#radfems can be very misogynistic istg


I think it’s real funny how radfems don’t seem to understand that women watch porn too btw. Like the most porn-addicted person I’ve ever known was my cousin, and she’s a woman currently dating another woman lmao.

I seriously think their point of view, where women are innocent angels, is pretty misogynistic. Like, it’s so infantilizing!! “Women can’t like sexual things or watch porn, noo, they’re too busy being innocent little victim babies”, “A women couldn’t hurt a man, they’re too weak, little angels”. Even just typing that stuff out feels gross. It amazes me how radfems don’t even realize how reductive their “feminism” is.

Maybe, and let’s hear this out: we treat women as people who are capable of having their own adult likes and interests, and the personal autonomy and decision making to do terrible things. Maybe let’s not treat women as dumb, weak, little innocent little dolls who are too busy getting tricked by the patriarchy to make their own decisions and, I know to radfems this going to be surprising, we treat them like people. Wow! Such a thought! Women as human being and not as devices to be used for your own personal gain in your agenda! Wow!

And, and, here me out: let’s treat men as people instead of villainizing every man out there, so when a mad does do something absolutely awful we hold him accountable! Because saying all men are inherently evil is actually a great excuse for the men who do choose to do bad things, as is actually harmful towards women! And having high male suicide rates actually isn’t a good thing, because men (as people) can choose to be good and wonderful and kind people just as they can choose to be shitty.

It’s almost like maybe if radfems spent their time treating everyone as people and not as dehumanizing characters, they wouldn’t have an argument!
