#queen mathilde



Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark, Princess Isabella of Denmark, Prince Vincent of Denmark and Princess Josephine of Denmark with Princess Isabella’s godparents, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Princess Alexia of Greece, Dr. Nadine Johnston, Professor Christian Von Buchwald, Peter Heering and Marie Louise Skeel, pose for official portraits to mark Princess Isabella of Denmark’s confirmation, at Fredensborg Palace in Fredensborg, Denmark -April 30th 2022.

: Franne Voigt/Det Danske Kongehus.


De Koningin zit een rondetafelgesprek voor over de implementatie van de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen van de Verenigde Naties (SDG’s) op lokaal niveau. Vertegenwoordigers uit de privésector, publieke sector en het middenveld nemen hieraan deel.

English translation: The Queen chairs a round table discussion on the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the local level. Representatives from the private sector, public sector and civil society participate


Op het einde van de dag brengen de Koning en de Koningin een geleid bezoek aan het Acropolis Museum. Aansluitend bieden zij een concert aan ter ere van de Griekse presidente @PresidencyGR en haar partner, dhr. Pavlos Kotsonis. Het concert wordt uitgevoerd door


English translation: At the end of the day, the King and Queen pay a guided visit to the Acropolis Museum. Afterwards they offer a concert in honor of the Greek president @PresidencyGR and her partner, mr. Pavlos Kotsonis. The concert is performed by

@BelNatOrch .

Queen Mathilde  ||  Natan

Queen Mathilde  ||  Natan

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Queen Mathilde  ||  Natan

Queen Mathilde  ||  Natan

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Fredensborg Castle Church, 30.04.2022

Official pictures of the Princess Isabella of Denmark’s confirmation.

Photo: Det Danske Kongehus

“Queen Mathilde looked amazing arriving in DR Congo. And King Phillippe ’s little waves and sm

“Queen Mathilde looked amazing arriving in DR Congo. And King Phillippe ’s little waves and smiles to the dancers were so cute.” - Submitted by Anonymous

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King Philippe and Queen Mathilde go grocery shopping for a good cause in Limburg province

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde go grocery shopping for a good cause in Limburg province

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of the Belgians had a day of engagements in the Limburg Province, at the country’s northern-eastern border with the Netherlands. 

They visited three projects, one in each city they touched down in. All structures have connections to community and social work. 

They arrived in Borgloon in the early afternoon of Wednesday, 22 June, where they visited BelOrta, a…

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