#queuing the banner



I’m made this when I should be writing

1- What’s the last wip you opened?

2- Do you name your wip before, during, or after writing?

3- Longest word count on an abandon wip

4- Last sentence written?

5- Last sentence on an angst wip

6- Last sentence on a fluff wip

7- When are you most likely to kill a character?

8- Name one wip you’ve revived from death

9- A wip you regret (you can vague this)

10- A wip 12 year old you wrote

11- 1st person or 3rd person?

12- Favourite wip?

13- A wip that’s self indulgent? (you can vague this)

14- Post the last sentence on a wip open in your tabs right now

15- Describe a wip of yours in 20 words

16- Post a plot twist to a wip of your choice, but don’t say what wip it’s in

17- Beta or self-proofer?

18- Have you ever co-written a wip with someone before?

19- Do you still use the words ‘lemon’ or ‘lime’?

20- Are you more likely to write fanfiction or do you prefer original stories?

21- What is a word you use too much?

23- Do you make your own wip covers?

24- What platform do you post your work on, given the chance you finish the work?

25- Oneshots or multi-chapter?

26- Google docs, word doc, or neither?

27- Hardest wip you’ve written?

28- When was the last time you used pen and paper to write down a wip?

29- Music or no music?

30- Have you ever done a self insert?

31- Are you doing this instead of actually working on your wip?

32- Without counting, how many wips do you think you have?

33- Write a 1 paragraph wip and post it

34- How many prompts are in your inbox right now?

35- Are you more likely to make grammatical errors or spelling errors?

36- Have you ever coloured your docs for your wips?

37- Name a series you’ve abandoned writing

38- A wip you did for a friend

39- When you write numbers, do you say ‘3’ or ‘three’?

40- What should you be writing right now that you’re excited about?


send me a and i’ll shuffle my music and give u whatever song that comes up!!
