#quitting my job


Contact at my new employer called to ask if I could start two weeks sooner than I was scheduled. I’m cool with this. Of the three start dates I was given, the first two intersected with a vacation I’d had planned for months (and not having taken a real vacation in years, I was determined to not give that up), so only the latter date would work. This date gave my current employer a month an a half to find a replacement although this was longer than I actually wanted to stay with the company. I kept thinking, “If only there was another start date in between the second start date and the later date. That would be perfect.”

Come back from my vacation and BOOM. Contact calls me with this new date that wasn’t offered before. It happened like one of those cheesy motivational quotes…

Did I somehow will this into being?

Nearly gave up hope in finding a job in our area that wasn’t retail or food service (because we’re only in the second worst state in regards to economic rebound after the recession), and then I get a response from one of my applications. It’s it’s long-term seasonal work, but it’s a foot in the door for the largest local employer in our state. Everything falls together within a week. Get an interview, get offered the job, give my notice… I’ve pretty much checked out in my mind. I’ve handed over my duties to a coworker, and she already has a good grasp of the responsibilities. I’m pretty much demoted to regular customer service until I leave. I don’t want to deal with that for another month.

“I wish there had been another date sooner than the one I scheduled. This next month is going to be torture.”

And then I get the call that a new, sooner date has opened. I now have a week and a half before my new start date. I’m like magic…

New employer is excited that I can start sooner; thanks me for my flexibility. (I’m really just excited to move onto my next step.) Current boss is not happy especially since one of our other top performing associates also just gave her two weeks notice, so we’ll both be leaving the same time now.

I feel a little bad that the rest of the team is going to be short two key-holders, and I feel a little bad that since the schedule has already been printed through June that the team will be short staffed on days us two associates were scheduled for. We’re also going into our busy season, so the store will potentially have three associates (out of nine total staff) still in training for peak tourist season. Ooops…

At least I won’t have to deal with our annual liquidation sale when all the crazy customers come out to shop.
