#quiet one

.Week(end) In Photos. This weekend has been a bit of an odd one as i haven’t really been feeli.Week(end) In Photos. This weekend has been a bit of an odd one as i haven’t really been feeli.Week(end) In Photos. This weekend has been a bit of an odd one as i haven’t really been feeli.Week(end) In Photos. This weekend has been a bit of an odd one as i haven’t really been feeli.Week(end) In Photos. This weekend has been a bit of an odd one as i haven’t really been feeli

.Week(end) In Photos.

This weekend has been a bit of an odd one as i haven’t really been feeling myself which resulted in quite a few tears over silly little things and our original plans being washed-out. So as i don’t have many photos from the weekend i thought i’d share the happy bits from the past week instead!

-I printed off some new pictures for the frames in Joe’s living room as we needed a bit of a change and looking at all of our adventures really makes me smile

-I discovered a new found love for feta and black olive salads which has pretty much been my lunchtime staple ever since and i’m loving it!

-I started training for my green belt in kickboxing and tried my first tabata session which has been kicking my butt but becoming a great new activity to focus on

- I gave blood for the 4th time and joined the Bone Marrow Donation Registry. 

-On Saturday morning Joe went for a haircut which meant i had a whole hour to myself in Costa to get stuck into my new book and watch the world go by which for me is a rare and special treat

-Yesterday evening was spent outside in the gloriously warm summer sun enjoying a lovely meal with the boy and re-couping. We then went for a walk and cuddled up for a film which was just what the doctor ordered.

Sometimes it can be very easy to forget that us bloggers and youtubers are just normal people with normal lives - for the most part you lovely lot only see the good bits but everyone has their down days, even the happiest people in the world…

Today is a new day, let’s make it wonderful ♥


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