#queen ll


White Queen

«I wrote it in College, where I led a relatively quiet life, although studying at the University as a whole was quite intense!

I read the White Goddess by Robert Graves, who explored in his book the role of the idealized image of the Diva / Mother / Queen - a figure in art based on historical facts.

And the decision to call «Queen» our band, which came around the same time, fit in perfectly - was one of the reasons to go with that name further.

The personal side of writing associated with the girl (of course!), which I saw every day in College, and she was for me a real goddess. It’s incredible in retrospect, but because I was so in awe of her, I never found the courage to speak to her, not even to speak to her, in three years…

The song came on tape much later, on our second album («Queen ll», 1974.)»

– Brian May
