#quick thoughts



I couldn’t pick a Devin so my sister did double sapphics for the win lol!!

I didn’t click with Foreign Affairs sadly SO I’m taking everyone’s word that Clarke is Blaine adjacent and rolling with it!

Also, I’m not sure how much leeway the narrative and choices will give me, but I’m playing Liliane (transfer student) as someone who’s more grounded with a touch of hopeless romantic and a little bewildered by Princess Clarke. As for Primose (Princess) she’s determined to have a good time and she isn’t afraid to do all the things she never got to do while stuck in the castle. She’s as attracted to Devin as she’s in love with what the “outside” world has to offer.

Also, I reblogged one of Misha’s posts already but reiterating here I 100% agree the animations are there and I’m over them I didn’t realize they’d be an every POV transition type deal….

I’m not gonna have the time to do quick thoughts/posts every chapter BUT I’ll try to post or reblog while the book updates because for those who do like this book, I’m curious to know their thoughts as well


I’ll have to do chapter 2 later, but GUYS!!!!

*squeeing noises*

It’s super early, probably too early to make this call, but we came out the gate strong! And I think I love this book.

It’s lighthearted, not a Cordornian apple in sight, and I’m excited to play as both girls (and romance 2 ppl LOL).

Ireally wish this wasn’t a VIP book though, this is one of those stories that’s more fun playing and interacting with others

A quick post on my thoughts on having pluto in the 3rd house

I have pluto in the 3rd house and for me it is a very powerful placement for me. I won’t go into details with what pluto is aspected to in my chart but i will go into the possibilities one might have with this placement by going over what i have experienced with pluto in this house.

Pluto is Power, destruction, transformation, rebirth and all things dark and taboo. The 3rd house on the other hand rules the mind, communication, short trips, siblings, cousins, neighbours.

As a child i was very quiet but i always had many secrets, a love for the taboo and things a girl my age shouldn’t have been into as it would have been deemed too shocking, and i was aware of that. I loved to investigate and i was very good at it. Curiosity was like a secret mission and i would make sure nobody would ever find out what i was trying to learn.

I was very protective of my sister but we would always argue and fight and our relationship has never been stable.

Pluto in the 3rd house for me is not necessarily a positive placement, infact i believe wherever pluto is, there is dark but powerful energy. Pluto has caused me to go through a tremendous amount of mental changes, powerful and positive changes, but only by going through a lot of mental pain.

My words cut deep and i can sometimes come over as intimidating when communicating with others. My words can be very destructive to myself as well as others. My mind can scare me so much at times and i have suffered from mental health struggles in the past.

I also believe raw sexual energy lies here. I forgot to mention that relationships with teachers are also found in this house and for me i have always had a dark, secretive and sexualised relationship with some of my teachers, and also neighbours.

For me the most positive thing about this placement is the powerful transformation and immense healing you can recieve from taking short trips. I take short trips often, especially after going through a tough time and i always come back feeling like i’ve gone through some kind of powerful healing mentally.

Thankyou for reading

Hello boys and girls,

Sorry I haven’t been posting the past few days. I’d like to say work caught up with me, or I was busy doing other, more important and salacious things, but the truth is it was just mundane distraction, getting caught up in a few odd bits of personal conundrums here and there. Nothing to worry about, I assure you.

However, I don’t want you to think I’ve taken myself off the grid, or gone running off just as I was starting to hit my stride. As such, I’m going to try and get a few dozen posts queued up today, both writing and pictures, with perhaps the odd bit of music splattered in. That should cover me for a few days, at the very least. 

As always, my ask box is open, and while I don’t usually publish the questions, I make sure to always answer them. Let’s talk.

That’s all for now,

