#queue it for her





You know it was probably for the best the Terezi was some recluse who lived in the woods and ate live squirrel meat because if she actively participated in society with other teals they would have fucking necked themselves

She shows up to the meeting 20 minutes late in footie pajamas and light up sketchers and plays Zelda throughout the whole thing but no one can say shit because she got a 375 on her bar exam

Some exhausted teal co-worker: do have the file I asked for

Terezi, on her third box of chalk that week: OH FUCK Y34H

Co-worker, upon being handed an report written in gel pen and covered in glitter that will somehow be the most skilled and competently written thing he’s read all month:



this is so sad can i get an f in the chat

wait I googled this and found this amazing article linked in a reddit comment on a post of the same pic

it’s about the inefficiencies of web and code dependencies but highlights a few funny ones

(alt text is included for each image)

A screenshot of a section of an article. It reads: So I started wondering, what on earth is causing Babel’s code to be so large? One of the biggest offenders, a package called “babel-core” was suspiciously large, coming in at 13 megabytes on its own. I opened up babel-core in vim, then turned off my computer because Ctrl-C wasn’t exiting, then opened babel-core in Sublime Text 2. Below those paragraphs is an image of a code snippet that reads: module.exports = require("./lib/api/node.js"); The article continues below it saying: About two hours later, I successfully found the referenced “/lib/api/node.js” and discovered the crux of the issue. A coding slip-up so unforgivable that I nearly threw out my MacBook and swore off web development forever. ALT

A screenshot of the code section open in MacOS. Most of the code looks fine, but in the middle of the screenshot, on code line 101 it says exports.guy = [ From lines 102 down to 113, taking up most of the entire bottom half of the screenshot, is a vertical photograph of Guy Fieri, a middle aged white man with spiky blonde hair, a black leather jacket and a blue shirt. The photograph crops out anything below that. On line 114, right below the image, is the ] closing bracket for the code on line 101. summary: A photograph of Guy Fieri is enclosed in the code segment that seems to export him if a certain error occurs.ALT

The article continues but this part is highlighted in green to catch the attention of someone speedreading or quickly skipping past parts of the article. The article says: It’s true. Each installation of Babel includes a picture of Guy Fieri, and there is nothing you can do about it. No longer highlighted in green it says: I have no idea if this picture was supposed to be stripped out before pushing to npm, or how this mistake passed code review. Either way, it’s there, and it’s taking up precious space on millions and millions of 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro hard drives across the world.ALT

all hail Load Bearing Guy Fieri


ppl with really long queues amuse me, like, they will like your post and then you find out within 3-10 business days whether they also thought it worthy of reblogging


Puts ‘my carrd’ in my bio but it just links to malware


theres an official playlist on spotify called “Beats to think to” and it has the funniest fucking icon


Now give the donkey a drink of pure wine….. to wash down the figs..!


don’t even go everyone there has knives


i hear a good lyric and start mentally holding up blorbos like im in the home depot paint aisle comparing swatches


I’m saying this all the time about everything


genius annotations on they might be giant’s birdhouse in your soul


in the Egyptian wing of the museum and my boyfriend is like “what are all the time periods of ancient Egypt” and I’m like predynastic, early dynastic, old kingdom which is when the pyramids were built, first intermediate, middle kingdom, second intermediate, new kingdom which includes amarna period and yugioh, third intermediate, and then all the late period stuff and macedonian and roman eras. and he’s like run that by me one more time


gasfright, gatecreep, ghoulboss
