#radio star


✧ radio star ;


                ━━━━━━━━━━━        ∙∙∙     ×

she had remembered looking over the script on the ride over, memorizing every detail she could – but the sight of it again only brought her nerves back to the front and all the information she had thought to have remembered seemed to slip out the back door of her brain. she felt like a puddle of goo. surely, she couldn’t mess this up, she had thought at the beginning of the day. but here she was, feeling the nerves flare up once more.

and as much as she could tell sunmi wanted to help, juhee knew, deep down, it was all her own doing. if she was going to get through this, she had to stop worrying and festering those pesky doubts. they would do her no good here. 

she nods her head as sunmi reiterates what was written on the script. she had remembered the answer she had made in the car, hoping that it would work for what the show had prepared. they would be joined by others, so juhee hadn’t prepared too much, expecting that others would be there to share their time and that they wouldn’t put such a strong emphasis on her. but she nods her head again as her brain goes over what she had practiced to say in the car: ‘it’s a new experience but i’m adjusting well with the help of my members. they’ve made it really easy to become part of the group. i don’t have much experience compared to them but i’m learning well with their help.’ it was a bit long but she hoped it would suffice for now. 

juhee smiles a bit. she had never seen sunmi so worried before. even during all their practices together, sunmi had always showed more determination than worry – it was almost like a mom, if juhee could call her that. she wasn’t sure if it was weird or comforting – it was king of a weird mix of both.

“no, you’re fine.” she shakes her head. not wanting the other to feel even more weird now that juhee had made it awkward. because that’s just what they needed before they went live. she tries to shake it off.

juhee nods, lowering her hand slightly as if to practice the move. she does it once with a small grin. “thanks, unnie. for your help.” juhee is beyond relieved to have sunmi there – if anything, without her, she was sure the bundle of nerves from before would have consumed her by now. “i didn’t realize the show would be so much work, too.” she whispers, not wanting to disrespect the host who had finally entered the room. 

sunmi knew that while she could take the lead in certain aspects, she did have to let juhee speak. she had broken the script down into main points. stuff like dorm life, what songs they’re into right now. she’s also aware that the emcee was going to ask for them to perform a bit of a favourite song of theirs. sunmi had hers ready. she should probably double check with juhee but she’s sure juhee reviewed.

she hoped.

she uncapped her water bottle and took a drink. she offered it to juhee to take. her brain mentally recites the main talking points. funny moments. funny dorm stories. roles in the dorms. who is messiest. things like that. she thinks they’ll do fine. the leader glances at the youngest and nods. at least she wasn’t hovering as she had felt like she was. “okay good.”

sunmi pulls the headphones to rest around her neck. they were minutes from starting. the emcee had just walked in. he was currently stopped to have a word with a show producer. sunmi eyed him for a moment before smiling at juhee. “you’re welcome. i’m here to help.” a lot of aspect of idol life was hard work. it wasn’t as simple as many fans believed.

she rose, patting juhee’s thigh to join her. she bowed in greeting to the host. “ah, thank you for inviting us.” she says politely. after exchanging pleasantries she sits back down. the headset was back on her properly. she glanced at juhee. “ready?” the host starts to do the introduction. sunmi forces her gaze to leave juhee and focus on the host.

she had to trust that juhee knew what to do now.

“yes, thank you so much for having us,” sunmi said into the microphone. when motioned to introduce themselves, sunmi was quick to launch into and*roma’s greeting. even though she knows none of the viewers could see her (unless they watched the video on youtube), she still finds herself doing the “sparkling” hand gesture. it was automatic. “glittering and sparkling: hello this is and*roma’s darae!” she pauses to allow juhee to introduce herself. “we’re very excited to be here.”

Radio Star posting timeRadio Star posting time

Radio Star posting time

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kindestegg:all the recent commission work i could fit in one post!! theres still SO much more i did


all the recent commission work i could fit in one post!! theres still SO much more i did but this is all i could do for now eheh ^^’’ thank you so much to everyone who commissioned me: @thecartonizer@lorablackmane@goatpaste@drinkswater@tiredopossumm@computerbugged@couriernewvegas

if you want one of these, you can find my prices on my pinned! i am focusing on pixel art atm, but if you want regular digital art i can do that too!

[image description: two walking sprites of a human character, two static sprites of a robot character, a static pokemon trainer sprite, a battle sprite for a deltarune fan character that is a interviewer fox, a deltarune shop animation of a possum character smoking in an alleyway with the dialogue: “Hah! You look worse than me, what do you need?”, two idle fighting game sprites of jojo characters with their stands, and a flat color illustration of a fairy character and a minotaur girl both sitting on a tree log talking about flowers and bugs.]

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YG Entertainment recruits five TV Producers from MBC,tvN & MNET!  YG Entertainment officially cl

YG Entertainment recruits five TV Producers from MBC,tvN & MNET! 

YG Entertainment officially clarified its position on the rumors that the company is recruiting star producers from major broadcasting networks including MBC.

On February 1, YG Entertainment (“YG”) officially confirmed to OSEN that the company has recruited five TV producers: CP Cho Seo-yoon who has produced “Radio Star” and “Capable People”; PD Je Young-je of “The Infinite Challenge”; PD Kim Min-jong of “Real Men”; PD Park Joon-soo of Mnet’s “The God of Music”; and PD Yoo Sung-mo of tvN’s “SNL”.

CP Cho Seo-yoon, PD Je Young-je, and PD Park Joon-soo who had recently expressed their intention of resignation from MBC are known to have resigned as of January 31.

TV industry’s insiders speculate that a dozen of TV producers other than those five producers have also decided to join YG. However, YG has made no official announcement about it.  

YG intends to change the game in the TV entertainment world by recruiting famous producers.

Source: Osen

Translated by: YG LIFE

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Song Ga-in, a spooky Gift “Gold Gits That’s How You Give It” (‘Attack on Tit
Song Ga-in, a spooky Gift “Gold Gits That’s How You Give It” (‘Attack on Titan’s Half-Mad’)

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