskey. He smiled on the rim of the glass while watching you sing your songs, fingers lightly tapping the glass. He remembers the phone call earlier and he can’t wait about what will happen next.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Tommy Muller…”

A smirk appeared on his lips as he look at the person before him who’s wearing an all white semi-formal outfit and it’s accent became more sophisticated than it was before. The person also looked at the stage where you stood and singing to the audience.

“So this is she…” They spoke, fully observing you and your mannerisms and how you deliver the songs in your performance.

“How’s Y/N for you?.” Tommy asks, tapping his glass with his fingers as he waited for the answer.

“I like her.” They nod their head and Tommy had that victory smirk on his lips as he gets back in watching you onstage.

Of course they will like you.






Another version …


this made me remember that one scene of my fic “Mutual Melodies” where the boys had fun in the pool :))

A Queen AU Series

Series summary:In the year of 1971, you dreamed to be the best musician/performer that you’ll ever be. And upon achieving your dream, you have met the four musicians that would surprisingly help you to chase your dreams. The story of you and the rising band is deeply life-changing, and even finding love would get in the way, but all you have to do in chasing those dreams is to always face the consequences…

In this chapter:You went to the record shop to meet Tommy, if he’s still offering the job. Your first performance and Queen’s comeback performance in Crown & Anchor will happen tonight. Freddie and Victoria brought all of you in a nightclub to celebrate. Roger asked you about something important…

Warnings:language, fluffs, mild angst

Word Count: 5.4k+ words

Note: I can’t believe we’re on part 10 and actually this series will be longer than I expected, but I’ll still be making some small fics here and there :) And there will be slow updates by now since I’m back in school again and I need to study too (it’s already my last year in high school) so yeah, I hope you guys understand :)



“Thanks for driving me here Roger.”

You hop out of the van while clutching your resume inside your hands. You closed the car door behind you as you looked at the record shop in front of you. Universal Sounds is the name of the record shop, and the best thing is Crown & Anchor is just blocks away from this record store.

“Hey love,” Roger called, leaning over from the inside of the van. “Tell Tommy that he should come over by the pub tonight for the performance. I’ve never seen that bloke for a long time.”

“Yeah, sure Rog.” You smiled.

The blond drummer grinned at you, “Good luck out there love. Tommy is a great guy, I swear you’ll be getting that job in no time.” He said.

“Let’s see if the job is still vacant, I really hope so. Now go, you’ll be late for your Horticulture thingy.” You giggled.

“See you tonight. Can’t wait to see you on that stage Y/N, you’ll bloody kill it.” He playfully winked at you.

You’re trying to hide your blushing cheeks from him. So, you just slowly stepped away from his van as you waved goodbye to him as he drives away from the street. You sighed deeply, exhaling all the inhibitions from your body and finally stepped forward, entering the shop. You heard faint sounds of music playing, seeing that it’s from the studio where anyone can play and listen to any records that they like.

They’re playing Elvis.

This place is like a wonderland to you, seeing every kind of records that you can’t afford. Only the Hendrix records back at your home are only passed down to you from your older cousins before. You’ve visited record shops back in West Hampstead since you’re a little one and those shops are just small shops, but this record shop. It’s different.

It’s so large and wide where almost every records are here.

You stopped looking through every aisles in this shop as you approach the girl in the counter, who’s reading the magazine. You put up a toothy smile as you stood in front of her.

“Hi.” You spoke. She just looked up to you with those tired, tired eyes. “Is Tommy Muller here? I need to speak to him.”

“Tommy only gets to speak with people he knows, and I don’t think he knows you. Hm?.” She squint her eyes as she just gave you a straight smile, going back in reading the magazine.

She’s rude.

“Well, his friend Brian May said to me that Tommy needs a new employee here in this shop. And I am that person that wants to talk to him because I just want to ask if the job is still vacant.” Your voice raised until the end of the sentence. The girl just had her jaw agape at you as she puts the magazine down, going towards the door by the right side of this room.

An entrance to an office.

You’ve waited for a couple of minutes, tapping your nails on the counter while waiting. The song changed, replacing Elvis to The Supremes. Your head tilts up when the door finally opened, seeing a man–maybe around Freddie’s age, wearing that brown velvet jacket and flares. He’s too young to be a manager in this kind of business though.

“Hello, you must be Y/N Y/L/N.” He approaches you, reaching out his hand to you as you happily shake it.

“And you must be Tommy. Nice to meet you.” You smiled at him, not looking at the girl behind him whilst she is still eyeing you up and down.

It’s like she’s threatening you to step back from this attractive man before you.

“Brian called me earlier this day and told me all about you love,” He said, pulling his hand from you, “It’s been the second week that we are finding new employees here. You’re lucky one of them left just by last Saturday…”

Your face lit up, “So that means, the job is vacant?.” You excitedly asked.

Tommy chuckles, “It is. And probably we’ll need someone to get behind the cash register and put on some price tags here and there, maybe sort records in their genres–”

“–I’ll take it Tommy. I’ll do everything that you just said. Maybe I’ll start by Saturday, if you’ll like–because I have uh…some performance every Friday nights, so Saturdays shall do fine…” You stuttered, wanting to convince him.

“Is she serious?–” The girl complained but Tommy lifts up his hand to shut her up. She did shut up. Her pesky little mouth zipped close for good.

“Can you please stop complaining for once Charlotte. It’s our new employee we’re talking to right now.” Tommy smirks as he finally gave his hint. You gasp that you got in, without any exception. Without giving him your own fucking resume.

“D-do you need my resume? Maybe read my experiences? Or uh interview me or anything?.” You vigorously asked him.

“This is just a small local record shop love, not a company with a huge building and hundreds of employees. You start Saturday, take the daytime shifts. Charlotte, take the night shift from now on.” Tommy commands as you uncontrollably smile before him. Charlotte rolled her eyes as she groan in annoyance, but continues reading on her magazine while holding that cigarette between her fingers. Ashes falling down the laminated wood of the counter.

“Thank you so much Tommy. And actually, Roger invites you to come by in Crown & Anchor to watch us play. He misses you though.” You grinned.

“Hm, I miss that blondie also. I’ll see if I’ll come by tonight. Best of luck to you also for your performance. But remember, 8AM sharp by Saturday, you’ll be accompanied by another employee. I forgot her name already, but you’ll meet her tomorrow.” Tommy babbles his mouth as he adjusted his coat.

“8AM on the dot, I’ll be there.”

“I got the job!.” You exclaimed when you soon stepped in the flat, just to see Freddie sitting by himself in the living room watching the telly.

“You did?,” He beamed, standing from the sofa and immediately gave you the warmest hug. “Good for you darling! When are you going to start?.” He asked.

“Tomorrow at 8, and Tommy is such a nice guy. I can’t believe he’s so young to manage that place.” You said while getting your coat off and put it on the wooden chair by the window where Freddie would sit and write some songs by himself sometimes.

“I remember Tommy before when he first saw us perform for the very first time. He’s so close to Brian, more like brothers already. He’s also supportive back then, but when his father died and he became the heir of the record shop business, he stopped going to pubs and just think about the shop.” Freddie stated, finding his way back in his seat again. You also sat on the sofa and sadly smiled.

“That’s just great because he’s still making sure that the record shop is still alive, for his father, of course.” You replied, staring blankly at the telly with a random tv show playing.

You and Freddie slowly sighed deeply as you both fell into an awkward silence, never having an idea to bring up another topic. Only the ticking of the clock was being heard between you two.

“So? Where’s Vicky? I thought the dresses will be done by now so that she’ll come with us tonight?.” You asked him.

You heard him sigh. Deeply.

“She’s working to the bone. I tried calling her at work but she’s not answering. Maybe too busy.” Freddie replied. You sighed too as your hand dropped on his shoulder, patting him for the comfort.

It’s just so sad to see Freddie feeling sad about the person he loves be so busy that their time together is already limited. And that thought just made you remember of Jonathan, where you still haven’t talked to him in days. From those countless days that you’ve been spending with him before have turned into nothingnow.

“Hey, don’t be sad now Freddie. I’m pretty sure she’ll come by in the pub tonight. I really want to see her too since it’s my first performance.” You chuckled. Then you see him smile now.

He looks at you with that same warm smiled on his face, “I’m lucky to have you as a friend darling.” He replied.

You heart softens as you clutched your hand on your chest like you’ve felt the wave inside of your ribcage.

“And you too Fred.”

Roger, John, Brian and Rosalie came by in Freddie’s place in hours before the performance tonight. They talked about their setlist and also your own setlist. You’re all here in the living room, Brian and Rosalie are sitting far away from each other as you realized they have not interacted that much today, maybe had another fight again. John was playing Freddie’s acoustic guitar while sitting on the floor just beside the sofa. You and Roger are both on the sofa with your legs rested on his lap while he paid attention to what Brian was saying. You’re writing down and editing your setlist. Putting on songs from Elton John by now, the same from The Beatles and obviously from Hendrix. You’re still thinking about putting on your own songs. Maybe the crowd won’t like your songs and have second thoughts about you. Maybe they’ll just judge you.

Your worst nightmare.

“I can’t believe this is the first band discussion as Queen.” Freddie entered the room with the lemonade he’s been making for minutes from the time the boys went in.

“So, we still keep the same setlist?.” Brian asked as he tapped the pencil on his lap. You also caught him glance at your sister who’s being silent.

You’re suspicious.

But you just kept your mouth shut, minding your own business.

“What about this?.” You spoke, leaning over to Roger as you gave him your journal with your songs. He looked at it and watch him write on the paper. You look over to see he put Hendrix as your opening song, the same song you’ve sang back at your father’s pub where the boys heard and saw you perform before.

“Always start off with a song that everybody is in love with. I know Tiny Dancer is one of those, but the tune is too soft to be the opening song.” Roger said and you agreed. Ever since you heard Tiny Dancer on the radio, you automatically fell in love with that song. It’s just two weeks since it’s release but you already memorized the lyrics.

“And also put your own songs. It’ll be a waste if you don’t.” He suggested.

Of course you shake your head.

“No. That will never happen.” You laughed, snatching your journal from his hand and again lean back on the armrest of the sofa, your legs resting on his lap again.

“How can you be the perfect performer if you don’t have the confidence to share your own songs?.” Roger defended his side. Your eyebrows raised.

“I’m not the perfect performer Rog, and I’m scared about the audience. What if they won’t like my song? That’ll be an embarrassment.” You replied.

“No it won’t.” Roger again interfere.

“Yes it will.”

“No it won’t.”

“Yes it will–”

You and Roger soon stopped arguing like little children when the others are looking at the both of you. Silence was created among them as your cheeks turn into a red shape as you see Freddie smirking like crazy between the two of you.

“Aren’t you two adorable? Arguing like a real couple.” Freddie teased as your blush became worse.

“Shut up Fred.” You broke off a laugh as you push him away. John and Brian was also laughing at your blushing face. Only Rosalie was silent, but had a smile on her face as she watches you and Roger blushing.

Only two hours left before the performance will happen. You all are already in Crown & Anchor, waiting for your turn. Queen will perform first before you, so after their performance they can guide you while you’re on stage in front of strangers with their eyes only on you as they listen to you sing your songs. The others are standing by the stage as they watch the performers finish their gigs too while you’re outside, here in the payphones with your guitar in your left hand as you’re holding the phone with your right.

You’re speaking with your father again, luckily Jonathan was there with him back home.

“I’m hearing loud noises in your background dear. Are you already preparing on stage?.” Your father asked, the excitement in his voice was present.

“No, their phones are actually outside the place but it’s just so amazing that you can still hear the band playing inside.” You chuckled. “And in just two damn hours, I’ll be standing on that stage already as I sing the songs in front of them.”

You fell into deep silence and deeply sighed.

“I don’t know if people will like it or not.” You added. Your back soon lean back on the wall, the cord of the phone is already dangling from it’s case.

“They will love it Y/N, just like how the people did here. Remember when you’re just a 17-year-old girl who wants to perform on stage?.” Jonathan spoke, already missing his voice. You can’t stop smiling as you let out a dry chuckle.

“Yeah, I remember…” You replied. Your eyes soon became glassy as the small tears rolled down your cheeks. You can’t explain what emotions have you been exerting right now if it is happiness or sadness.

Maybe it’s just in between.

“Now you’re there, in a place where mostly people doesn’t know you. You will perform well, like you did back home. If you ever feel the doubt about yourself, just think of the stage there as your small stage in the train station before, only with a bigger crowd.” Jonathan stated, trying to comfort you. It’s really true that he’s the only one that can comfort you with only his words. And you’re lucky to be his best friend and someone that is important in his life.

“God, I miss you so much Jonathan.” You snifled, wiping away your tears as you start laughing to let out the sadness out of you.

“I miss you too Y/N, when will you come home?.” He asked. Again.

You took an intake of breath, “Soon Jonathan. I’ll come home.” You replied.

The back door soon opened to reveal Roger looking out then see you here in the payphones, “Y/N, you need to come inside now and check the stage.” He said.

“Okay, hold on one sec–Hey Jonathan, I need to go, take care back there and always look after mum and dad. Love you and miss you so much.” You replied fast.

“Take care also Y/N, love you–”

The payphone already cuts off the phonecall.

And you didn’t wait for Jonathan to reply earlier. You just left.

You’re already behind the stage, hands tightly gripping your guitar. The boys are there for you, motivating you so that you can’t overthink about the negative side of your upcoming performance in an hour. They will be the first to perform before you, so that’s why Deacy is already holding his bass, Brian on his red special, and Freddie with his own mic.

Roger is missing in action.

“Just remember darling, just enjoy the performance later just like you did in the your stage back in your hometown. You’ll be bloody amazing.” Freddie said while gripping your shoulder. You smiled at him and appreciated his comfort.

“Thank you Freddie, now go and wow the crowd.” You chuckled as you playfull pushed him away from you. Your heart warms up when you see his teeth–his additional incisors, in view in front of you. He put on his fashionable leather gloves on as he took his mic again, inhaling and exhaling all his inhibitions on stage.

You turn around, only to meet Roger holding his drumsticks and see that he had changed to his stage clothes. Which made your eyes widen up and your heart skipped a beat.

He’s standing there, wearing that floral top, all buttons undone where you can see his chest, slightly glistening with sweat since it’s a bit hot in this pub. Those tight leather pants aren’t helping either, you can’t stop looking down south.

Until you snapped out of yourself when you the band that is performing earlier went back here as their voices boomed in, congratulating themselves in their successful gig. The boys are already up next. And then you’ll be up next.

“Ready boys?.” Freddie spoke as they nod their heads. You watch them enter the stage one by one.

But Roger left for a second, feeling his hand drop on your lower back. Chills ran down your spine.

“Wish me good luck.” Roger said as you nod your head in response, tongue tied because of his breathtaking aura. He soon entered the stage as his appearance swoon the ladies in the crowd. Hearing them squeal in happiness to see the Roger Taylor again in the stage of Crown & Anchor.

“It’s good to be back here again in Crown & Anchor. For those who didn’t know, this is the place where we had our first gig as a band and a few of you knew us as Smile, right?,” Brian spoke in his mic as he heard several people agreed to him, smiles plastered on different faces. “And now, we are here tonight to introduce ourselves as Queen. Our new name.”

“That’s right.” Freddie proudly interfere.

“Let’s do this,” Brian said to the boys as they played their first song. Watching them with awe like the very first time that you have seen them on stage. Still have that glitter and that strong stage presence.

You enjoyed their music while hanging out backstage throughout their performance. And you didn’t felt nervous ever again when you’re hearing the people enjoying the songs. You just remember their words to you before you will go on stage. Just like Freddie said, imagine that you are on stage of your father’s pub in front of the people you knew while performing.

You know you could do it.

In the middle of their performance, you peek out again to watch them perform and suddenly see a familiar face watching from a distance. You heard his howls as he bangs his head and dances with the heavy tune of the beat.

It’s Tommy, together with a friend who wrapped his arms around him in pure excitement when Queen ended another song–and they have a bunch of good-looking girls around them.

He’s having a time of his life.

Several minutes later, they finished their gig and heard the people applauded them and finally see them got backstage again, looking haggard and worn out by playing. You stood up from the amplifier that you’re sitting on as you took your guitar again.

“We’ll be down there to watch you darling, see you in a bit.” Freddie said as him and Deacy left backstage, with also Deacy wishing his luck to you.

Roger and Brian left behind.

You can’t explain how awkward you’re feeling right now.

“Good luck out there Y/N, give the people what they want.” Brian smiles at you, then suddenly felt his hands took a hold of your shoulder.

“Thank you Brian.” You said, almost like a whisper as you watch him left the room too. Following Freddie and Deacy.

Then again you faced the blond drummer, “Wish me luck also?.” You playfully smirked at him as he chuckles.

He approaches you, never stopping him in putting his hands on either side of your hips. He held you there like your body belongs to him. “Good luck love.” He said and he winked at you before following behind the others.

Now you’re all alone and you think you’re all set. You took a deep breath before stepping on stage, finally facing these unknown faces in your whole life. You stood in front of the mic, lightly tapping it to test if there’s sound, but the loud hissing sound from the speakers annoyed the audience as you mumbled sorry.

Some people are already leaving the pub, some aren’t paying attention.

And yet you still sang, because it’s your beginning and you need to start it with a positive vibe from the audience.

Oh, remember the mocking bird, my baby bought.He used to sing for his supper, baby…” You softly sang the first verse, hands also softly strumming the guitar.

Your rendition tonight was slower than you did before and more emotions have been exerted. You look around the crowd–the crowd that became lesser than earlier. You can also see some people grew interest to you as they stayed behind while drinking on their usual drinks.

Then the other verses came, your energy revved up as you played the guitar with the original groovy beat of the song. Hips swaying around as you watch the people now smiling up at you on this stage. You saw the boys watching you in the audience with proud hearts. You have seen Roger who have his eyes only locked at you, watching you once again do your passion–back in the old pub, back in your small place in the train station.

You finished the song with the people clapping their hands to you. You took a deep breath before gripping the mic, pulling it close to your mouth again.

“I hope you all are having fun tonight, so here’s a song that’s been my favorite at the moment…” You spoke as you strummed your guitar again. You have practiced the chords of this song as you feel the deep stares of the audience as you skillfully played the guitar.

Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band. Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you’ll marry a music man…” You sang with your soft voice again and suddenly heard them sang along with you on this soft melodic song.

You got in the chorus part, seeing the people sway around with the melody. The people who just came in joins into the crowd. You look over to the boys–who are gazing at you while you’re slowly shining up on-stage. You also saw Robert joins in with them as he fix his eyes on you, then a smile soon came up his lips.

You finished your song. Never expecting some people will clap for you.

You ended your performance, but didn’t even sang your own songs.

“Oh darling you did so good up there!.” Freddie soon embraces you when you join in with them in the crowd. The others also praising you as you thank them over and over. First performance of your life here has been a great start.

“Y/N…I–you did so good, you’re perfect but,” Roger spoke as he held your hand, pulling you with him to get a short distance from the boys. “Why didn’t you sang your songs? You even put it on your set.” He frowned.

“I’m too scared to sing it…” You sighed.

“That’s not an excused. If you’re scared to sing it in front of these strangers, then why did you sang your song to me comfortably before?.” He asked.

Your lips closed in a thin line as you stare at the ground, then back up looking in his eyes again. “Because you’re not a stranger to me Roger. I know you, that’s why I’m comfortable singing my own songs to you.”

You saw Roger’s eyes softens as a smile breaks off his lips, he sighs and slides his hands in yours again. “You really are something Y/N.” He whispers.

“Yeah?.” You smiled.

He nods. Still have that smile on his face.

That tension between you and him thickens as you watch him slowly leans over to you, his hands that are holding your hand earlier went to your waist. You’re feeling his warm breathing, inching closer and closer.

Until, “Y/N! There you are!.” Someone interrupts the moment that causes you and Roger to jump away from each other.

It’s Robert who’s approaching. You look over to Roger who is visibly blushing before you, making a giggle escape your lips.

“Y/N, thank you for that wonderful set earlier. You’re a hidden gem yeah?.” Robert gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek as you blushed in his words.

“Oh shut up Robert. I’m just a medium talent. Nothing biggie.” You wave off your hand to him.

“Enough with that humble-jumble. You are insanely breathtaking on that stage. Keep it up. See you all next Friday again.” Robert eyed you and the boys before leaving you all here to talk with everyone else he knows in this room.

Before you can even talk to Roger again and wanted to finish off what you’re both starting earlier, someone from behind suddenly picked you up off the ground as you squealed in shock. Your heart almost dropped when you heard that familiar laugh.

“Tommy, this isn’t funny! You almost gave me a heart attack!.” You squeak and he finally lets you go. You faced the man that happens to be your boss in your job and he have his friend beside him that’s been with him earlier while you and Queen are performing.

“But you didn’t and I’m proud of you love! even though we just met earlier this morning.” Tommy said and gave you a huge kiss on the cheek. “And oh! How rude of me, this is William–or Will, one of my closest friend.” He motioned on his friend beside him.

“Nice to meet all of you. You all had an amazing performance.” He compliments as you all thanked him.

“Thank you.” You all thanked him. Then Freddie soon offered Tommy and William a drink as they toast. You chose not to be intoxicated tonight since you’re having your first job tomorrow morning. You don’t want to suffer in that hangover.

But Tommy is drinking. You said in your mind.

“Hi everyone!.” That familiar voice came in and see Victoria, who had her arms open. Freddie darted his look to her as he rejoiced, hugging her first then gave her a sweet and passionate kiss.

Your heart always warms up to the both of them.

“Vicky! I’m so glad you came! But you missed our performances though.” You approach her as she pulls you in a warm hug.

“There will be another Friday night though, but still, I’m sorry I’m so late.” She sighs.

“It’s fine Vicky. We’re still glad you’re here, even though you’re late.” You grinned and again pull her in an embrace.

After celebrating for a bit in the pub, Vicky soon called you all in for another celebratory round in a nightclub down the street. Tommy and William with their girl-friends tag along too. The loud pumping beat of groovy songs envelopes the whole room filled with people in any age. Freddie and Victoria excitedly entered this nightclub and find some table for us. John came with Tommy and William as they chat away. Brian and Rosalie looked alright tonight, they have their hands tied as your sister pulled his boyfriend to Freddie and Victoria who found a round table by the corner of the room.

And you’re all alone with the drummer again.

“So you’re still thinking about not drinking tonight?.” Roger asked. You face him and see his smirk on his face.

“I don’t know Rog, maybe or maybe not.” You chuckled. You both went to the table where they are and finally see the drinks have settled in. Each one of you have it’s drink.

Roger turns his look at you, motioning you to take the drink.

And then you take the drink, smiling at them before you, “To our careers.” You said.


You stopped at your third drink, even Roger stopped too. Just Freddie, Vicky and Tommy are wasted in the dancefloor. John, Brian, Rosalie, William and the girls are nowhere to be found in the nightclub. Maybe they have gone home, or just lost in the thick crowd. You’re leaning against the bar counter, watching the people dance. Roger went to the loo.

The song changes up to Beatles. The crowd howls in happiness.

Glass Onion

Just in time Roger came back from the loo, your body itches to dance with the people in front of you. That’s why you hold out your hand to him, a smile on your lips.

“Dance with me Rog.” You said.

He shakes his head.

“I’m sorry love, but I don’t dance.” He apologizes. You frowned.

“Everybody can dance.” You replied with your eyebrows furrowed at him.

“I don’t want to embarrass myself in the dancefloor. Glass Onion is my favorite song actually but I really don’t dance.” He gave reasons. Now your hand lowered down, setting them on your hips.

“Suit yourself. You’ll regret it someday.” You teased him as he lightly chuckled.

You made your way in the dancefloor to Tommy who’s enjoying his life while dancing with plenty of ladies around him. Such a ladies man.

“Tommy,” You called him out as he whips his head to you, a drunken smile appeared on his lips. “Do you want to dance with me?.”

He excused himself from the ladies as he took your hand without any word at all. He just spins you around and groove with the music. You laughed at his tipsy self when he’s spinning you around because he’s actually wobbling on his feet. Freddie and Vicky are living their own life. Happily in love.

“I think you need to sit down Tommy. Come on, off we go.” You pat his shoulder as you help him lean over to you. You grip his waist as you led him to the bar where Roger is.

“What happened to him?.” Roger asked.

“Too much alcohol. Obviously. And he have a record shop to run.” You said. Setting Tommy down as you ordered water, then giving it to him.

Roger stared at you for a while. Watching you take care of Tommy, and how you are so concerned. He admires these little things to you. Your love of the people you care about it one of your best traits. And Roger saw that in you this instant.

“Y/N…” He mumbles. Under his breath.

And still you heard his mumble.

“Yeah?.” You face him.

“Can I speak to you for a second? Alone? Tommy can take care of himself now.” He said.

You looked at Tommy who already is sleeping on the counter. His hand still gripping the glass of water. You return your look on the blond drummer.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll hear it.”


But I can’t promise you I will be updating the next chapter that fast because I’m still busy at most times at school and everything. But hey! I finally finished chapter 10 in 3 fucking months.

See you guys in a bit again!




