#queer child


Hey, so my eleven year old just told me she has a crush on a girl (she’s had crushes on boys in the past, so not sure if she means she likes both now?) Her best friend has come out to her as a lesbian (BF is 13). Just curious as I fear my lack of response may not have been what she wanted? I’m totally fine with either outcome of her being bi or lesbian. (I consider myself generally heterosexual and am in a straight relationship, but I do know I may have bisexual leanings in some capacity?) I basically told her to take her time and it was okay whether her crush was romantic or not and she was young and had plenty of time to figure out what it all meant to her and there is no need to rush to define it. I told her I had friends that she knows that are bisexual and another who is trans and it doesn’t matter to me as long as she is happy. Anywho, any resources or recommendations for me to look into? I want her to know she can trust me and that I will love her no matter what labels she finds herself with but I don’t know if I articulated it perfectly?
