#rain spirit x reader



This was March’s Story of the Month over on Patreon! Can you tell that the weather sometimes influences the subject of my stories?
non-binary rain elemental x gender neutral reader
2.5k words
sfw | one showing of blatant interest, mention of drinking, but otherwise read more is for length!

The sound of the rain is making you strangely drowsy.

It shouldn’t be. You’re cold as hell, sitting on the front porch of your new house at midnight, nursing a drink one of your roommates made to celebrate. The false heat the alcohol had made inside you seemed a little toohot, so you thought that stepping outside might give you a jump to your system Might wake you with the snap of the cold. Instead, the heavy rain pouring into the yard and onto the street has you blinking your eyes furiously to keep them open. 

The droning noise is just so soothing.

You suck in another deep breath, trying to relish the sear in your lungs - maybe you are fighting it - but then you’re distracted by the figure in the rain. They walk slowly, like they’re walking with something heavy on their legs or their shoulders, the rain bouncing off of them, creating a strange kind of misty aura. You… You can’t see them. Just their shape, the splash of their feet in the growing puddles, some kind of walking stick in their arm that they swing back and forth.
They’re invisible. Their clothes, their body, the stick in their hand- everything about them is invisible.

The lethargy builds, until you’re swaying in your seat on the porch stairs, eyes narrowed as you try to focus, because- because that can’t be right? Can it? And then you feel the weight of their eyes, can see a spark-like gleam where their eyes should be and wind chimes seem to echo in your ears-

You wake, finding yourself back inside on the couch. Cold morning light fills the living room and casts shadows over one of your roommates, sleeping soundly on the floor next to you. Obviously they’d drawn the short straw and remained nearby to make sure you were alright.

“What the fuck was that?” You whisper into the silent room, heart racing loud enough to nearly drown out your words. 

Outside, the rain continues.

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