#queue cant take bread



wildfire remains + regrowth, California, July 2021



thou - subject, ie. “thou art so hung”

thee - object, ie. “i wish to jerk thee off”

thy - subject possessive, ie. “thy cock is so huge,”

thine - object possessive, ie. “that it dwarfeth thine body”

Almost. But thy vs thine as an adjective depends on whether the word following it starts with a vowel. So:

“Thy cock is so huge” but “thine ass is also magnificent.”

So it’s, “that it dwarfeth thybody.”

Thine as an absolute pronoun is different. “Her ass cheeks mayhap clappeth loud but thine clappeth to alert the guards.”

“Verily, the thiccest ass in the kingdom is thine.”
