#quirkless discrimination


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I was tagged by @disgruntled-twig so here we go! Thanks for tagging me!


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Note: You post an excerpt of recent writing, maybe a work in progress, if you decide to participate

This are the first paragraphs for a new series I’m working on Yeah, It turns out I don’t have self control

Life is not fair, humans are not created equally, that’s a fact and there is nothing wrong about that, or it shouldn’t be, specially because that also mean that they are not treated equally even if they should, life is also not as the media or school tells you, because if that was the case that would mean that a parent’s love would always be unconditional, but the reality is that, sometimes, is not.

Is a crude reality but one that Midoriya Izuku learned pretty well at the young age of four. At least the general aspects of it, it took a little more time for him to get the specifics of just how cruel the world was but by four he already had a very good understanding about it. He was after all a very smart kid, no matter what Kacchan and his teachers wanted to believe his dad said so every time he had the chance.

A view of the world that no child should be exposed to, but he was all because he had an extra joint on his pinky toe and some other body parts that quirked people didn’t have body parts that were useless like him all because he didn’t have a quirk.

All because he was quirkless.

He remembers the exact day that marks the first, of many to come, big change in his life.

It was five months after his fourth birthday, when all that time passed and he still had no quirk his parents got a little concerned, well his mother did, his dad has always been logical and smart and had different reasonable reasons as to why he hasn’t developed his quirk yet.

Maybe he was just a late bloomer or maybe his quirk has a specific activation requirement, maybe it was an invisible quirk. Whatever the motive was he wasn’t at all concerned, but his mom was, Kacchan too and he honestly was just too curious and eager to have his quirk.

So they made an appointment to see a doctor who could give them some answers, Hisashi had tried to bring him with some doctors he trusted but Inko got in contact with a doctor that was specialized in quirks, so she brought him with them instead.
