#radical dreamers


Radical Dreamers, this time

So if you’re one of the like… ten people who actually played or listened to or read Radical Dreamers, you may notice at several times Magil reacts in peculiar ways to certain events, suggesting that, if nothing else, his character has positively evolved a great deal since Chrono Trigger

        - When discussing the tragic wrongdoings of Zorander (Radius in Chrono Cross), Magil becomes visibly uncomfortable and even averts his gaze. Magus!? Guilty!? 

        - Magil in general is a lot more mellow than he used to be. Still intimidating and creepy, but generally far more approachable. (he’s fond of clumsy Serge!)

        - When the Masamune is mentioned, Kid asks if he knew the previous owner. When confirmed, she asks if they were friends or enemies. His response is basically that he isn’t sure if they could be considered “friends”…    but that they assuredly were not enemies. (This is one of my favorites)

The cherry on top, though? The big grand new years ball-drop? Among some of his very first lines in the game, right after Kid boasts that she’s going to “get Lynx”

“Halt! Our goal is the flame… not revenge on Lynx. Remember this, Kid.” 

Perhaps a bit innocuous at first glance, but that’s some funny talk coming from the guy who used to eat sleep and breathe “Destroy Lavos”

…except… hang on a second… Kid has a *LOT* in common with her unknown brother: 

-Lost her home as a child
-Obsessed with revenge
-Lost her big sister
-Short Tempered

The theory here is, Magil isn’t just joining up to protect Schala from others. 

Lines like the above indicate that he is also trying to make sure she doesn’t REPEAT HIS MISTAKES….
