#rainbow youre an icon as always




Today I’m signing the Waterstones special edition of SCATTERED SHOWERS. This is a limited signed edition. (It’s the one with the rainbow edge.)

I drove around looking for open-stock Sharpies in a color that would match the interior ink… (The interior is printed in two colors of ink — a minty teal and a purply burgundy.) I think Rocket Red is the best choice, but I’m open to Berry. I spent … a lot. Of time. On this.

(My husband hates to cut the tulips, but this week is so hot, they would have fried anyway. I talked him into bringing them in, and now I’m signing in Wonderland.)

SCATTERED SHOWERS is a collection of short stories, including characters from Fangirl, Attachments and the Simon Snow Trilogy. This is the Waterstones edition. They ship internationally. You can preorder it here.
