#r6 montagne

I was supposed to work on my Rainbow Six Attack operator print, but once my discord group joined my

I was supposed to work on my Rainbow Six Attack operator print, but once my discord group joined my stream it all derailed after the first request. 

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You hissed as Maxim pinned you to the ground again. “Come on, (y/n). You have to put more effort into it. You want to protect your team, no?” Maxim asked, pinning your wrists above your head. You turned your head and looked away from him, a frown lingering on your face. Maxim sighed and stood up, holding out his hand to you. You took it and pulled yourself up with his help, brushing your pants off moments later. “The true advantage is being prepared to die for your team.” Maxim got back into a fighting stance, eyes watching you. You mimicked his stance, raising your fists into position. “Good. Now put effort into it.” Maxim gestured for you to attack him. You moved quickly, surprising him by hitting him with your elbow instead of your fist. “Excellent. Now put your whole body into it.” Maxim continued to teach you hand to hand combat well into the night, leaving you tired and sore the next day.


“Hey, you seem tired today. You okay?” Gilles asked, sipping his coffee. “I was sparring with Maxim last night, the Russians never go easy.” You laughed, rubbing your tense shoulder. “I’d offer to spar with you, but I’m getting old.” Gilles joked, a smile gracing his features. “Yeah but that just means I won’t get constantly slammed into the ground.” You groaned, your head gently hitting the kitchen table. Gilles rubbed your back, trying to stifle his laugh. “That’s what you get when you spar with Maxim. Alexsandr is the same way though.” Gilles admitted. You looked up at him with a frown. “Russians.” Gilles grinned.


“(Y/n)!” You heard your name being called, you furrowed your brows at the shouting, not used to hearing your real name being called on the field. “Ash, what’s wrong?” You reloaded your gun as you waited for a report from the woman. “Shit, I’m down. You need to find Glaz and Montagne. They have the hostage.” Ash finally got back to you and you cursed inwardly. “Just hang on.” You moved from your position, doing your best to avoid any firefights with the terrorists around you.

You breathed heavily as you joined the downed sniper behind Montagne’s shield. “Cover me, Monty.” You told the man and he nodded, making sure to block the bullets whizzing towards the sniper. You did your best to wrap Glaz’s wounds with the bandages you had on you. “Okay, you’re fine. Get up.” You helped him to his feet and he thanked you quietly. “Mont-” You stopped, the familiar sound of a shotgun cocking had you pushing against both men to move. Glaz stumbled forward, knocking into Montagne and sending both men to the ground, just as the shot was fired. Relief flooding through you when you realised the shot missed you, you were able to quickly rid of the terrorist flanking your team.

You shot the other terrorist in the room as Montagne and Glaz recovered from the fall. “Sorry about that.” You smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck with a gloved hand. “Merci beaucoup.” Montagne grabbed his dropped shield from the ground. “I see Maxim’s been teaching you well.” Glaz muttered, mainly to himself. “Prepared to die for your team?” You tilted your head at the Russian. “Da. His motto.” Glaz reloaded his gun as he spoke. “We’ll thank him later.  Let’s get the hostage out of here.” Montagne picked up the tied up man, bringing him to his feet. “I’ll cover you two.” Glaz fell back behind you.


“I wanted to thank you again.” Gilles stopped you in a quiet hallway. “Even though what you did was reckless, you could have gotten hurt.” Gilles’ normally gentle expression was replaced with one of worry. “We’re soldiers, getting hurt is part of the job.” You shrugged your shoulders. “No I meant..” Gilles interrupted himself by sighing. “Comment je dis ça… I meant, I don’t want you risking your life for me.” Gilles finally found his words and you raised an eyebrow. “Any particular reason why I shouldn’t do my job?” You asked, crossing your arms. “Because I lo- Like.. I like you?” Gilles admitted, his voice lowering with each word. “Pardon?” Your arms dropped as surprise overtook you. “I like you, and I don’t want you to get hurt.” Gilles hid his nerves with confidence as he repeated himself.

You cleared your throat as a light blush tinted your cheeks. “I like you too.” Your words gave him relief and he let go of your arm, instead pulling you into a tight hug. You hugged the man back, burying your face into his chest. “I mean it though, please don’t put yourself into harm’s way like that.” Gilles’ words were soft as he held you tightly. “We’ll see.” You could feel him tense in your grip and you looked up at him with a smile. “I’ve got a mountain to shield me.” You teased and he sighed a breath of relief, kissing your forehead. “I’ll protect you.”
