


The Room Where It Happens

Chat Noir was supposed to be her enemy. He was supposed to be evil! Not a friend, not someone she would have given her life for, and never ever—

Adrien,” Marinette breathed out seconds before he summoned the Ultimate Wish.

enemies AU with established relationship Adrinette. my piece for the @newbeginningszine

Much love to @queenlypirate for being the loveliest collaborator partner! It was a joy to work with her and I absolutely adore the illustration she made for this fic, don’t forget to check it out!

The Room Where It Happens (1989 words, T, 1/1)

Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?

“Adrien, stop it!” Marinette laughed, trying to fight off his tickling attacks but to no avail. He was surprisingly strong for a model. “You’re going to make me drop the ice cream!”

“Then I’m buying you a new one,” he offered with a lopsided smile.

Sitting on the bank of the Seine, he leaned close to her once more but instead of launching his next attack, he snatched a bit of the mint ice cream on the top. He laughed as Marinette lifted the cone by the barest bit, covering the tip of his nose in the cold treat.

“Here, let me help you,” she giggled, leaning in and kissing it off. The kiss tasted of mint.

Keep reading

queenlypirate:“Slowly, Adrien stood up and walked to Marinette. He took her hand in his and delicate


“Slowly, Adrien stood up and walked to Marinette. He took her hand in his and delicately brushed his thumb against her skin.“

My collab piece for the New Beginnings zine! I had the pleasure of working with @miabrown007​ again, so go and read her fic here!!

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