#rais art


Old married couple in a rainy day ..

Sorry xv nation! I promise I didn’t abandon you! But expect some zhongven content for this holiday season, I’m having a huge brainrot these days!!!

Gorou as dog memes for good luck!!

He’s the goodest boy aaahhh i wish I could pull for him today! But I’m really NOT going to risk pulling itto by mistake and ruining my guaranteed xiao c1, so I’m gonna wait for his next banner~

Wishing all the luck in the world for everyone who’s pulling for him and Itto today tho!!!!

Today I bring you: Santa Venti and his team!

He’s been living rent free on my mind this week! He goes around Monds asking everyone what they want for Christmas!… In exchange for wine, of course! (Santa Claus asks for cookies, Santa Venti asks for wine, just fair, right?)

Pls give love to the vigilant yaksha…

Based on this pic I found on pinterest! ↓

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since my last art post, isn’t it? I’m sorry for my recent inactivity! I haven’t been doing very well recently and consequently I’ve stopped drawing for a while,,,, but I’m trying to get back to it!

How is everyone doing? Enjoying windtrace?? I’m absolutely addicted!!
