#rachel roth x reader


Sorry that I completly nerded out with all my fav books in here.

Request: Saw your request were ooen again. :D I’d love to request a Raven x reader from the original Teen Titans Cartoon. The reader sees her in a coffee shop and doesn’t know that she’s a superhero. The reader tries to cheer her up everyday they meet there.

“Hello and welcome toe the Book End Cafe!” You said as you heard the bell ring, not even looking up from the your task. You didn’t hear the creaking floor that always occurs when a costumer walks across the floor. You almost jumped when your favorite costumer appeared in front of the counter. You always wondered how Raven did that, she moved so gracefully that sometimes you were convinced she wasn’t real.

“Green tea please.” The voice was montone, and soft, but it still surprised you.

You looked up at your favorite costumer, the ever quiet Raven. She never smiled, but she came in at least three times a week. She always orders the same thing, Green Tea and settles in with a new book.

“Alrighty.” You smiled. After Raven started coming in you made it your own personal mission to make the girl smile more. She seems so serious and it sometimes broke your heart.

“So have you finished your book yet?” You asked, it was the question you asked every time she came in.

“Yeah. Finished it last night. I need to figure out what to read next.” Raven murmured.

The hot water was still boiling, so you reached under the counter for the book you had just finished. You handed her a copy of Fierce Fairytales by Nikita Gill, it had post it notes and highlights, clearly well loved.

“Have you read it?” You asked.

Raven shook her head, and you placed the book in her hands, then finished the tea. You were going to talk to her more, but another costumer came in. It was a busy day, so you didn’t have a chance to talk to Raven for the entire three hours that she was there. But you could see she was fully engrossed in your book every time you looked up, and that made you smile a little bit.

Raven returned two days later, as she always did. She didn’t smile but when she came in she was holding the book you loaned her tightly. You started to work on her green tea even before she reached the counter.

“I liked it.” Raven said, and you smiled softly, glad that she liked it. It was one of your favorites.

“Yeah, it’s really good.” You smiled, working the hot water. “Figured out what you’re going to read next?”

You expected her to respond as clipped as normal, but Raven had a small (tiny really) smile at the corner of her mouth. You counted that as a win.

“I was actually hoping for another recommendation, this one was so good.” Raven said.

And you didn’t know why that made your heart skip a beat, it shouldn’t have. But this felt really important, you needed to give her the best book ever, because she deserved the best.You hoped that it would make her smile more, because that small smile had hooked you, you wanted to see it so much more.

“What type of book are you thinking?” You asked sliding the tea across the counter.

“Whatever you like. I want to read your favorite.” Raven replied, and you blushed. You didn’t know why, but this felt almost intimate, it felt like you were giving a part of yourself to her, to let her read your favorite book.

So with your heart beating faster than it should you reached for your copy of The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemmingway. The spine was cracked, distorting the words, and the pages ad turned thin and fragile. It felt like you were giving away a part of yourself to give Raven this book. But you trusted her, you trusted her with your heart and your copy of The Sun Also Rises.

“Have you read it?” You asked.

“Not this one.” Raven replied, taking the book as if it were something precious, and you smiled softly at her care.

Raven traded you, the book you lent her before, for this one. She reached her normal spot in the corner of the cafe, and you could swear their was a small smile at the corner of her lips. You hoped it was a smile, because wouldn’t it be pretty to think so?


Raven didn’t come back for three days, it was the longest you had been without seeing her for a while, and it kind of hurt. When she finally did return it was a day that was crazy busy, but you felt it as soon as she walked through the door. You could feel her calming presence.

When she approached your counter you took a minute to stare at her, she had a large bruise on her cheek, and you felt the oddest urge to reach out, and touch it. Make sure it wasn’t hurting her. But instead you focused on making a green tea.

“I read it.” Raven spoke unprompted. She put your copy of The Sun Also Rises on the counter. She didn’t look happy at all, “It’s very sad.”

“Well he was a broken man when he wrote it.” You replied.

Just like you seem broken. You didn’t say that out loud, but you thought it. She did seem broken, broken in many of the same ways that Hemingway was.

“But I can see why you like it.” Raven concluded, and you smiled at her, handing her the green tea that she didn’t even have to order.

You were surprised when Raven reached into her bag pulling out a book, and then handing it to you. It was a well loved copy of Envelope Poems by Emily Dickinson. Raven looked sheepish, “It’s one of my favorites. I felt like I should share too.”

You took the book and held it in your hands tightly. You smiled widely, and Raven looked shocked at your reaction, but you couldn’t help it. Most people didn’t bring you books, they came to you, but never gave to you. Raven was special.

And even though your reaction didn’t make Raven smile, you saw a small red blush against her cheeks. And it was most definitely a win.

That night you stayed up late reading the poems the Emily Dickinson just wrote on a whim of scraps of paper. They were unfinished and beautiful, just waiting to be expanded upon. They reminded you of Raven.

The next day was one that Raven normally didn’t come in. She had a life outside of your little cafe and bookshop, and you didn’t expect to see her, so when she walked through your door first thing in the morning you smiled with surprise, but got to work on her green tea.

“What do I owe this pleasure?” You asked Raven with a smile.

She huffed a sigh, sitting at one of the bar stools across from you. She wasn’t smiling, which wasn’t abnormal, but she looked more tired than usual. The bruise around her eyes hadn’t cleared yet, but it looked better.

“My… my roommates are being annoying. They’re so loud.” Raven replied.

Raven never really talked about her life outside of this little shop, and sometimes you forgot that she had one. You liked to think that you both only existed in this small cafe.

“That’s rough.” You smiled, because you really couldn’t imagine Raven living with loud and annoying people, “But while you are here I need to talk to you about the book. It was amazing. Her first drafts are so deep, almost deeper than her originally published work.”

And Raven perked up, their was a smile a definite one. And your heart almost broke in pieces, because Raven is beautiful when she smiles, and you wished that you only saw her with that smile for the rest of your life.

You and Raven spoke of the book for a solid half-hour, before more costumers began to come in, requiring your assistance.


It was your day off. You were determined to enjoy your day off. So you went downtown to get a pizza and would then vege yourself in front of netflix for a few hours. It was a plan.

You weren’t expecting for a crazed supervillian to come into the pizza shop. The girl had looked normal, and then suddenly she was causing an earthquake in the pizza shop. You screamed as the gound shook, and things began to fall, especially when a large piece of ceiling fell onto your leg.

The Teen Titans, a group you had never had the pleasure of seeing before, arrived within five minutes, fighting the girl.

There was a boy, with green skin who was complaining about this being his ‘favorite pizza shop’ that helped att the civilians out of the pizza shop. He got to you last, as you were physically trapped. You watched in fascination as the boy turned into a gorilla, moving the ceiling piece off of you.

The green boy had to lift you into his arms, your leg was probably broken. He was taking you out of the shop when you heard a familiar voice, it was chanting words you didn’t understand, but you knew the voice anywhere.

“Raven?” You called out of habit.

Had she been in the shop? Maybe she was trapped like you had been.

The boy faltered for a second, he looked down at you, and then to a caped hero who was fighting the supervillian.

“Hey Rae?” The boy called confused, and the caped hero -who was Raven- turned to look at you. Her eyes widened suddenly, and she cast another spell of blackness, this one with a viciousness. It trapped the woman in a sphere of blackness, and Raven was suddenly at your side a worrited look in her eyes.

“Y/N?” She asked. “Are you alright?”

You stared at Raven for a second, she was so worried, so nervous for you. And she was a hero. And your mind was going too fast.

“Y/N?” Raven asked again, her voice shook. Their was fear.

The boy put you down, letting Raven cradle you. Raven seemed to appreciate this, but didn’t say a word.

“Y/N! Were you hurt?” Raven was freaking out, and you really didn’t like that look on her. She should smile, always smile.

So you reached up, and gave her a soft kiss. It took you just a second to realise that was probably a bad idea, kissing a hero whom you never kissed before. But your head wasn’t working right at the moment, blame shock.

You reared back to look at Raven, the girl seemed to be as shocked at you were about the kiss. But their was a soft smile on her lips. And you decided that you really liked that smile.
