

This isn’t a lengthy post about a part of Krystall’s and my journey (@krystall-crossdress), but just some photos I took of her this past weekend and wanted to share. She has done a bit of online shopping lately and we had fun as she modelled her new wardrobe items for me. We also had some fun with her wearing a wig. This is new for us, and we are looking forward to learning some wearing & styling tips and tricks.

These evenings are so much fun! Krystall will go put on an outfit, then come out and model for me. I love seeing how she mixes & matches the different clothing pieces. She always looks amazing, and I can see by the expression on her face that she feels amazing too. We’ll take some photos, and then just relax and watch a movie (or like this past weekend, a UFC match) so she can spend time and enjoy being dressed up. Then often there’s an outfit change followed by more photos. We also spend many evenings just curled up on the couch together, without Krystall dressing feminine, but the nights that she does dress have a little more energy to them. I love all the ways we spend time together because Krystall always makes sure I am enjoying myself as much as she is. How could I not? She is beautiful and sexy no matter what she’s wearing, always takes time to embrace me, tell me she loves me, caress my arm while we watch a show, or looks in my eyes and smiles before kissing me. Krystall, you are my lego piece. Always & all ways.   -Love Kitty

I hope you enjoy these photos.

#ThursdayThursday The kings of @archenemyofficial (: @mohawkmajorie ) . 現場相集 Gallery > bit.ly/arc

#ThursdayThursday The kings of @archenemyofficial (: @mohawkmajorie )
現場相集 Gallery > bit.ly/archenemy2018_dj
現場回顧 Concert Review > bit.ly/archenemy2018_review
(English below) 瑞典旋律死亡金屬巨頭Arch Enemy雞2015年的演出後,第二次以此陣容於四月回歸香港!
// …… 無論你認為Alissa是否適合AE主唱的位置,過去的4、5年已經證明,這個藍髮女孩無疑在現場的表現非常優秀,而且對於外界來說,她已成為樂隊的新形象。在音樂方面,整個樂隊也在探索來自不同流派的元素,嘗試不同的結構層次和組合。看到樂隊將他們的新聲音帶入現場,將音樂提升到視覺上,令人目不轉睛…… 正如預期那樣,今次歌單有不少 Will To Power 專輯中的新單曲,其中當然有近月熱播的 The World Is Yours 和最近的單曲 The Eagle Flies Alone。另外也少不了上一張專輯 War Eternal 和當時Alissa剛接捧要make a statement的 You Will Know My Name。舊作回顧也有 Angela Gossow 時代的 My Apocalypse及AE初成立的經典 Fields of Desolation (!!!) // .
Swedish melodic death metal titans Arch Enemy come back to Hong Kong for the second time with the fresh lineup!
//… No matter if you think Alissa White-Gluz is the right fit for the vocalist position at AE, the last 4-5 years have proven the blue-hair girl is undeniably a powerhouse in live and is becoming the new image for the band. Musically, the whole band is also exploring the mix of elements from different genres and compositional layering. It’s a pure pleasure to witness the band putting their new tones in live shows which elevate the music to a visual level… As expected, the setlist is full of their new singles such as “The World Is Yours” and the recent hit “The Eagle Flies Alone,” punctuated with anthems from the last album like “War Eternal” and “You Will Know My Name” which immediately set the crowd on fire. Surprise comes when the band choose to include AE classics during the Angela Gossow era “My Apocalypse” and even “Fields of Desolation” from their formation years! //
#archenemy #theworldisyours #hongkong #hk #livephotography #michaelamott #alissawhitegluz #jeffloomis #MirageMusic #willtopower #hongkong #heavymetal #hkig #asia #deathmetal #musicphotography #music #heavymetal #rock #live #headbang #concertphotography #concert #guitar #guitarist #vocalist #danielerlandsson #sharleedangelo #deanguita #tbt #queenbeast

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